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Thread: 2012 Montana Conditions, Stoke and Whatev Thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Portland by way of Bozeman

    2012 Montana Conditions, Stoke and Whatev Thread

    Well ... turns out that Colorado, the Tetons and most other larger areas can have a lone thread. Skiing in SW Montana is too serious to have its own thread, apparently.

    That said, use this lil' guy for all things not Bridger.


    Word is that Big Sky and Moonlight will be the place to be tomorrow. By all acounts, it was nuking up there today.

    Other bits I heard today; Marx was open briefly and again closed after a secondary snowpack test yielded the stability terrible. Also, the tram is unlikely to be open due to the aforementioned horrible stability.

    The interwebz also said that Moonlight opened headwaters and Lone Tree today with more runs opening as stability allows.

    No idea what's doing in the backcountry; Beehive, Hyalite, Taylors Fork or otherwise.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    boy's club
    not bridger was sick today. soco for life
    "he doesn't know to behold what the cold frost can do..."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Portland by way of Bozeman
    Quote Originally Posted by mnskier View Post
    Any word on when Shedhorn is gonna open? Gotta imagine if/when Tram opens tomorrow its gonna be pretty damn good
    Considering that Shed is largely south-facing, my guess is that there is no snow over there, aside from what fell today. You'll be waiting awhile.

    And this one is for Soft Booter, but the word is that the Tram is unlikely to open tomorrow due to the horrendous snow stability.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Bozeman, MT
    dude you got bobcat in your name so that's cool, fuck the griz nation, but you should keep Montana out your mouth errr keyboard around these parts.
    As a snowboarder... i fucking hate snowboarders in general. -advres

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The Hole
    Quote Originally Posted by DeeAre View Post
    dude you got bobcat in your name so that's cool, fuck the griz nation, but you should keep Montana out your mouth errr keyboard around these parts.
    Second that.
    Bonfire Films

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    3rd that. You totally hosed that playoff game due to your sig

    Sent from my ADR6400L using TGR Forums

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Where the sheets have no stains
    Quote Originally Posted by Bobcat Sig View Post

    The interwebz also said that Moonlight opened headwaters and Lone Tree today with more runs opening as stability allows.

    No idea what's doing in the backcountry; Beehive, Hyalite, Taylors Fork or otherwise.
    Can't speak for the Really Big Sky but at MLB.

    Lone Tree opened last weekend. Lone Tree face probably tomorrow.

    Headwaters has yet to open, I don't work tomorrow (much needed days off) but the crew is trying to get Zone 3 open. 3 forks, Dead Goat area. No snow to speak of in Zones 0, 1 and 2 due to large, to the ground slides and wind erosion. Things are looking better, we now are sitting on a 40" base at the Lookout Ridge snow plot.

    I can say that right now the Big Sky folks are being understandably conservative with the terrain off the Tram. Stability tests all over Lone Mountain have yielded all sorts of results. The SWE we picked up today could cause some eyeopening results over the next few days if the wind picks up a bit.
    I have been in this State for 30 years and I am willing to admit that I am part of the problem.

    "Happiest years of my life were earning < $8.00 and hour, collecting unemployment every spring and fall, no car, no debt and no responsibilities. 1984-1990 Park City UT"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by DeeAre View Post
    but you should keep Montana out your mouth errr keyboard around these parts.
    fourthed. bs's park will be sick this year.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    IF the Griz qb could have tossed that 3rd down pass oh say 10 yards further at the end you fellas would be coming with me on the 7th to Texas to duke it out On the bright side at least only one of us has to go to the National Championship in Texas and I'm sure that will bring tons of snow while I am guzzling booze and flailing at the broads in Tayhoss.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    PNW -> MSO
    Red Lodge looks like the place to be, again

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I saw that they got 16" way too late to get enough sleep for going there... Damn it. I wonder what Christmas and Christmas eve would be like there, will it be just a complete cluster fuck being that everywhere else sucks?

    22"? Fuck, I'm going there for Christmas, fuck this shit.
    Last edited by tone capone; 12-22-2011 at 10:14 AM.
    "The skis just popped me up out of the snow and I went screaming down the hill on a high better than any heroin junkie." She Ra

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Portland by way of Bozeman
    Quote Originally Posted by tone capone View Post
    I saw that they got 16" way too late to get enough sleep for going there... Damn it. I wonder what Christmas and Christmas eve would be like there, will it be just a complete cluster fuck being that everywhere else?

    22"? Fuck, I'm going there for Christmas, fuck this shit.
    Sweet Jeebus. Nearly 2 feet!? That's like like March for them. Crazy. I guess they are getting pay back for all those shite years they've had.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Gimme a quick dozen or so yrs to where my kids r up n rollin and I'll gitme a nice stormchasin rig ...go git sum fellas help the Econ by spreading yer powder dollas

    I am married to bb where my vrbo just had a futon frame explode when a grumpy cuz theres nosnow midwesterner sat on it... betcha I got the highscore already on the griz bar tabs-I'll go help the local by beatin some dust into the rocks on the traverses we all do our work somewhere...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I'm with the majority here. Move along, nothing the see but cows round these parts. Oh, and delete this thread immediately.
    ""wash uffize drive me to firenze".

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Didn't everybody already move here after that powder magazine story about this shithole being the best ski town in North America?

