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Thread: 12/13 canadian rocky mountain thread?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    12/13 canadian rocky mountain thread?

    snow up high yesterday, and looks like all the pass prices are released now too.
    1) Big3 Season Pass: Skiing & riding at Mt. Norquay, The Lake Louise Ski Area and Sunshine Village $1,399

    2) Super season pass: Lake Louise Fernie Nakiska Kimberley Kicking Horse $1,399

    3) Rocky Mountain Passport,
    Skiing & riding at Mt. Norquay, The Lake Louise Ski Area, Sunshine Village, Nakiska, Fernie Alpine Resort, Kimberly Alpine Resort, Panorama Mountain Village and Marmot Basin. $1,749

    fucktards do not have a sunshine, lake louise, and KH pass.
    Last edited by mntlion; 08-26-2012 at 07:03 PM.

  2. #2
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    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by mntlion View Post
    snow up high yesterday, and looks like all the pass prices are released now too.
    1) Big3 Season Pass: Skiing & riding at Mt. Norquay, The Lake Louise Ski Area and Sunshine Village $1,399

    2) Super season pass: Lake Louise Fernie Nakiska Kimberley Kicking Horse $1,399

    3) Rocky Mountain Passport,
    Skiing & riding at Mt. Norquay, The Lake Louise Ski Area, Sunshine Village, Nakiska, Fernie Alpine Resort, Kimberly Alpine Resort, Panorama Mountain Village and Marmot Basin. $1,749

    fucktards do not have a sunshine, lake louise, and KH pass.

    Here Here . its about that time ! . snow up high, the leaves are turning and the stoke meter is off the charts.

    I would be all over a sunshine louise and KH pass.

    so i had a question ive been holding onto until this opened. Athabasca glacier, yay or nay on the summer skiing. I know its complete shit skiing but is it allowed ?
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  3. #3
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    Superpass trumps the big 3. The "real" big 3 pass would be SSV, LL, and KH. Passport should be revamped to either include KH for a couple bills extra, or get rid of Nashitska. With the passport at $1700 it would make more sense to get the Superpass and then get a stand alone Sunshine pass for a couple hundred more and get all of the best skiing. Wife and I both got a Superpass and I might probably end up adding the Scumshine on, or wait for shitshine spring pass.

    so i had a question ive been holding onto until this opened. Athabasca glacier, yay or nay on the summer skiing. I know its complete shit skiing but is it allowed ?
    Why wouldn't it be allowed? No one is going to stop you. By Athabasca glacier I am assuming you are speaking of Athabasca glacier proper where the ice buses go correct? If so then if you like skiing on bare glacial ice, or heavily rutted and runneled crap then good on ya. It's also super low angle. Now if you are thinking about going up to where the better snow cover is above where the buses take the tourists then you are getting in to crevasse territory, and the higher you go towards the icefall the worse it gets. Going in to anything steeper in there is getting you in to some serious objective hazards where you wouldn't want to hang out and summer / fall just after the snow flies pushing up on to and beyond the icefall benches would be a sure bet to take a crevasse fall. I don't know many people who have been up that way in max snow depth and NOT taken a crevasse fall above the benches. Seeing it in the summer is a mess.

    If you are talking about the north glacier on Mt. Athabasca then you should have your crevasse situation dialed especially after fresh snow as there are most definately slots hiding.

  4. #4
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    In this pic is Mt. Athabasca and Mt. Andromeda, the Athabasca glacier is the low angle grey looking strip that "looks" like it's coming from the morraine on the far lookers right of the photo. This was taken on Friday right after the snowfall.

    Another one looking at Mt. Snowdome also from Friday after the snowfall.

    Hey Mntlion, had you guys gone up to Wilcox after Ross you would have had some shitty riding weather.

  5. #5
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    I figured it wouldn't be since they drive huge ass buses up there but figured I'd ask to avoide skiing on a protected area or something . As far as the skiing goes . I was thinking the mellow low angled novelty turn get 12 months in just to say I did kinda skiin . I'm taking my crevasse rescue this winter or next summer so I'm not exactly super keen playing on the heavily crevassed bit .
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  6. #6
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    I think we are doing the RCR pass. LL. fernie and KH. Her dad is at Nakiska a bunch. Maybe ski Kimberly on the way to fernie
    Skibee will be a voli nurse at ssv for her pass and we will boot pack for mine (or just buy one)
    Norquay has the $99 midweek pass again so I can go skiing with the banff MILFs

  7. #7
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    Yeah, the RCR pass seems like a good deal. I'll probably do the same. Now to start watching ski flicks again...

  8. #8
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    If i can get in on boot packing then il'l get the super pass myself , i just don;t want to miss out on sunshine , being close, the slack+freeride zones is big for me
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  9. #9
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    the slack+freeride zones is big for me
    You won't be missing a thing with the Super pass other than the closeness. LL and KH both have good steeps (KH even more so) and comparitively the slack country at Sunshine blows ass (yes that's with all of those "secret" zones you guys hit) compared to KH and you can get in to as much gnar as you wish to there also comparitive to the FR zones, although you are trading distance to get it. Yeah, SSV does have some good slack but doesn't even hold a candle to KH in that regard....not by a long shot. The other options are WAY better during storms (amounts equal of course) when you are stuck waiting for DD or WW to open.

