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Thread: Shit that annoys you

  1. #47726
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Buzzworthy View Post
    Concert presale 7 months out? Like I know if I’m available in fucking May for a concert in October of the previous year. This new trend is some bullshit.
    The new normal is to just buy the tickets, and if you cannot go, sell them on stubhub for a likely profit, or minimal loss.

  2. #47727
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by californiagrown View Post
    The new normal is to just buy the tickets, and if you cannot go, sell them on stubhub for a likely profit, or minimal loss.
    I buy tickets for one reason. To go see the show. The rest is annoying.

  3. #47728
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    I know too many people that get stuck with tickets that don't sell on the secondaries because the show isn't sold out.

  4. #47729
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buzzworthy View Post
    Concert presale 7 months out? Like I know if I’m available in fucking May for a concert in October of the previous year. This new trend is some bullshit.
    Do it. Doooooooo it.
    Quote Originally Posted by powder11 View Post
    if you have to resort to taking advice from the nitwits on this forum, then you're doomed.

  5. #47730
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    I really should. Let me work on my fabulous outfit a bit longer as I ponder.

  6. #47731
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    Quote Originally Posted by Touring_Sedan View Post
    EvErYthInG sHoUld be FREe!!!!!!1!!

    God forbid a journo gets paid for said article.

    Signed, A. Journo
    That's fine and all for nationally recognized publications, BUUUUUUUUUT I ain't about to go through all the hassle (and recurring payments) to read some random article from the Des Moines Register or the Billings Gazette, ya know? And it seems to be that local papers do this the most. Nothing against them, but you can't blame people from outside the region for not wanting to bother subscribing.

  7. #47732
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    Quote Originally Posted by MontuckyFried View Post
    That's fine and all for nationally recognized publications, BUUUUUUUUUT I ain't about to go through all the hassle (and recurring payments) to read some random article from the Des Moines Register or the Billings Gazette, ya know? And it seems to be that local papers do this the most. Nothing against them, but you can't blame people from outside the region for not wanting to bother subscribing.
    Yeah, fuck those rags. It's not like they have a staff of 3 who probably pull down $18k a year, each. They definitely don't need your $4.99 a year.

  8. #47733
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    Down In A Hole, Up in the Sky
    Quote Originally Posted by Buzzworthy View Post
    I really should. Let me work on my fabulous outfit a bit longer as I ponder.
    Don’t call what your wearing an outfit…
    Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident

  9. #47734
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Touring_Sedan View Post
    Yeah, fuck those rags. It's not like they have a staff of 3 who probably pull down $18k a year, each. They definitely don't need your $4.99 a year.
    Come on now. No one’s going to sign up for every small town newspaper that randomly has an article they come across.

    Something like ‘click here to pay $0.50 by Venmo or whatever’ to read it would be better for everyone, I think.

  10. #47735
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    Quote Originally Posted by J. Barron DeJong View Post
    Come on now. No one’s going to sign up for every small town newspaper that randomly has an article they come across.

    Something like ‘click here to pay $0.50 by Venmo or whatever’ to read it would be better for everyone, I think.
    Agreed, but keeping your ad blocker on and then bitching about having to pay is a bitch move.

  11. #47736
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    Quote Originally Posted by Touring_Sedan View Post
    Agreed, but keeping your ad blocker on and then bitching about having to pay is a bitch move.
    Agree with that, if that’s what’s keeping you from reading it for free.

  12. #47737
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Chupacabra View Post
    Do it. Doooooooo it.
    Some of those folks may not still be alive come May.

  13. #47738
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    Quote Originally Posted by Touring_Sedan View Post
    Agreed, but keeping your ad blocker on and then bitching about having to pay is a bitch move.
    Not sure that was really the original complaint tho. More that they tell you to turn your adblock off to help support them, so you do, and THEN they tell you that you need to be a subscriber to read the article.

