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Thread: Ongoing Kid Stoke [2011 and on...]

  1. #1
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    Heaven on Earth

    Ongoing Kid Stoke [2011 and on...]

    EDIT:This was the 2011/2012 kid stoke thread. We changed the title to "ONGOING KID STOKE" to preserve all the great info and answers to questions that get lost each season with each new thread.

    This thread is now ongoing and can be used to post Stoke, TR's, questions and any advice in regards to skiing with little ones.

    Telemike had started kid stoke threads in the past. I enjoyed them. I haven't seen one yet this year. Post your kiddy stoke pics and stories here.

    Utah has no snow this season so the only runs I've been getting have been on Sunnyside at Alta with my little girl. Anna has logged 7 days this season and is loving it. She just turned 5 a few weeks ago. When asked what she lives for, she replies "The Pow Pow".

    I know others ski at Alta with their little ones. Say hi if you see us. I am easy to spot because I am in all blue - pants, jacket, boots and skis.

    Here's a poser pic of Anna from this week. We'll get some action shots up soon.

    Edit: Site or my comp is messed. Can't upload image. Will do so later.
    Last edited by powder4breakfast; 11-19-2012 at 05:35 PM.

  2. #2
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    Heaven on Earth
    I got the pic thing sorted.

    Here is Anna from yesterday. We had plans to go again today; but, she decided against it. I guess I need to understand that we don't have to go everyday. It's important for me not to burn her out. I want her to continue going because she wants to, not because I want her to.

    Therefore, all I have is the poser pic until we get up again and take some action shots.

    Anna skis by powder4breakfast, on Flickr

  3. #3
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    Hmmm, he's technically not skiing yet, but he is skiing with me about 3-4 days per week.

    Skin up Snowbird every week with him.

    Quick trip to Wolverine.

    Guardsman Pass mellow turns.

    $60 ghetto chariot.

    He's going to the Tushars next month, and a LaSal Hut trip in March. He'll probably grow up and hate winter. If that's the case, I'd be happy to move to St. George and be a full time moto rider in the desert.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by powder4breakfast View Post

    Utah has no snow this season so the only runs I've been getting have been on Sunnyside at Alta with my little girl. Anna has logged 7 days this season and is loving it. She just turned 5 a few weeks ago. When asked what she lives for, she replies "The Pow Pow".
    Awesome. Did you see Otter's FB video of him yelling at his kid to turn, turn, turn. Then in the same run yelling at him to point it and huck? It's hilarious.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    In the swamp
    I love seeing these..P4B- when did you start Anna?

    Trackhead - how does he do in the backpack for long stretches of time? Does he sleep or get fussy? I ask b/c I'm hoping to do the same kind of things...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by The SnowShow View Post
    I love seeing these..P4B- when did you start Anna?

    Trackhead - how does he do in the backpack for long stretches of time? Does he sleep or get fussy? I ask b/c I'm hoping to do the same kind of things...
    He's six months old or so now. He just looks around, falls asleep about 60% of the time. The pack has a flip down wind screen which is obviously nice for winter use.

    He's been in a pack his entire life, hiking 3-4 days a week since birth, so I'm hoping/thinking he's used to it.

    We've been out a couple days when the temps were 8-9 degrees Fahrenheit, and he was fine.

  7. #7
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    I've been told you can't put your infant in a pack until around 6 months bc he/she can't support the that not true?

  8. #8
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    Depends on the pack. We have an ergo that had an infant insert for neck support. But our kelty pack doesn't have that support. My little guy wants nothing to do with the pack now that he can walk though. We had a window of about six months use. Last hike ended 1/2 way up with a melt down.

  9. #9
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    I have a Deuter kid comfort 2...not sure if there's an insert available for it.

    Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by The SnowShow View Post
    I've been told you can't put your infant in a pack until around 6 months bc he/she can't support the that not true?
    That's when I started with Alex, right at six months. He's solid in there.

  11. #11
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    Sam has been on skis about five times so far. It's crazy how he just kinda started sliding and balancing with no trouble, it's pretty awesome.
    We just go til he wants to be done, then put him in the pack and try to get one more lap in while he enjoys the ride.
    He insists on walking to and from the car on his own, all while in ski boots that are too big. The kid has got it in his genes (I say mostly from his Dad)
    Try to get up once on the weekend for ski free at Alta.

    He'll be TWO in a few short weeks.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    you sketchy character, you

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trackhead View Post
    That's when I started with Alex, right at six months. He's solid in there.
    You can do it before then if the kid is stable. We put Sam in a pack well before 6 months and he rode the lifts with us in the Bjorn at about 2 months.
    you sketchy character, you

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by altachic View Post
    Sam has been on skis about five times so far. It's crazy how he just kinda started sliding and balancing with no trouble, it's pretty awesome.
    We just go til he wants to be done, then put him in the pack and try to get one more lap in while he enjoys the ride.
    He insists on walking to and from the car on his own, all while in ski boots that are too big. The kid has got it in his genes (I say mostly from his Dad)
    Try to get up once on the weekend for ski free at Alta.

    He'll be TWO in a few short weeks.
    What do you guys do for gear at that age? Buy used stuff from KSL?

  14. #14
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    Altachic..that's awesome. Is it hard to ski with him in a pack?

    Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by The SnowShow View Post
    Is it hard to ski with him in a pack?
    It feels top heavy, but not too bad. You have to ski pretty smooth on bumpy terrain so you're not flinging your kid around.

