No wonder this place is going down hill and a lot of people stopping posting stoke. You guys are turning into a bunch of bullies.
Sure they guy is OTT but he doesn't deserve stalking and more ridicule.
It's like that picture of the poor kid who's fallen with powder cords on his snowblades....makes me cringe when I see how you fucking idiots gloat over it. That's somebodies kid you fucking moran bitches!
I ain't no saint but you fuckers go too far in trying to stalk this guy.
We just lost some amazing skiers up here in WA and maybe we're all feeling a bit emotional at the moment but I bet not one of the ones' we lost would think stalking and further ridiculing this guy is funny or what the ski tribe should be about.
Fucking morans the lot of you.
TGR Bureau Chief, Greenwater, WA