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Thread: WTB: Prophet 100, 186

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    WTB: Prophet 100, 186

    I'm looking for Line Prophet 100s in a 186 length (may be able to do 179) . I know this is a specific request so I will also entertain other offers for other skis that reasonable compare to these.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Did you find any Prophet's yet? I have some unmounted ones and have not decided to keep or mount them because I'm undecided on length. Not sure if I want, 179 or 186 length. I'm 155lbs. 5' 11". Mind my asking your specs, height and weight? I keep going back and forth on the two lengths. I need to make up my mind, one way or the other. I might be willing to sell. Thanks, David.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Spearfish, SD
    Quote Originally Posted by smokinpow View Post
    Did you find any Prophet's yet? I have some unmounted ones and have not decided to keep or mount them because I'm undecided on length. Not sure if I want, 179 or 186 length. I'm 155lbs. 5' 11". Mind my asking your specs, height and weight? I keep going back and forth on the two lengths. I need to make up my mind, one way or the other. I might be willing to sell. Thanks, David.
    You want the 186, unless you aren't the best skier (best way i could put it) I was in the same situation last year, 179 or 86. I went 186 and definitely made the right choice. But really, go big.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Age, height, weight, ski length.

    Thanks for the input on the Line Prophet 100, 179/186cm question. 186, That was really what I wanted to hear. But... I forgot to include my age, 50.
    Age is important. Age can kill. Somewhere between that eventuality is the gradual decline that, like it of not, has a way of rearing its ugly head regardless of our intentions. I suppose age affect the 179cm./186cm. question. I really appreciate the frank, and somewhat cheesy, "but really, go big", piece of advice. It strikes a chord in the mind of this 50 year old body that says, "wait one f*#!*! minute. I'm not dead yet" I'm not the best skier but I can reasonably say I'm pretty damn good. I can do some moderately "sick" maneuvers that I feel are somewhat substantial. (what the hell, I can boast here, no one knows me anyway). I'm feeling a few little twangs in the knees but I'm not ready to throw in the towel... The 179cm prophet seem a little like that. Then, there are the trees?
    Unfortunately, "Going big" is kind of what skiing is all about. It's a little hard, at any age to give up your wheels, put on the wongbanger's, and go back to noodle turns, Sorry wayne.
    Any other experiences or input on these skis, trees, etc. is greatly appreciated.
    I'm 5' 10" 155Lbs. 50 Years OLD-Aggressive, tree skier, who loves GS turns
    Oh yeah, what about the guy looking for the 186's

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    [ame=""]WTT 186cm Karhu Team 100s same aka line prophet 100 - Teton Gravity Research Forums[/ame]
    j'ai des grands instants de lucididididididididi

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