  16. #16
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    Mrs philippeR, 9, this afternoon.
    Actualy, nothing serious. Just a good bruise after a nice crash at the snowpark.
    I've never liked snowparks.
    "Typically euro, french in particular, in my opinion. It's the same skiing or climbing there. They are completely unfazed by their own assholeness. Like it's normal." - srsosbso

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trackhead View Post
    What do you guys do for gear at that age? Buy used stuff from KSL?
    After we took him up one time last year (at 15 months) I bought the rental gear he was using since it was so blasted cheap at the end of the season. The boots will fit him for at least another season or two, probably skis too.
    Buying rentals is a super cheap way to go for a setup. Got it at the lifthouse.
    you sketchy character, you

  18. #18
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    Went up Guardsman this evening. Nice day.

  19. #19
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    rental gear is a great way to go. Or just get some hand me downs. My boy has been in the same boots we got from someone at the mountain for two years. I will get some pics up soon. 3 years old and skied 1600' vert today. Learning to ski some east coast hard pack and then headed to AK this spring. He is stoked!! am I.

  20. #20
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    ^ you should be stoked, Bridger KILLED it yesterday, he's going to be a ripper for SURE.

    posting my own kidstoke from yesterday at Magic

    For sure, you have to be lost to find a place that can't be found, elseways everyone would know where it was

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trackhead View Post
    Hmmm, he's technically not skiing yet, but he is skiing with me about 3-4 days per week.

    Skin up Snowbird every week with him.

    Quick trip to Wolverine.

    Guardsman Pass mellow turns.

    $60 ghetto chariot.

    He's going to the Tushars next month, and a LaSal Hut trip in March. He'll probably grow up and hate winter. If that's the case, I'd be happy to move to St. George and be a full time moto rider in the desert.
    that is a good looking boy. we have the same patagooch onsie for our 21 month old boy.

    the deuter kid comfort 2 pack is awesome. highly recommend it.

    we just outfitted our bike trailer with skis and he loves it. gets to lounge with blankets, food, and toys.

    can't wait to get him on skis later this winter. i have some 67cm rossi skis with boots that are too big.
    Big skis from small companies at Backcountry Freeskier

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by The SnowShow View Post
    I love seeing these..P4B- when did you start Anna?
    Hopefully this thread will show groms of all ages and stages of skiing to give a broad view.

    Anna was born in December, so she was about a year old when we got her up during the next winter. Just like others, we started her in a pack (Sherpani). She loved it. Every time I'd stop to chat with the wife or friends, Anna would sign and yell "more... more". From the first time out, she loved the feel of the wind etc while skiing.

    Next season when she had just turned 2, we took a vacation to Targhee. We put her on her own skis and I held her while she skied down the tiny bunny hill one time. I realize that she did not have the strength yet to be on her own; but, using her as a guide, she loved it. She loved the wind and the movement of skiing. For the rest of the season at Targhee, Snowbasin, etc, we'd take her for just one run on the tiniest bunny hills. We didn't overwork her by sticking to one short run a day and she loved it.

    The next season, during which she turned 3, we put her in a harness (make your own/cheaper) and reigns. There has been controversy over the reigns. I am a huge fan of them. Any arguments over bad technique... she overcame within a day of being off the leashes. It allowed her to be free and feel what skiing was like for herself while not allowing her to run loose and hurt herself.

    All the while, we did this with pockets full of M&M's. We played games on the lift and communicated a ton while skiing. The first time we took Anna up, she cried in the car while leaving because she wanted more. That was a precious moment for me as a father.

    Even though this is 2011/2012 stoke... here is a glimpse of Anna's progression for reference to other parents. Most of these have been posted in other threads. As stated, we used Anna's enthusiasm as a guide. Although she was young the first few times out, it was Anna who loved it and wanted it... I promise.

    Anna pack skiing by powder4breakfast, on Flickr

    Anna skiing Targhee by powder4breakfast, on Flickr

    Anna Daddy Alta by powder4breakfast, on Flickr

    Anna and I with Otter and his boy last year

    Shaun Anna Weston Steve by powder4breakfast, on Flickr

    Anna busting the crud last year

    Anna busting the crud by powder4breakfast, on Flickr

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trackhead View Post
    Awesome. Did you see Otter's FB video of him yelling at his kid to turn, turn, turn. Then in the same run yelling at him to point it and huck? It's hilarious.
    Yeah, good stuff. We skied with Otter and Weston last week. That video does not do justice to Weston's actual jumping ability. He loves to jump.

    Your pics are sweet. Awesome that you're getting out so much with your little one. It some times made me sad to think that a lot of what Anna and I did while she was tiny... she probably wouldn't even remember. But, the fact that we did so much built a relationship and habbit of things like that. She'll never remember a time when we weren't friends and didn't get outside for fun... we've been doing it together since she was born. Things like skiing with my little girl and taking her on dates are highlights of my life - and should be for any father thinks I.

  24. #24
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    This thread is awesome. Not only stoke, but chock full of good info already. My godsons are 6 and 3, and have been on the resort ski thing since they were two. My son is 7 months, and I want to get out and hike with him this winter (if we ever get snow here in Tahoe). Love that chariot, and it got me thinking about the old XC sticks under the house.

    Bring on the kid stoke this winter. The 6 year old out early season skiing the trees on what is normally a groomer.

    Damn that pic is huge. Sorry.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  25. #25
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    I took my 12-year-old out for his first backcountry day yesterday. Good times. He's a snowboarder, so I put him in some snowshoes and carried his board on my pack. We did 3 short runs and about 1,300 vertical above 10k. Nice. He claims the hiking was "easy" but the combat ski conditions (thin in the trees, wind crust, sugar snow) was the hardest part. In the market for a splitboard, I guess.

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