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Thread: TR: St. John, US Virgin Islands

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    TR: St. John, US Virgin Islands

    I spent the last week relaxing in the sun on St. John with the family, and wanted to share some pictures and information for anyone who's thinking about heading down there. St. John truly is an incredible vacation spot. With over 60% of the island designated National Park, development is at a minimum- and there are only 4k residents- so "crowded" is not a word used there. If you're looking for a beautiful island with amazing beaches, perfect weather, and great restaurants, look no further.

    Favorite Beaches
    - Hawksnest Bay: Perfect white sand combined with lots of great reef-snorkeling right off the beach. Hawksnest is a little "crowded" compared to some of the other spots, but there weren't more than 15 other families/groups on the beach with us.
    - Francis Bay: Beautiful long white sand beach that's sheltered from any winds and waves. Snorkeling here was average, but it's the most relaxing beach on the island IMO. Beautiful.
    - Waterlemon Bay: You have to walk about a mile to get to this isolated beach, but it's worth it. Snorkeling here is amazing- we saw turtles, rays (manta and sting), octopus, squid, and a 5-6' long reef shark along with all of the other typical tropical fish.
    - Salt Pond Bay: This is on the other side of the island (near Coral bay), which means a 30-40 minute drive from town. No big deal. The beach is beautiful and sheltered from the winds, and the snorkeling on the west side of the bay is truly different and awesome. Rock ledges and mazes make for some fun swimming and snorkeling, plus we saw lots of turtles and rays here.

    Restaurants: I highly recommend Morgan's Mango, The Lime Inn, and High Tide for amazing seafood and great drinks. On the east side of the island, make sure to go to Island Blues for some great "dive bar" food and drinks.

    On to the pictures:

    You can see more pictures on my website as well.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    New England
    Nice STJ stoke. Great shots. You are right... it is paradise. We go every April, so this has gotten me psyched.

    Where did you rent? How come no underwater camera, either?... biz right-off! We love Francis Bay (as you say) for relaxing, Cinnamon Bay for rental boats, etc. and Asolare is another great restaurant. Zozo's (in Gallows Point) is also an awesome place for drinks at sunset.... Pretty hard to go wrong anywhere on the island, (but Caneel Bay's restaurants blow).
    Screw the net, Surf the backcountry!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Very nice. How were the reefs? depth, distance from shore, soft polyp corals or hard? eels?

    Some underwater pics would help.

    Just kidding, looks beautiful

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    WOW thanks for sharing... I spent the day on the roof breaking up ice dams and shovelin snow

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    BigDaddy- no underwater camera equipment due to cost... that shit is EXPENSIVE. Even to rent, it's like $400/week for my camera. Then there's flashes, etc. too. We stayed at the new Grande Bay condos this time- that big new monstrosity right above Cruz Bay. They're actually really nice, and for the location and the price of a 3-bdrm, it can't be beat. We've stayed in Gallows Point a few times, but for the cost of three one-bedroom condos there it would have cost us almost three times as much. Next time we might look into renting a house somewhere on the island, but I really like the convenience of being able to walk to the shops and restaurants in Cruz Bay.

    Cono- the reefs differed from beach to beach, really. At Hawksnest Bay, the reefs (there are three main reefs) started about 10 feet from the beach and went from about a foot deep to about 15-20 feet deep. The reef was a combination of soft and hard corals, with a mix of several fans and elkhorn coral as well. We were snorkeling only, no diving, so we didn't venture super far out from the beach- maximum was about 400-500 feet offshore, I'd guess. At Waterlemon Bay, it was a little different with it being more of a rock/coral combo, but lots and lots of marine life around. It was really cool to see how different the underwater landscape is on different beaches on the same island.

  6. #6
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    New England
    SM, I'm pretty sure you can get a half decent Olympus for about $200, but it's only good to 10'. I have the next model up that sells for about $400 that's good to 33'. Picture quality is not great, though. As a professional, I'm sure you'd be disappointed.

    I think you're right, housings are the way to go, but I like the no worries aspect of the indestructible pos.

    Was wondering if they'd ever finish those condos... glad you got a good deal and they're good.
    Last edited by BigDaddy; 02-07-2011 at 06:34 PM.
    Screw the net, Surf the backcountry!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    East Maui/East Vail
    me son, I practicly born St.thomas!

    Pics bring me back, lived there in the Baaad old days...

    Thanks for posting them! I still have an ex that lives on St.John, raised kids and all.

    I was, without doubt, the very first person to ride a mountainbike on St. John.

    The little cays off those beaches were.. gardened back then. Crazy huge barracuda and spotted eagle rays 10' across easy. What a place. We had windsurfing races from beach to beach, the run of the place, from 78-86 Nice sunset shot of Cruz bay with congo and mingo, lov-an-go cay in the back.

    I should write a book... but it's kindy of hazy...and x-rated

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    ^^^ That's awesome. When we were driving around the island, I was thinking about how much fun it would be to ride a bike there... assuming none of those crazy drivers were allowed on the road at the same time. There have to be some hills that are pushing 20-25 degrees!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    We used to fly into St. John' s from Roosevelt Roads Naval air station via Sea Stallion helicopter. Drop us off in the middle of the airfield a pickup greets us and bring us to the welcome booth for the first cocktails of the day, return trips not so clear. Nice beaches though.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Love, love, love St. John! We got married on the beach at Trunk Bay at sunset. Spent alot of time at Cinnamon Bay and Francis Bay. Great snorkeling everywhere. Cheap beer, cheap rum. Any topless action at Francis Bay?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Not at Francis Bay, but there were some international coeds at Salt Pond Bay that were showing their racks all day long.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    The Cone of Uncertainty
    That does it. I'm gonna go there. Been thinking about it for years, but never wanted to take time out of ski season. April sounds good. Thanks.

