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Thread: Pomerelle - Soldier Mountain beta

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Pomerelle - Soldier Mountain beta


    Thinking of trying new places this time around... Anyone has any beta on these 2 places (terrain, snow base this year, slackcountry opportunities)?

    Did Pebble Creek 3-4 years ago and loved it, how do these 2 compare?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Pomerelle and Soldier Video Clips

    Here's a clip from Pomerelle and one from Soldier. All in all, I liked Pebble Creek the best of the three. It's steeper with a lot better side/back country options. However, PC doesn't have the snow Pomerelle has this year so..... Pomerelle and Soldier both are not as steep as PC either. They're fun little areas to go to but I wouldn't necessarily make a special trip from Montreal to ski them unless you have some other targets in mind; like JH or Targhee.

    Anyway, here's Pomerelle:

    And Soldier:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I've livec an hour and fifteen minutes from Soldier Mountain for a decade, and haven't bothered to ski it, yet. I'll get around to it, I'm sure, but sure wouldn't travel to do so. If you feel real strongly about hitting some lesser-known resorts in Southern Idaho, you should do a Bogus Basin, Tamarack, Brundage tour. They're pretty much on a line running north from Boise. Brundage in particular has been getting pretty good snow this year.

  4. #4
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    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Jamespio View Post
    I've livec an hour and fifteen minutes from Soldier Mountain for a decade, and haven't bothered to ski it, yet. I'll get around to it, I'm sure, but sure wouldn't travel to do so. If you feel real strongly about hitting some lesser-known resorts in Southern Idaho, you should do a Bogus Basin, Tamarack, Brundage tour. They're pretty much on a line running north from Boise. Brundage in particular has been getting pretty good snow this year.
    I would agree with this, although Soldier and Pomerelle aren't too far from these either. If you started at Tamarack, go to Brundage, then Bogus, you could hit Soldier then drop to Pomerelle and hit all of them in a week. It would take a little bit of driving but we do trips similar to this every year. For what it's worth, here are some clips from these three.



    Bogus Basin:

    Last edited by GoldMember; 03-06-2012 at 10:51 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Goldmember, do you work for Rossi? Aren't these videos from NW ski getaway sponsored by Rossi?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    208 State
    that would be Bob himself there Aaron...

    Soldier CAN be fun on certain days. Had a sleeper day over there years ago, pretty much like lift served backcountry. One thing to check is wind, and that area is almost always windy, they'll put the lifts on wind hold for some or all of the day. The top lift will take you to some good hike to terrain. Don't let the ski patrol at the top give you a hard time about it though.

    Pomerelle, same thing, good on certain days. The terrain there is pretty much shallow except for a few spots in the trees under the lift. They get a LOT of snow, but don't have the vertical. The terrain over by Mount Harrison is kinda the same, less the terrain directly above Lake Cleveland.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2006
    ^^^ No, I'm not Bob but yes, that is our group. And yes, we are sponsored by Rossi along with Smith, Obermeyer, Swany, and Ortovox. All great goods and great guys!

  8. #8
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    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by GoldMember View Post
    ^^^ No, I'm not Bob but yes, that is our group. And yes, we are sponsored by Rossi along with Smith, Obermeyer, Swany, and Ortovox. All great goods and great guys!
    I like the show. When are you coming to Mission Ridge?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    skied both, had some great days at both, no lift lines, but they are small, if that is what you want you will have a great time if not i would skip them

  10. #10
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    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by AaronWright View Post
    I like the show. When are you coming to Mission Ridge?

    [sorry for the thread hijack...]

    No plans on Mission Ridge. We do 30 minute shows that are mostly based in heli/cat operations in B.C. and we also (sometimes) do 30 minute shows for the Idaho Ski Area Association. Mostly for the ISAA though, we do clips that are on their website as well as the websites for the areas, if they choose to use them. We also do stuff for the Inland Northwest Ski Area Association which is 49N, Mt. Spokane, Silver, and Lookout. So far, nothing for Washington ski areas other than 49N and Mt. Spokane though; and a piece for White Pass last year. So, nothing on the horizon for Mission but I wouldn't mind doing it!

    BTW, thanks for liking the shows!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    More hiijacking. GoldMember did I ski with you a few years back with Banana Pants at Brundage?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    ^^ Probably not with me; I've only been there once and that was just last year. But you may have skied with others in our crew since Banana Pants is one of our regulars. I've been skiing with these guys pretty regularly since about 2000 but we all don't make all the same trips so there's a good chance you skied with our group but not with me.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thanks for your replies,

    I should have been more precise - this is a 1 week trip to SLC and Sun Valley is one of the last "significant" places that I have not been to in NA, so I was looking for stuff in between.

    I did the Bogus/Tamarack/Brundage trip a couple of years ago and enjoyed them a lot.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    drivin da magic ski bus
    Pomerelle is our home mountain. It has been great for my three groms, but it is only 1000 vert there is some side country, but you compete against the slednecks. My kids are teenagers now and get pretty bored so we hit targhee or snowbasin quite a bit. Pomerelle is almost always blessed with huge amount of snow but it is really flat. great for families, we don't really ever equate the word "gnar" with pommy, but leave an open invitation to GSA to bless us with his presence, ha ha
    Nothing clever to say.

  15. #15
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    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by sculhane View Post
    Thanks for your replies,

    I should have been more precise - this is a 1 week trip to SLC and Sun Valley is one of the last "significant" places that I have not been to in NA, so I was looking for stuff in between.

    I did the Bogus/Tamarack/Brundage trip a couple of years ago and enjoyed them a lot.

    In that case, I'd probably think about a stop at Pomerelle but would probably skip Soldier. If Pomerelle has had any new snow within the prior week, hit the trees. Nobody ever seems to hit the trees there and there was untracked all over the place when I've been. They do get good snow, just a little flat, except for in the trees which is a little steeper.

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