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Thread: Dynafit Radical ST - both heel pieces broken

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Dynafit Radical ST - both heel pieces broken

    Skinning up the other day on mostly unbroken slopes both bindings on my Radical STs started counter-clockwise rotating me into ski mode. Very annoying during a climb! They ski'd down fine but when I investigated looks like the sheer pin in both heel pieces has cracked away the housings.

    I've emailed Salewa in hopes that they'll replace these under warranty. Has anyone had experience like this, and will Dynafit make good? If not, can anyone suggest any workarounds to keep the bindings from locking my heel in while climbing?

    PS: I don't have a dealer in my town.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    West CO
    You'll need to get some of these from Salewa:

    These anti twist contraptions are included when you buy radicals new. I'm guessing you bought yours last year? It's a pretty well known problem so hopefully dynafit/salewa will help you out...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Yea last years model with the original pins. I was aware of an antitwist option from Maurelli (sp?) in Europe but pretty expensive to ship to me here in Alaska. So, thanks for sharing the link about the Dynafit version option! I'll wait for a reply to my email and hopefully Salewa can make it all good.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Your Mom's House
    Dynafit/Salewa should take care of you. Known issue from last year that has been resolved with this year's bindings.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    in a van down by the river
    Where are the gear wolves?

    Hopefully you get shit working before real winter sets in. Vibes for your smashed dynafits.
    I don't work and I don't save, desperate women pay my way.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Calgary, Alberta
    Did you ever get this resolved? I noticed one of my heel posts is cracked in a couple of spots (right before I started a climb last weekend...not exactly confidence inspiring). They seemed to ski all right, but the auto-rotate was annoying (happened 3 times during the day). I emailed salewa with pics, but no word yet.

    Does anyone have any idea how unsafe it is to ski with a crack in the plastic like that? Seems like a bad idea to me, but if anyone else has experience, let me know. I want to minimize my downtime here.

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Saw thread. Checked mine.

    One side is ok, no signs of cracks. The other side is on an independent weight savings scheme apparently. Thanks for the heads up on this. Click image for larger version. 

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    base of the Bush
    Quote Originally Posted by billyhoyle View Post
    Did you ever get this resolved? I noticed one of my heel posts is cracked in a couple of spots (right before I started a climb last weekend...not exactly confidence inspiring). They seemed to ski all right, but the auto-rotate was annoying (happened 3 times during the day). I emailed salewa with pics, but no word yet.

    Does anyone have any idea how unsafe it is to ski with a crack in the plastic like that? Seems like a bad idea to me, but if anyone else has experience, let me know. I want to minimize my downtime here.

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    Will soon look like this...

    "If the road You followed brought you to this,of what use was the road"?

    "I have no idea what I am talking about but would be happy to share my biased opinions as fact on the matter. "

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    REI, excellent.

    Bindings purchased in March of last year, emailed them, they said return them for a refund. They warraty their stuff.

    Not sure if I want to dismount my bindings and send them back just yet though. Will wait for Salewa's reply.

    In the meantime, other set rig is my goto. FT12's.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Salewa will definitely warranty them, it's a known weakness in the first year Radical heel.

    1st gen: anti-rotation pin in heel post is solid brass.
    2nd gen: the brass pin has a deep groove so the pin will break before the housing.
    3rd gen: the brass pin is eliminated and a new anti-rotate device is attached to the brake (heavier than pin, but no potential for housing breakage).

    1st gen heels can be turned into 2nd or 3rd gen heels by updating to a newer anti-rotation feature.
    Last edited by 1000-oaks; 02-06-2013 at 12:10 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    I had a similar problem with my Speed Radical on one side. Warrantee and they sent me a new plastic body, didn't have to have any downtime and I skied them just fine until the replacement came.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Correct chronology, 1000-oaks, but maybe that ought to be "first generation, second generation," etc., not by year. IICR, the relieved pin was introduced halfway through the debut year.