    Delerium isn't any steeper than other resorts that are around and is pretty hyped up in comparison (all standard non "creative" lines). Yeah yeah...lots of gnar to kill yourself and blah blah blah some lines get my heart rate racing for sure but that applies almost anywhere. Go to some where like Whistler where the snow sticks to even steeper shit and then compare the hype. And yes, I still love SSV as it is aside from the retards that run the place.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by time2clmb View Post
    You won't be missing a thing with the Super pass other than the closeness. LL and KH both have good steeps (KH even more so) and comparitively the slack country at Sunshine blows ass (yes that's with all of those "secret" zones you guys hit) compared to KH and you can get in to as much gnar as you wish to there also comparitive to the FR zones, although you are trading distance to get it. Yeah, SSV does have some good slack but doesn't even hold a candle to KH in that regard....not by a long shot. The other options are WAY better during storms (amounts equal of course) when you are stuck waiting for DD or WW to open.

    Delerium isn't any steeper than other resorts that are around and is pretty hyped up in comparison (all standard non "creative" lines). Yeah yeah...lots of gnar to kill yourself and blah blah blah some lines get my heart rate racing for sure but that applies almost anywhere. Go to some where like Whistler where the snow sticks to even steeper shit and then compare the hype. And yes, I still love SSV as it is aside from the retards that run the place.

    im hate the fucktards running it but i work most of my shift 3 to 11 , if i can get 2 slack likes in before work then thats a good day for me . That is the only reason i feel i need a shine pass not because i thinking its best resort in the area. KH is by far my favorite resort but i can only go on my days off ( 2 or 3 days a week i also get 10 comped tickets at the hotel and im the only skier so that works out ) but if it get a super pass and loose the shine i think il'l miss more then il'l gain .
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  11. #11
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    Makes sense. 4 years ago I was on an 11:30-8 shift in town and i'd leave the top of Divide at 11 and be at work just in time. Wouldn't have been worth pulling off at Lake Louise....

  12. #12
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    Mar 2012
    Heading up to Wenkchemna pass Thursday morning for a few turns looks like a fair amount of snow lookers left I could see from Eiffel peak a few days ago. Been a beauty summer but its time for winter.

  13. #13
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    Sweet. I've been wanting to go up to Wenkchemna for summer turns but totally forgot all about it. Those snow patches up there stay all year. I think the group restrictions of 4 are on right now but it shouldn't be too hard finding some tourists at the trail head to team up with.

    Hopefully my timing with days off just before heading on holidays will line up with our first September snowfall.

    If anyone wants to do some photo slutting this season let me know.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by time2clmb View Post
    If anyone wants to do some photo slutting this season let me know.

    Do I have to wait?
    looks like I'll have a bigger pass this year, so if you need some pics of slow old guys, let me know

  15. #15
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    ^no not really much for waiting but the best shots need to be set up quick. Probably has a much better flow to it in the back country skiing since it's one at a time anyways. Other ways of doing it to not stop at all by splitting and some other options. That pack is pretty quick access and unlike biking don't have to get off, wipe sweat from forehead, walk, setup...etc. Also for resort days on huge powder days it probably won't be in my pack at all. More for non rushed stash hitting days and slack country 1 at a time lines.

    Replace old and slow with "consitent". Plus I have video evidence of said old slow guy scooping and trashing the intended lines of 20 year olds lol.

  16. #16
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    im always game for footing slutting . i have no shame
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by mntlion View Post

    fucktards do not have a sunshine, lake louise, and KH pass.
    Unfortunately no great surprise there, given the different owners & their history. However it would be nice for SBLLS to administer another agreement, presumably not a big deal either considering they already take care of numerous different pass arrangements.

    Rumor is there will be a discount card for Louise, Castle, Revy & Panorama.

  18. #18
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    PSA soul is selling 175 turbos for 100$ NEW killer deal. sale is on until end of today !
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  19. #19
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    well might be double posting but its sept 1st and LL got a nice frosting

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	119967  
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lamothe View Post
    well might be double posting but its sept 1st and LL got a nice frosting


    Hey, T2C, did you happen to see how the snow held up over the summer on Parker's ridge when you were looking at Athabasca? It's probably too low altitude to hold any, but I gotta ask with snow back in the forecast.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by angrysasquatch View Post

    Hey, T2C, did you happen to see how the snow held up over the summer on Parker's ridge when you were looking at Athabasca? It's probably too low altitude to hold any, but I gotta ask with snow back in the forecast.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    early august. if you're heading that way for turns let me know. it would need to be on an old snow patch others they require a 50cm base to ski that area
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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lamothe View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	622530_10150983004845784_1005799293_o.jpg 
Views:	475 
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ID:	119977

    early august. if you're heading that way for turns let me know. it would need to be on an old snow patch others they require a 50cm base to ski that area
    Suh-weet. I'm still healing up my collarbone, so big objectives with big packs are a definite no-go, but Parkers ridge works pretty well. Hopefully next snow I'll be good enough for a 10 or 15 pound pack.

  23. #23
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    The difference between early August and now is pretty much most of that snow in the pic. It's hardly worth the drive. There are a few small patches that stay that are good for a couple turns, with the one closest to the road being totally footstomped to hell from mountaineering courses that use it heavily for learning activities...and it's only a few turns long anyways. It really won't be worth hitting Parkers again until winter and then you need 50cm on the ground to do it without worrying about wardens.

  24. #24
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    Golden, BC
    Hmm.. October turns, it is

  25. #25
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    I'm still hoping to get a freshies in September start to my season again, but it won't be at Parkers. October can be hit or any case to get anything good ya gotta get it the day of otherwise it gets fucked quick. I'm hoping the early September freshies aren't happening now. Miss it and it's gone fast.

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