Mag not responding to pms on a purchase made a week and a half ago, but has time to make multiple replies to posts. I understand it’s not Evo in terms of getting things out, stuff comes up. At least have the courtesy to respond.
Mag not responding to pms on a purchase made a week and a half ago, but has time to make multiple replies to posts. I understand it’s not Evo in terms of getting things out, stuff comes up. At least have the courtesy to respond.
Not trying to make excuses, but I know that I no longer get PM notifications in the app, I have to log into a browser to see a notification. So If I'm expecting a PM and I'm using the app, I have to manually go into PM's and refresh that page, otherwise I won't see it.
Thanks guys I didn’t know that
Nah, bougie is having enough garage to hold all your stuff and your cars.
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However many are in a shit ton.
Hey - don't try to lay no bougie wougie on the king of .....
Sorry; wrong bougie.
WTF is with this site? Time to shoot it and put it out of its misery?
At least it’s loading (web version) fairly quickly this afternoon. 3 hrs ago it was in that suckass 60 second load zone.
Know of a pair of Fischer Ranger 107Ti 189s (new or used) for sale? PM me.
Shit Nevermind. It’s gone back to taking forever to load. But for ten minutes it was almost like a normal website!!!1!
Know of a pair of Fischer Ranger 107Ti 189s (new or used) for sale? PM me.
Ordering takeout from a local place. I call, a recording tells me to order online, and hangs up. So I go online and start to order and it isn’t a seamless ordering system but it was good enough. I finish my order and go to confirm but there is no option to pay at pickup. Kinda wanted to pay cash but whatever. Well then it takes me to a fucking third party payment system that forces me to make an account and sign up for emails without the option to opt out so yeah fuck that I just got chic fil a.
Last edited by stealurface831; 01-17-2025 at 08:24 PM.
swing your fucking sword.
I love it when I call Optimum because the internet is out again and I get a recording that says I can go online to handle everything. You'd think by now I'd know better than to bother calling. I'll sure be glad if the local PUD decides to go ahead with internet. That put the fiber in the ground years ago but then bailed on the idea, but it's come up again. Please. Meanwhile I have to find someplace to watch the Lions because Optimum dropped the local Fox channel due to a contract dispute.
I'll tell ya what's annoying: Driving in New Jersey. When you think where you are is fukt up and the worst ever think of how bad it is at that moment but like that for 40 miles and it's worse because there are as many vehicles in those miles as there are in your whole state. And you can't make left turns.
[your state here}--where all the drivers are below average.
Or [insert neighboring state here]. Looking at you, Idaho!!!
But glass houses and all that. TX drivers along I-35 are SO bad. I swear, people have zero concept of making their pass and pulling back over. Instead, the far left passing lane is often going the slowest, clogged up with a bunch of tailgaters, with the far right lane being totally clear. SO annoying.
We've said this ad nauseum here, but geez I wish we'd just go full Autobahn here, meaning enforcing the strict rules and superior driver's ed to go along with the privilege of higher (potential) travel. Last I heard, in Germany, being a left lane hog quickly gets the polizei's attention and earns you a quick 450 euro fine.![]()
Brampton in case you needed a good laugh.
Not sure if you recall the thread I posted a few summers ago, but I almost got hit by an out of control driver. While sitting in my backyard. Brampton tings.
reasonable and prudent bro. reasonable and prudent.
swing your fucking sword.
Idk, it seems like the overall driving experience is worse in places where people from all over the country tend to move to.
The one positive thing I can say about NJ driving is that it’s pretty homogenous. Most people seem to know how it works and what to expect, and because of that it just feels pretty easy to me. Contrast that to a place like Phoenix, where people seem to flock from the east coast, midwest, LA, etc and I thought it was just a constant shit show with people pulling incredible stupid shit, incessant road rage, whathaveyounot.
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I have a different theory on driving: it's not the place, it's the timeline.