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Thread: What Happened to ICE USA?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    What Happened to ICE USA?

    They made good poles. Any theories on to why they went out of business? Did they have trouble competing with the big guys?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I heard they ran into quality control problems. Apparently, they'd test them for durability by shoving them up Jongs' assess. But the jongs all quit to troll TGR.
    I demoed the TECH TALK JONG! pro model this spring and their performance was unparalleled which is good because I ski in a wedge most of the time - bendtheski, 2011

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I have a pair I still really like, but have a hard time finding big baskets that fit.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    the Can-Utardia / LMCC VT
    They went out of business a few years ago,I believe. their shop was next to one of my offices, and I knew some of the guys working there. It was cool to have a local company making a go of it. too bad it didn't take off everyone loved their poles.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hohes View Post
    I couldn't give a fuck, but today I am procrastinating so TGR is my filler.
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    faceshots are a powerful currency
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skirotica View Post
    I heard they ran into quality control problems. Apparently, they'd test them for durability by shoving them up Jongs' assess. But the jongs all quit to troll TGR.
    Well played.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Arrrvada, CO
    I still ski with a pair(that were warrantied from my original pair) and have a backup pair of brand new ones in the garage for when these fail...IF they fail. Maybe they made poles that were too durable, but they were super easy to deal with on the warranty front. I found some Scott baskets that fit 'em for when you break the originals. They were in Park City, right?
    Quote Originally Posted by RockBoy View Post
    The wife's not gonna be happy when she sees a few dollars missing from the savings and a note on the door that reads, "Gone to AK for the week. Remember to walk the dog."
    Quote Originally Posted by kannonbal View Post
    Damn it. You never get a powder day you didn't ski back. The one time you blow off a day, or a season, it will be the one time it is the miracle of all history. The indescribable flow, the irreplaceable nowness, the transcendental dance; blink and you miss it.
    Some people blink their whole lives.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Plake was skiing with them for a while. I had a pair and I loved them, I was actually wondering the same thing about a month ago.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    T-town, CO. USA
    Too bad. Good poles but pretty heavy IMHO.
    Leave No Turn Unstoned!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SterlingSpikeDancer View Post
    I still ski with a pair(that were warrantied from my original pair) and have a backup pair of brand new ones in the garage for when these fail...IF they fail. Maybe they made poles that were too durable, but they were super easy to deal with on the warranty front. I found some Scott baskets that fit 'em for when you break the originals. They were in Park City, right?
    yes they were in Park City. And I believe it was their 100% guarantee/warranty that did them in. I had ICE USA poles growing up, my parents loved them because whenever i broke one, we could just go trade it in for a new pair and I broke a lot of these poles. carbon shatters when it gets really cold, I remember lightly tapping my pole on my ski in subzero temps and watching my pole snap in two.

    and do people really care about how much their poles weigh? if i stop using my free rental poles (which are the most durable poles I've ever owned) will i be a better skier?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    the Can-Utardia / LMCC VT
    Quote Originally Posted by BRUTAH View Post
    yes they were in Park City. And I believe it was their 100% guarantee/warranty that did them in. I had ICE USA poles growing up, my parents loved them because whenever i broke one, we could just go trade it in for a new pair and I broke a lot of these poles. carbon shatters when it gets really cold, I remember lightly tapping my pole on my ski in subzero temps and watching my pole snap in two.

    and do people really care about how much their poles weigh? if i stop using my free rental poles (which are the most durable poles I've ever owned) will i be a better skier?
    pole weight matters to me, its not super important, for me it's more about the swing weight, and heavy poles have a higher swing weight, also climbing all day with real heavy poles is just wasting energy
    Quote Originally Posted by Hohes View Post
    I couldn't give a fuck, but today I am procrastinating so TGR is my filler.
    Quote Originally Posted by skifishbum View Post
    faceshots are a powerful currency
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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by BRUTAH View Post
    yes they were in Park City. And I believe it was their 100% guarantee/warranty that did them in. I had ICE USA poles growing up, my parents loved them because whenever i broke one, we could just go trade it in for a new pair and I broke a lot of these poles. carbon shatters when it gets really cold, I remember lightly tapping my pole on my ski in subzero temps and watching my pole snap in two.

    and do people really care about how much their poles weigh? if i stop using my free rental poles (which are the most durable poles I've ever owned) will i be a better skier?
    Carbon can shatter in sub-zero temps if tapped? Not so sure about that
    Last edited by Squamish; 08-19-2011 at 10:32 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by SterlingSpikeDancer View Post
    I still ski with a pair(that were warrantied from my original pair) and have a backup pair of brand new ones in the garage for when these fail...IF they fail. Maybe they made poles that were too durable, but they were super easy to deal with on the warranty front. I found some Scott baskets that fit 'em for when you break the originals. They were in Park City, right?
    Sterling, have you used your Ice USA poles in subzero temperatures? If you have skied in very cold weather and the poles haven't broken, maybe there is something special about Ice USA's poles. I think the tubes used were very thick. And there was a "bubble" half way down the pole for added strength.

  13. #13
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    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by My Pet Powder Goat View Post
    They went out of business a few years ago,I believe. their shop was next to one of my offices, and I knew some of the guys working there. It was cool to have a local company making a go of it. too bad it didn't take off everyone loved their poles.
    Any idea where I could track down another pair?
    Last edited by Squamish; 08-19-2011 at 06:47 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Arrrvada, CO
    Interesting that they are heavy, I always thought the ones I have are pretty light, but durable. I agree that the warranty probably did them in. When I have broken them, it was pretty much my own clumsy assed fault when I didn't get a pole out of the snow fast enough in a mogul field and ran the damn thing over. I don't seem to remember if the day was sub-zero or not.

    Squamish, I will keep an eye out at ski swaps, CL and such and if I see a pair, shoot you a pm.
    Quote Originally Posted by RockBoy View Post
    The wife's not gonna be happy when she sees a few dollars missing from the savings and a note on the door that reads, "Gone to AK for the week. Remember to walk the dog."
    Quote Originally Posted by kannonbal View Post
    Damn it. You never get a powder day you didn't ski back. The one time you blow off a day, or a season, it will be the one time it is the miracle of all history. The indescribable flow, the irreplaceable nowness, the transcendental dance; blink and you miss it.
    Some people blink their whole lives.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Would anyone be willing to sell me their pair? I'll pair double market price for a used pair!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    new mexico
    i'll bite...not sure what "double market price" on a pair of "rare, discontinued" ice-usa poles is, but come up with a decent number, pay shipping/fees, and I'll send you a set I have had in the shed for quite some time --50cm I believe.

    no pm for jongs i guess...sent you an email...i'll send some pics if you wanna check em out...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Looks like PM's work for me now. Just sent you one.
    Last edited by Squamish; 08-19-2011 at 06:37 PM.

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