EDIT:This was the 2011/2012 kid stoke thread. We changed the title to "ONGOING KID STOKE" to preserve all the great info and answers to questions that get lost each season with each new thread.
This thread is now ongoing and can be used to post Stoke, TR's, questions and any advice in regards to skiing with little ones.
Telemike had started kid stoke threads in the past. I enjoyed them. I haven't seen one yet this year. Post your kiddy stoke pics and stories here.
Utah has no snow this season so the only runs I've been getting have been on Sunnyside at Alta with my little girl. Anna has logged 7 days this season and is loving it. She just turned 5 a few weeks ago. When asked what she lives for, she replies "The Pow Pow".
I know others ski at Alta with their little ones. Say hi if you see us. I am easy to spot because I am in all blue - pants, jacket, boots and skis.
Here's a poser pic of Anna from this week. We'll get some action shots up soon.
Edit: Site or my comp is messed. Can't upload image. Will do so later.