    Anyway, are the new Radical Speeds with the (non-pin) notch anti-rotation design holding up? Just curious. I'm personally set with plenty o' Speed Classics, Comforts and Verts in my household.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    mine have started rotating, most specifically whatever is under my left side. looks like mine had the shear-pins in there and the pins have sheared off. a bit of a grind on the plastic housing but no damage to it.

    side note, the lateral release springs, the one has a lot of corrosion and rust. this atypical? or just clean it off and put some more grease on it?

  14. #14
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by water- View Post
    side note, the lateral release springs, the one has a lot of corrosion and rust. this atypical? or just clean it off and put some more grease on it?
    Not unusual. I've seen way worse. Yup, clean it up and liberally grease it. I do it at least 2X per season.

  15. #15
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    Factory levels of lube is pretty thin. Don't be afraid to glop that stuff on. Too much is a good thing IMO.
    Johnny's only sin was dispair

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta
    Salewa's customer service is pretty stellar. Took a few days, but they're sending me a new heel unit, no questions asked. Seems they're out of the updated pins at the moment though...

    Any more info/link on the anti-rotate device that DOESN'T require brakes? That maurelli website is a daymare.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    northern BC
    how about the known problem of the heel lifter peeling the top plate off the heel of the radicals ?

    Nice design but I followed a big guy up the skin track and noticed those lifters flex a LOT have any big people had a warranty claim and have any big people had more than one warranty claim on this problem?

  18. #18
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    Nov 2011
    Update: Salewa sending me a new heel piece no questions asked. +1 for excellent service.

  19. #19
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    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by XXX-er View Post
    how about the known problem of the heel lifter peeling the top plate off the heel of the radicals ?

    Nice design but I followed a big guy up the skin track and noticed those lifters flex a LOT have any big people had a warranty claim and have any big people had more than one warranty claim on this problem?
    That's not a known problem because it's not a problem. People were breaking the metal plate of the heel lifters (typically either at the screw holes or on the folded tabs which retain the axle pin that the lifters rotate on) because hydrogen got into the mix and made it too brittle. 2012-2013 bindings aren't having issues.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prodigy View Post
    That's not a known problem because it's not a problem. People were breaking the metal plate of the heel lifters (typically either at the screw holes or on the folded tabs which retain the axle pin that the lifters rotate on) because hydrogen got into the mix and made it too brittle. 2012-2013 bindings aren't having issues.
    It was a known problem in the 1st yr of the radical otherwise you wouldn't know what you know, unless there is feedback how do we know if they fixed it ?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    So , Whats the deal on using the heels in the OP ? Just looked at mine and they are broken, can you still use them or should they be repaired?
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  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Bump.. need to know same as Lamothe as my heel piece is cracked and I'm in the middle of a trip a long way from home.. seem to ski fine, so keep going until I get back stateside and can replace?

  23. #23
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    Lamothe if you are a guide there was an explanation of what to do on the infoex website which some missed and I'm not sure if the info is still current

    I can't see Kir in pnw getting any kind of warranty over there so either buy a new one or hope for the best?[TGRVIDEO_REM][/TGRVIDEO_REM]

    Personaly after blowing up a radical heelpiece I don't travel with a radical, I only travel with a vert and since I have 2 pair of verts I take an extra Vert heelpice with me even tho it isn't near as likely to blow up as a Rad but safety is safer eh?

    edit: i forgot to mention you need to carry TWO of the longest ski straps to daisy chain together so they will be long enough to hold yer heel down in case the heel piece explodes, a gear nerd azn lawyer is handy to strap it all together but not necessary
    Last edited by XXX-er; 01-03-2017 at 11:07 AM.
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    South Lake Tahoe
    Yeah, I stocked up on Vert ST's while they were still available. I also like my Plum Guides. The Verts are going strong but aren't as heavily used as they are on my better half's skis. I beat up on the Plums and they have worn, but they are easy to fix and they haven't failed catastrophically yet. Being newly married, I am not spending as much time paying attention to the latest binding innovations.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Probably a good way TO stay married ... which is usually cheaper eh
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

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