There's a raft there...
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I have been in this State for 30 years and I am willing to admit that I am part of the problem.
"Happiest years of my life were earning < $8.00 and hour, collecting unemployment every spring and fall, no car, no debt and no responsibilities. 1984-1990 Park City UT"
Damn re: 10". Woke up to 5" at bbowl.
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Ehh, I will always love my time living on the Front Range but don't really see myself traveling back there to hike anytime soon outside of high alpine in the IPW. Is that totally having trains run on it now too?
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City of Rocks is pretty sick. Even if not climbing for real, there are tons of fun rocks to scramble up without gear or much risk. There are some hot springs nearby and the neighboring Castle Rocks state park offers more hiking.
Probably still gonna be getting pretty chilly at night though.
Some pretty nice sites in the park, but if full there's lots of BLM land nearby...or we were able to poach a site from someone who had clearly already left but their placard still showed time left on the reservation (but it was wildfire season so the air was probably sending a lot of people home early).
Awesome morning
That sheep look hungover and been smoking too many cigs. Montana hard life
Beautiful pics, Swimmy.
Hood River area?
Might be cooler in the woods, but the southern aspects are positively toasty today:
edit: ugh, seeing this on a big screen reminds me how much I hate the iphone's image sharpening.
Was still fun ride though! Usually when driving to see the mother-in-law in portland I get a Post Canyon shuttle drop on the way, but yesterday opted for pedaling Syncline instead as it wasn't blown out yet. Fun stuff on that side of the river, bit of wildflowers still blooming, "Little Moab" does in fact kinda feel like riding Porcupine Rim.
Last edited by singlesline; 05-24-2024 at 08:58 AM.
I counted 8 rams. That one was definitely the elder.
Sheep are the derpiest of all the mammals we have here
Speaking of pics, shoutout to to BobbyBill. He introduced me to the photo editor of Outside Bozeman and I found out this week that one of my images has been selected to be featured in the Summer edition that will be out soon.
I do this for fun but really stoked to get this kind of recognition.
As I recall it's about 5 hrs from JH so maybe more like 7+ from there. I bet it's still really quiet out there and cool nights are a plus. It can get fucking brutally hot there come summah.
It'd be cool to drive over to Craters of the Moon, camp a night, then go backroads south through the lava fields towards Burley, then south to City of Rocks. Tons of sweet hiking, easy up and over routes through the lower fields. Sweet traverse over by the Twin Sisters campsites...All walkable or a shitton of easy dirt road, one armed biking too.
I think we'd all look a little haggard if we spent 24/7 outside chewing on rocks.
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Stoked for you, Swimmy!
Those olws are cool.
Completed the Helena Ridge Challenge yesterday evening and today with my wife and friends. Started at Eddye McClure East Trailhead and ended our hike at the Blackfoot Brewery for our free beer (plus a couple more lol). Just under 20 miles according to GPS. Not hard but not nothin'. Glad to get it done, had a great time. Kind of made me look at the south hills trails from a different perspective.
I’ve been talking about a four-ridge ride for years, and then Eddye was added to the system. Still never got around to it. Big props to Tim @ BFRB for making it a thing and getting us out to finally do it. We knocked off one route, but I have a couple more in mind.