  14. #47739
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    Quote Originally Posted by MontuckyFried View Post
    Not sure that was really the original complaint tho. More that they tell you to turn your adblock off to help support them, so you do, and THEN they tell you that you need to be a subscriber to read the article.
    You guys are the reason that there's so much consolidation and polarization in our media today. You're too fucking cheap and lazy to pay for content. Embrace the suck, you have no one to blame but yourself.

  15. #47740
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    Quote Originally Posted by J. Barron DeJong View Post
    Come on now. No one’s going to sign up for every small town newspaper that randomly has an article they come across.

    Something like ‘click here to pay $0.50 by Venmo or whatever’ to read it would be better for everyone, I think.
    Exactly. What would be even better is if more would incorporate the use of BAT (Brave Attention Token). I have a little red triangle by the address bar. For authors who participate in the currency, one can simply click the triangle and make a contribution. Imagine if you will, something more widespread that would be akin to dropping a quarter into a newspaper machine! Super simple. No accounts to sign up for. No automatic payments. No forgotten subscriptions to worry about. THAT'S something I think a lot of us could get behind. I'm happy to pay a small amount to some random newspaper in BFE. I just am not willing to sign up for one more damn account. Let alone for a small paper from a small town on the other side of the country.

    Anyway, look into Brave. I think they're really onto something with the concept.

  16. #47741
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    Quote Originally Posted by Touring_Sedan View Post
    You guys are the reason that there's so much consolidation and polarization in our media today. You're too fucking cheap and lazy to pay for content. Embrace the suck, you have no one to blame but yourself.
    False. See my post right above. I AM willing to make contributions. Just don't make me sign up for yet another account to do so. Make it easy just as I have explained how to. If media organizations aren't able to figure this one out, I'm not sure what to say. They really should collaborate with Brave or come up with something similar.
    "Want to read this article? Simply click on the red triangle above and contribute 10¢, or whatever pricing scheme they want to do. Boom. Article unlocked.

  17. #47742
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    Quote Originally Posted by MontuckyFried View Post
    False. See my post right above. I AM willing to make contributions. Just don't make me sign up for yet another account to do so. Make it easy just as I have explained how to. If media organizations aren't able to figure this one out, I'm not sure what to say. They really should collaborate with Brave or come up with something similar.
    "Want to read this article? Simply click on the red triangle above and contribute 10¢, or whatever pricing scheme they want to do. Boom. Article unlocked.
    This isn't too hard to understand. A dime doesn't pay for the article. $4.99 a year pays for the article. Ten cents doesn't even cover the processing fee. Do you really think you're the first person to come up with of this wild concept?

  18. #47743
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    Quote Originally Posted by Touring_Sedan View Post
    This isn't too hard to understand. A dime doesn't pay for the article. $4.99 a year pays for the article. Ten cents doesn't even cover the processing fee. Do you really think you're the first person to come up with of this wild concept?
    Im with montucky on this. When faced with a paywall, i just dont read the article and move on with my day. If there was a painless way to drop $0.10 with a single click to access the article i would almost certainly do that. Would you rather receive $4.99 from 5 people for a years worth of content, or $0.10 from 1000 people multiple times per year everytime they get linked to one of your articles?

    Make it one click, and make the price per use negligibly small and people will mindlessly pay the fee. Its the same strategy as one-click, 1 day free shipping on amazon... except without any added overhead.

  19. #47744
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    Quote Originally Posted by californiagrown View Post
    Im with montucky on this. When faced with a paywall, i just dont read the article and move on with my day. If there was a painless way to drop $0.10 with a single click to access the article i would almost certainly do that. Would you rather receive $4.99 from 5 people for a years worth of content, or $0.10 from 1000 people multiple times per year everytime they get linked to one of your articles?

    Make it one click, and make the price per use negligibly small and people will mindlessly pay the fee. Its the same strategy as one-click, 1 day free shipping on amazon... except without any added overhead.
    Don't you think if that business model worked, everyone would have been doing it by now? If you paid a dime, nine cents would go to the payment processor.

