The problem with small cohorts and G13 weed is that at the end of the day your results having to do with a specific cultivar grown in specific conditions can be extrapolated only so far. Weed is also a moving target, as a lot of selection has gone on since whoever decided what a representative sample should be.
now that the weed is so widely available, whats stopping anybody from doing the research? i get that federally funded institutions could face a loss of funding, but doesn't that still leaves everyone else free to study the effects?
Fill up a warehouse and I'll study it for you.
Riser has become useless here and m series jong clearly does not understand anything about IRB research.
Personally I’m looking forward to reclassification as my daughter is lined up for a study on epilepsy and THC at the UofU as soon as they get the go ahead. They are lined up ready to go with IRB approval.
She currently on a project injecting mice with an astronomical amount of CBD. I’m very interested to read this study as well.
What a time to be alive.
The restrictions on studies with Schedule I drugs are not limited to federal agencies or federal funds. It's just as hard for a private institution using entirely private funding.
Cool. I'll have to give it a listen.
And yeah, primarily it is funding for class 1. Previously the only studies allowed on weed were from government grown weed.
Ever since 19whatever yr when they targeted Mexicans smoking the evil weed and the paper industry killed hemp as an adder, it's been a shitshow. Classic politics
I think these need a bit more time. Still some white pistils, but the trichomes look milky, so I think they are close, but I'm no pro at looking at trichomes. I don't see any amber. First pic is PPD, second is Squirt. I've been flushing for 2 weeks, maybe started that a bit too early. I also think both strains may have had mostly brown pistils a couple weeks ago, but have put out new white ones. What do you guys think?![]()
Sawatch is French for scratchy.
PPD = Purple Panty Dropper?
Are these outdoor or indoor?
I’d give the first pic another couple of days.
The plant in second pic needs time for the pistils to go brown - unless you are outdoors and have a cold snap in the forecast
I love PPD - some dank indica.
Problem is I can’t find clones around here and germinating seeds usually results in either too many or too few viable starts.
With the cold you should be seeing some great purples in the buds
My general rule of thumb - harvesting early might reduce potency a tiny amount. Harvesting late (after they freeze) means you lose a huge portion of the crop.
Questions about white powdery mildew. From what I've read, it's bad to smoke bud with wpm. Is there any way to get rid of it on buds right before harvest? If there is wpm on some of the plant, is it safe to assume it's present on the whole plant? Can some buds be harvested if on a plant with wpm as long as those buds don't show any of it? Hope I didn't just let my whole crop get ruined.
Sawatch is French for scratchy.
Interestingly enough we pulled a lot of plants for Wholesome last week that had white powder on them and it went in the freezer with all the other bud for carts and gummies. There was zero instruction to set any of those plants aside.
Buzz, that is interesting. I found these articles that advise against smoking wpm, and saw one that advised not using bud with wpm for edibles. For edibles it seems like it was more of a quality issue than a health issue. I may try some of the suggestions to get rid of it on bud, but sure don't like the idea of smoking it.
Sawatch is French for scratchy.
Welcome to our wonderful “medical cannabis” grows of Utah. At least for this particular grower. I couldn’t believe what I saw. This was not going to a flower jar, just edibles and carts. Yes I do hope state tests do their job.
Should have and probably could have been fixed even as late as harvest with some kind of sheep dip treatment...
In other news, my yield from my raised bed grow was 22oz