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Thread: 2012 Montana Conditions, Stoke and Whatev Thread

  1. #22751
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    beaverhead county
    Quote Originally Posted by Xover View Post
    Montana's Biggest Weekend in Dillon was a helluva lot of fun last Sunday night. More hot cowgirls than I've seen in one place at one time in ALL my life
    the hot cowgirls are non-residential unfortunately.
    swing your fucking sword.

  2. #22752
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Hell Track
    Quote Originally Posted by Trackhead View Post
    True, but totals are far less. The Wasatch is immensely popular for a very good reason. Utah in general is just amazing.
    Definitely. There aren't many places that can compete with Utah snow quantity and quality.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

  3. #22753
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Trackhead View Post
    If you hadn't noticed, I'm trying to convince him to stay in Utah Not that I'd have any issue with him being my neighbor, but I doubt he wants to live in my dust bowl ranching town with zero street lights.
    Ha, unless he's doing something to help underserved communities, I'd only recommend your dust bowl if I didn't know who he is

  4. #22754
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    the LCC
    I've been bustin hump the last two days preppin for a northern tour.
    For Buster, and other inquiring minds out there, I'm not in the Tammy Wynette thread, but I'm free to move about the cabin again...
    Its all good, best friends til death, assets are still mutual, just want different things in retirement.

    Main factor is that Salt Lake and the usage of the Wasatch is ridiculous.
    So crowded.
    After earning my living hanging out in closed parts of ski areas and cutting lift lines I have no desire to wait in lines.
    At all.
    We have a beautiful place a mile up the LCC, which we will not part with; so I have a place here when I want it.

    I wanna get on the packed powder highway. Ya know where it snowed last week, the lifts are all open, its not crowded and the grooming is not soft pack, and not ice...
    A blue groomer puts a smile on my face more than competing for powder does.
    The wind in yer face...
    I don't need the rad Alta / Snowbird terrain to enjoy this sport like I used to.
    Little places like Maverick etc. are inviting to me.

    I been bustin hump and haven't responded to anyone personally here, but thank you all.
    I will respond to pms etc. when I park the rig up north in a bit.
    Toast, your reminder that the great white north ain't like walking out your door for a tour in the Wasatch is appreciated.
    Gotta get a trailer hitch, a trailer, and a coupla biles.
    Keep it comin, got a two month road trip ahead...
    Time spent skiing cannot be deducted from one's life.

  5. #22755
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Beaver mtn is the droid you seek.

    Van, check. Indy pass, check. Midweek chill AF cruising, check. Weekend rest.

    See you out there mister.

  6. #22756
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by telefreewasatch View Post

    I wanna get on the packed powder highway.
    You are gonna LOVE Montana!

    Quote Originally Posted by telefreewasatch View Post
    Gotta get a trailer hitch, a trailer, and a coupla biles.
    That changes everything. Cooke City is a must visit - of course it hasn't been a secret to anyone for decades but the remoteness and amount of snow it gets makes it unique. Other snomoski places I'll let others comment on, they are everywhere.

  7. #22757
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    No comment but I'll gladly ride a chair with TFW if he's in my neck of the woods. If only it snowed here..

    2nd that everyone should experience Cooke city. Whether on sleds or touring(or both). You can get whatever experience you're seeking there.

    Sent from my SM-S236DL using Tapatalk

  8. #22758
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by lifelinksplit View Post
    2nd that everyone should experience Cooke city. Whether on sleds or touring(or both). You can get whatever experience you're seeking there.
    Lifelinksplit-- or anyone-- Do you know if anyone had skied Horseshoe Mountain (West or East) before 2001?

    TFW-- get a sled, a tent, and spend weekends in the Beartooths. Some of the best skiing of my life. Cold as fuck.

    45.148843282986796, -110.09981282479662

  9. #22759
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    La Nina may lead you:

    Merde De Glace On the Freak When Ski
    >>>200 cm Black Bamboo Sidewalled DPS Lotus 120 : Best Skis Ever <<<

  10. #22760
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by lifelinksplit View Post
    2nd that everyone should experience Cooke city. Whether on sleds or touring(or both). You can get whatever experience you're seeking there.
    Lifelinksplit-- or anyone-- Do you know if anyone had skied Horseshoe Mountain (West or East) before 2001?

    TFW-- get a sled, a tent, and spend weekends in the Beartooths. Some of the best skiing of my life. Cold as fuck.

    45.148843282986796, -110.09981282479662

  11. #22761
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Sounds like I worthy search and journey. I can only imagine, given your background, the distain for the powder panic and the LCC scene. It seems like a pretty common theme with my friends. We love skiing but the love of busy ski area powder days is pretty much gone.