  20. #47745
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    Oct 2008
    On another tangent.
    For FB, IG and YouTube be, advertisers pay for views and make zillions doing it. TV streaming forces you to watch ads for a period of time. You’d think the newspaper industry could devise a pop up system with ads for 15 seconds or something for advertisers. With a subscription it’d be ad free.

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  21. #47746
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Touring_Sedan View Post
    Don't you think if that business model worked, everyone would have been doing it by now? If you paid a dime, nine cents would go to the payment processor.
    Not with the methods I mentioned. Try looking into BAT. Seriously. It's a 5% fee from contributions to content creators, so if somebody gave you ten cents, they'd get a $0.005 cut. It's WAY more streamlined than most payment processors and while not the lowest % fee, it cuts a lot of the red tape and middlemen. It also allows us, the consumers, to participate in the ad revenue as well. I've earned around $40 which is in my little "wallet," which I can then spend freely with participating journalists and other content creators if I so choose.

    Seriously. Look into it. I believe it only hasn't become as huge as it could be due to lack of recognition. Doesn't have Microsoft, Facebook, Twatter, and the rest behind it, ya know? Why?! Because Brave's business model runs contrary to most of Big Tech's, which means THEY hoard all the advertising bucks to themselves and want the rest of us to not have any say in the matter. BAT is the antithesis to our current standard online economy.

  22. #47747
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    Quote Originally Posted by MontuckyFried View Post
    Not with the methods I mentioned. Try looking into BAT. Seriously. It's a 5% fee from contributions to content creators, so if somebody gave you ten cents, they'd get a $0.005 cut. It's WAY more streamlined than most payment processors and while not the lowest % fee, it cuts a lot of the red tape and middlemen. It also allows us, the consumers, to participate in the ad revenue as well. I've earned around $40 which is in my little "wallet," which I can then spend freely with participating journalists and other content creators if I so choose.

    Seriously. Look into it. I believe it only hasn't become as huge as it could be due to lack of recognition. Doesn't have Microsoft, Facebook, Twatter, and the rest behind it, ya know? Why?! Because the business model runs contrary to theirs, which means THEY hoard all the advertising bucks to themselves and want the rest of us to not have any say in the matter. BAT is the antithesis to our current standard online economy.
    I'm not going to get into a pissing match with you, I know you have this insatiable need to be right about everything. I've been in this industry for 25 years. The bean counters have tried pretty much everything to make the model work. Micro contributions don't work. Period. But I'm sure you know better than we do.

  23. #47748
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    Quote Originally Posted by Touring_Sedan View Post
    I'm not going to get into a pissing match with you, I know you have this insatiable need to be right about everything. I've been in this industry for 25 years. The bean counters have tried pretty much everything to make the model work. Micro contributions don't work. Period. But I'm sure you know better than we do.
    I'm not pretending I know for certain it's the best way for them. Just throwing out something I think COULD work. You could at least bother doing some research on (or experiencing first hand like I have) what I'm talking about before being so against something novel.

    I'll tell you what DOESN'T work tho: Whatever the hell they're doing currently. But hey. What do I know? Welp. Enjoy the industry's continued death spiral, then.

  24. #47749
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    Quote Originally Posted by MontuckyFried View Post
    I'm not pretending I know for certain it's the best way for them. Just throwing out something I think COULD work. You could at least bother doing some research on (or experiencing first hand like I have) what I'm talking about before being so against something novel.

    I'll tell you what DOESN'T work tho: Whatever the hell they're doing currently. But hey. What do I know? Welp. Enjoy the industry's continued death spiral, then.
    You're still not hearing me. It's not novel. You didn't invent the wheel.

    Micro. Donations. Dont. Work.

    Your minutes of googling that makes you think it will isn't "research."


    Signed, A $649 billion dollar industry. (who may have done some "research")

  25. #47750
    Join Date
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    The Mayonnaisium

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