so it looks like you ripped the binding out when you crashed, maybe if yer lucky the shop does a helicoil for you gratus if you if bought the whole package from them ?
but really you crashed and ripped the binding out of the ski but don't spin it that way,
you were "just skiing along on a green run "
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
I imagine this is what happened— your shop guy didn’t tap and thought the screws were all the way in because they were so hard to turn. Only got them in a few mm.
My shop guy did the same thing on the first screw right in front of me. “Ah, we forgot to tap, bro,”.
Then he had me finish all the screws after he tapped. Haha. He didn’t want to be held responsible that the above happening. The HL cores are dense as fuck.
*edit. Oops. Shorty just said the same thing. Reading comprehension fail. I’ll take a lap.
Last edited by gaijin; 01-12-2025 at 06:34 PM.
+1 to HL cores being dense as fuck. I used a 4.1 (no metal) and lost skin trying to screw those in by hand. Ended up using an impact driver to suck the binding down. Would never do that with any other core I’ve encountered but I had no concern about stripping. I’m going to agree with the above, and say they didn’t suck the binding flat to the ski
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From the opinions on here, it sounds like the HL cores are tough to get screws into and the shop didn't get mine in enough and/or didn't tap the screws. I truly appreciate all the knowledge, opinions, and help on here. Next steps are to let the shop know that they messed up my bindings, check the bindings on all the other skis I've had this shop mount, and go educate myself on how to mount skis myself!
You don’t have to accuse the shop of messing up your mount. Explain what happened and see how they react. You could get a proper Pozi drive #3 and test all the other screws on that 120 mount and if any are loose / not fully driven - if so you politely arrive w/ evidence in hand. Otherwise, likely little to be gained by being accusatory. Good luck. Those Blossom HLs are killer.
Related, I did turn screws into a FL105 today and thought I was done, looked at the toe at ski level, ways to go, muscled that toe down. Didn’t think anything of it at the time but now realize it jives w/ comments above.
Uno mas
Question… can’t get any roo glue in time. Titebond III sounds suboptimal due to rigidity. Any better hardware store options? Or best to beg shop for some glue?
This will be first regular (non insert and epoxy) mount.
In a pinch Ive used 3M 5200 as well as Permatex blue. Both provide pretty permanent results but with a little heat you can break the screws out.
^^^ bingo, thx both
Gonna need to hear yer thoughts on the sluggers in due time. That shape speaks to me.
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swing your fucking sword.
EDIT: I brought them to a good shop in town, he tightened them all down. Toe is slightly off but the tech said don't sweat it. Release testing was perfect.
My drill must have slipped (or I didn’t find the right dimple) and I missed the hole. The other 3 are fine, just a weird angle.
What are my repair options besides remounting both bindings forward/back?
Helicoil? Binding freedom inserts?
At this point I’ll be taking them to a shop in the morning.
Last edited by EricB; 01-21-2025 at 09:37 AM.
If only one hole is off and it's that front one....I personally would just chamfer / debur that a bit and then screw it down with a fuck tonne of down pressure on the screwdriver.
Don't stop until the topsheet is flush with the binding baseplate.
Push down really fucking hard.
Also, if that was drilled with 3.6 you could also drill out that one hole to 4.1 first.
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Goal: ski in the 2018/19 season
+1 to above. That hole is fine. Give er the onion
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Looks like the other hole is off also.
x3 for going for it! Just get all four started before you crack any one screw full down. Try to bring them all in evenly. If you save the most “off” screw for last you likely won’t get it to catch. Use a slow cure marine epoxy for a little extra security.
Uno mas
Start all the screws and sequentially tighten down. Lots of down pressure. Don’t sweat that
I rip the groomed on tele gear
Mounted my own fucking skis:
EDIT: You’ll need to trust me. App still sucking.
Last edited by ski-wpk; 01-27-2025 at 08:36 PM.
I guess we’ll just have to trust you on that.