    "Do you know how much powder I've skied in my life?". So yeah, chill places, skiing with friends, fresh air and nature. Now you are getting me excited.

  12. #22762
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Where the sheets have no stains
    TFW if you need a spot to park on the outskirts of Bozo let me know. Plenty of room.
    I have been in this State for 30 years and I am willing to admit that I am part of the problem.

    "Happiest years of my life were earning < $8.00 and hour, collecting unemployment every spring and fall, no car, no debt and no responsibilities. 1984-1990 Park City UT"

  13. #22763
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Hope La Niña favors Red Lodge this season!!!

  14. #22764
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Down on Electric Avenue
    TFW - as always, your invitation remains valid in JH too. Plenty of room and lots to do. Mags galore will come over just to partay witchu...

  15. #22765
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Likewise J, reciprocal crash space, food, wine and stash sharing is available at our house in the PNWet.
    Merde De Glace On the Freak When Ski
    >>>200 cm Black Bamboo Sidewalled DPS Lotus 120 : Best Skis Ever <<<

  16. #22766
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Hell Track
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Highmen View Post
    La Nina may lead you:
    The first rule of La Nina is we don't talk about La Nina. You guys are jinxing it.

    Also, that map has me concerned, as my experience has been that the winter will do the exact opposite of whatever the long term forecast says.

  17. #22767
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Where the sheets have no stains
    ^^^ I endorse this message. The Nina's don't always act like they should in Montana, especially for BB & BS. Fingers x-ed and all that.
    I have been in this State for 30 years and I am willing to admit that I am part of the problem.

    "Happiest years of my life were earning < $8.00 and hour, collecting unemployment every spring and fall, no car, no debt and no responsibilities. 1984-1990 Park City UT"

  18. #22768
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    northern gye
    Quote Originally Posted by GravityDT View Post
    What’s the current scene up at BS for parking the van overnight? Bringing Thing 2 and his buddy up to ride BS on Friday and hoping to poach a back corner of a lot up at the mtn tomorrow evening. 2 or 3 summers ago they had parking set aside for overnight when we rode up there last. What’s the latest??
    Seems like there is a worker sleeping in every other turnout on the spit road these days, I think you’ll be fine. I don’t get on the mtn much in summer so I can’t say but at least on the road/around the meadow there’s folks sleeping in more lots/spaces than ever before. I don’t think you’d hassled for sleeping at beehive lot

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I think the potato gun proved the stability.

  19. #22769
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    TFW… you’ve always got a spot here with me and Mrs. single on the L’East Coast if you point your rig towards the Dawn… at least we have Islands and lots of boats to enjoy them.

  20. #22770
    Join Date
    May 2008
    On a genuine ol' fashioned authentic steam powered aereoplane
    Throwing this out there again: Looking for some fill in work. I'm an independent contractor with insurance and all my own tools/truck. Someone must know someone out there who needs some trees cut up or a deck stained or a garage painted etc etc.

  21. #22771
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    You've got liability insurance as a contractor? Most people need help this time of the year. You most have some contractor friends that can get you hooked up.

  22. #22772
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Whiteroom_Guardian View Post
    Throwing this out there again: Looking for some fill in work. I'm an independent contractor with insurance and all my own tools/truck. Someone must know someone out there who needs some trees cut up or a deck stained or a garage painted etc etc.
    What's up with the housing market? Nothing moving?

  23. #22773
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by swimmy View Post
    What's up with the housing market? Nothing moving?
    people waiting for that sweet mortgage rate drop

  24. #22774
    Join Date
    May 2008
    On a genuine ol' fashioned authentic steam powered aereoplane
    ^^^ Pretty much

    Listings either sit for 200+ days or if priced right get multiple offers in a day. Not much in between. I have a pile of buyers sitting on their hands right now hoping and praying we get back into the 5s on rates. Gonna get wild if rates come down enough and inventory is still super low. Not sure how it pencils out to want to have to compete with a bunch of other offers to possibly save %0.5 on the mortgage (and the actual home value has gone up more than that while waiting).....but that's what everyone wants to do right now.

  25. #22775
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Makes sense. A house across the street has been for sale for months. Then one a few doors down listed and was under contract in 24 hours.

    No offense to you...but I'm so fuckin' glad to be done with real-estate. After what we went through last year, I'd be fine to never have to deal with that industry again. The largest financial transaction of your life and you could be represented by a complete hack. There needs to be a more strict barrier to entry.

    Hang in there...maybe a purge of shitty agents is what this town needs.

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