The direness will end. the snow is coming back to europe.
It looks promising and several models let it snow from friday to Christmasbut that ist pretty uncertain. What is more likely to happen, as it it in the predictable future, is that the Swiss and french alps are going to be nuked until Sunday. Snow Levels will stay between 1000m in the north and sometimes 1500+ in the southern french alps. Rapidly going down to the valley floor on Sunday.
Im guessing (it changes from model run to model run (do you say run ??)) 40-60cm friday and saturday at the well known locations getting dumped in such a pattern. and maybe the same (or even more) from Sunday on.
Adding up the Snowforecast values gets you to ~100cm in cham etc. but i will only believe this when i see it.
Generally the mid term weather pattern looks really nice and the probability for more wet W/NW weather around X-mas is high.
In the long term The Sea Surface Temps(especialy the anomalies right now) and such things could favour moist weather .....(but that's pure speculation by some weather geeks on another board...)
I hope i didn't jinx this storm cycle for we need it![]()