    Excellent pics too.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by smmokan View Post
    ^^^ Excellent!
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    Go that way, really fast...if something gets in your way, TURN!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Out There
    Wow. Memories. Spent a week there during college. "Tropical Ecology" Heh. Actually a great class. Stayed near the Lameshurs, in the park. Half time diving, the other half hiking around the place. My sister has a place in St. Thomas, finally heading there this spring. Looking forward to it.
    "We need sometimes to escape into open solitudes, into aimlessness, into the moral holiday of running some pure hazard, in order to sharpen the edge of life, to taste hardship, and to be compelled to work desperately for a moment at no matter what. -George Santayana, The Philosophy of Travel would probably bother me more if I wasn't quite so heavily sedated. -David St. Hubbins, This Is Spinal Tap

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    snow country, Japan
    Stunning photos! Thanks for posting them. Like everybody else I'd love to go someday too.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    the Can-Utardia / LMCC VT
    Don't forgets to order a burger at skinny legs, Cruze bay!

    This is the first time in several years I'm not going To St. J in April. It is the most beautiful place in the world and I highly recommend it, just don't confuse St. Thomas wih St.J, cuz they are not the same.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hohes View Post
    I couldn't give a fuck, but today I am procrastinating so TGR is my filler.
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    faceshots are a powerful currency
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  17. #17
    gunit130 Guest
    exquisite imagery

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by My Pet Powder Goat View Post
    Don't forgets to order a burger at skinny legs, Cruze bay!
    We prefer Island Blues for a burger and some bar food, on the other side of Coral Bay...

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    the Can-Utardia / LMCC VT
    Quote Originally Posted by smmokan View Post
    We prefer Island Blues for a burger and some bar food, on the other side of Coral Bay...
    Ya, also.... I meant Skinny legs is at Coral bay, not Cruz..the whole place rocks, really.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hohes View Post
    I couldn't give a fuck, but today I am procrastinating so TGR is my filler.
    Quote Originally Posted by skifishbum View Post
    faceshots are a powerful currency
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    That does it. I'm gonna go there. Been thinking about it for years, but never wanted to take time out of ski season. April sounds good. Thanks.

    Excellent pics too.
    After April 15, the rates go down quite a bit.... almost half. We've been doing it for 12 years now and I can send you some good contact info if you want. If you're there the same week, then you have to come by for some dark and stormys on the deck!

    Quote Originally Posted by My Pet Powder Goat View Post
    Don't forgets to order a burger at skinny legs, Cruze bay!

    This is the first time in several years I'm not going To St. J in April. It is the most beautiful place in the world and I highly recommend it, just don't confuse St. Thomas wih St.J, cuz they are not the same.
    That is a bummer... Wish I'd known you were there, too. Probably snorkeled past each other at some point.

    You're right, STT and STJ could not be more different. St. Thomas has some nice beaches, etc., but the island is crowded and completely developed. St. John is 2/3 National Park and super low key. If you change your mind, come over for a drink, too!

    Some underwater pics from my thread two years ago: [ame=""]ST. John Snorkel Stoke - Teton Gravity Research Forums[/ame]
    Screw the net, Surf the backcountry!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    new JERSEY
    We love St. John. We visited for the first time like many others - - a ferry trip over from St. Thomas. But then realized that St. John is sooo much better than STT, so we've got back to STJ two more times and stayed there exclusively.

    I love the chill vibe that the place has and the hiking that you can do to all the old sugar mill ruins. And each hike we'd do, we'd have our snorkel gear with us, so when we came across a deserted beach (often), we'd just hang there for a while.

    In the pic below, we stayed twice at Concordia - - the bottom-most hut, second in from the right. Can not beat it. Wake up to the sunrise, close the night by counting shooting stars while downing some rum and pineapple juice on the balcony looking over the ocean.

    Need to get back, stat!

    Quote Originally Posted by smmokan View Post

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Emulating the ocean's sound
    nice one! my wife and i just got back from twelve days on Tortola. we are super lucky and have nice and generous friends who own a ridiculous place near the west end, making trips there pretty damn reasonable. i'm still drunk on cruzan. sailing, snorkeling, surfing (tortola has some amazing breaks) and drinking. all of those things are right in my wheelhouse. it was by far the most relaxing two weeks of my life. going back every chance i get.
    Last edited by basom; 02-10-2011 at 11:59 AM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    East Maui/East Vail
    Basom, Did you go up to Sage mountain, near Sky World, and pick a bag of fresh Boomers? KICK ASS, omg, the stories I could tell...

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Emulating the ocean's sound
    didnt pick any mushrooms up there, but they do stuff bottles of cruzan with boomers at Bomba's. we missed the full moon party that everyone talks about, but 5 bomba punches will get you pretty weird.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Arrrvada, CO
    Never been, but your pictures make me want to change that VERY soon! I may have to lobby my brothers' in-laws to sail their cat down that way for a "family" trip!
    Quote Originally Posted by RockBoy View Post
    The wife's not gonna be happy when she sees a few dollars missing from the savings and a note on the door that reads, "Gone to AK for the week. Remember to walk the dog."
    Quote Originally Posted by kannonbal View Post
    Damn it. You never get a powder day you didn't ski back. The one time you blow off a day, or a season, it will be the one time it is the miracle of all history. The indescribable flow, the irreplaceable nowness, the transcendental dance; blink and you miss it.
    Some people blink their whole lives.

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