    What the fuck do all you guys log on here for, to be the internet pow stash police? For Christ sake, there is nothing secret about Montana anymore, get over it. It was sold out long before TGR forums even exsisted, and will be continued to be marketed by local businesses and ski areas as "the last best place" with over 350, 400 inches of "cold smoke", and "no lift lines" with "untracked for days after the storm" touted in every major ski publication the world over, and all the rest of the b.s. about rugged individualism, "extreme skiing" and cowboys, so what the fuck is the problem? Go complain to all the marketers in numerous industries that work day and night year round to try and convince people to spend their vacations in this bumfuck shithole instead of Colorado or Utah. Go complain to the Governor or the Chamber of Commerce or something.

    Some people spend time on the forums because they love skiing and want to help each other out/meet up/discuss conditons, weather, snowpack, bitch about the fact that it sucks balls right now, whatever. Y'all should start a new thread about how butthurt you are that some Joeys beat you to your gay little stash one weekend last year, or about how that line on Slushmans really wouldn't be that long if nobody ever spoke of how rad Saddle Peak was on TGR.

    Or, you could just go to the state line nearest you and set up a Checkpoint. Ask all newcomers for their papers, make sure to turn back the Midwestern Hoards, the Portland Posers, and especially the Vermonters.
    "The skis just popped me up out of the snow and I went screaming down the hill on a high better than any heroin junkie." She Ra

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    ^x2. Thank you!

    Anyone make it up Hyalite yet?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    boy's club
    tone capone layin it down
    heard lone tree was EPIC today
    "he doesn't know to behold what the cold frost can do..."

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    The PNW
    Hyalite: 12-18 inches of new as of yesterday, multiple natural avalanches observed and heard. I was in the Main Fork, haven't heard about Flanders yet.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I heard Moonlight was turning snowboarders down yesterday for access to the North summit snowfield, but any skier was allowed. fk'n nazis

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    The Hole
    This is not going to help Montana stay off the radar.... talk about advertising, well, now thousands of people around the world will be able to watch it live....
    Bonfire Films

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Bunion View Post
    Yeah, we are real jackbooted thugs.

    But it wasn't yesterday, that was Tuesday, it was 100% my call and I stand by the decision 100%.

    Do they allow Snowboarders to compete in the FWT?

    Oh shit more discrimination?
    I heard there is a patrol director opening at Deer Valley. Gaper ass chix on teles were allowed to side slip the fuck out of it what crock o' shit. Oh ya and the FWT does have snowboard division. Ya we'll talk later.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Wow that's some real conviction you stand by your decision with. So much so that you deleted your post, but there it is quoted in my above post.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Where the sheets have no stains
    You know where my office is.
    I have been in this State for 30 years and I am willing to admit that I am part of the problem.

    "Happiest years of my life were earning < $8.00 and hour, collecting unemployment every spring and fall, no car, no debt and no responsibilities. 1984-1990 Park City UT"

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    A Chamonix of the Mind
    Quote Originally Posted by tone capone View Post
    Didn't everybody already move here after that powder magazine story about this shithole being the best ski town in North America?

    What the fuck do all you guys log on here for, to be the internet pow stash police? For Christ sake, there is nothing secret about Montana anymore, get over it. It was sold out long before TGR forums even exsisted, and will be continued to be marketed by local businesses and ski areas as "the last best place" with over 350, 400 inches of "cold smoke", and "no lift lines" with "untracked for days after the storm" touted in every major ski publication the world over, and all the rest of the b.s. about rugged individualism, "extreme skiing" and cowboys, so what the fuck is the problem? Go complain to all the marketers in numerous industries that work day and night year round to try and convince people to spend their vacations in this bumfuck shithole instead of Colorado or Utah. Go complain to the Governor or the Chamber of Commerce or something.

    Some people spend time on the forums because they love skiing and want to help each other out/meet up/discuss conditons, weather, snowpack, bitch about the fact that it sucks balls right now, whatever. Y'all should start a new thread about how butthurt you are that some Joeys beat you to your gay little stash one weekend last year, or about how that line on Slushmans really wouldn't be that long if nobody ever spoke of how rad Saddle Peak was on TGR.

    Or, you could just go to the state line nearest you and set up a Checkpoint. Ask all newcomers for their papers, make sure to turn back the Midwestern Hoards, the Portland Posers, and especially the Vermonters.
    POTD. Montana is not bumfuck Kyrgystan in 1965.

    I remember getting yelled at about 20 years ago for taking some Midwestern marks and tricks and trick-ass marks into Beehive Basin, like I had slaughtered a secret golden goose. It was basically a goddamn roadside attraction even then.

    Get over yourselves, you aren't a bunch of Skittle Jeremiah Johnsons. Or move to the Next Last Best Place.
    "Buy the Fucking Plane Tickets!"
    -- Jack Tackle

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Tram remained closed today thanks to another Big Sky windpocalypse. We can look forward to a nice slab on everything whenever it opens back up. As for Sheddy, I don't know if anyone took a close look down Chicken Bowl after riding away from Marx, but it is FUCKED. You know Dude Park and Packsaddle are fucked too. It's probably not gonna open but, I WANT TO BELIEVE!!!! Lone Tree face was knee to thigh deep, and made me miss the Highway/17Green feeding frenzy (thank god).

    For all the chatter about the Nazi's at the MLB shack: You'd think they took a shit on your teddy bear for all the crying I have had to listen to. Jesus Christ, just shut the fuck up already. Any title bestowed on you by the rabble in the plaza means absolutely fuck all. NO ONE CARES. It sucked anyway.
    Stay left.

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