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Thread: The CONCERT thread

  1. #2026
    Join Date
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    Willy Vlautin
    5/28/24 @ Sundance Books and Music, Reno

    Mr. Vlautin is one of my favorite authors, so when I learned that he would be performing and reading at the closing celebration of Sundance Books, I rallied to get down there.
    Not sure when he went on as the store's website made it sound like there were DJs spinning before him, but I got to the venue at 6:30 and he was already strumming away on the front porch.
    I caught him for 30-minutes, during which he played three songs and between them read excerpts from his forthcoming new novel, The Horse.
    He delivers sad, introspective songs--he even kept quipping between songs that his style probably wasn't the most upbeat for a celebratory event--with rustic charm.
    If you haven't read any of his books, I highly recommend them (start with Motel Life, but The Free is my favorite of his that I've read so far).

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    "Man, we killin' elephants in the back yard..."

  2. #2027
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    Wand -
    6/2/24 @ The Holland Project, Reno, NV

    This Los Angeles quartet have graced the stage at the intimate Holland Project regularly over the past several years, yet I've always managed to miss the gigs. Well, I finally made it to one last night and was not disappointed.
    They unleash a mash of prog psychedelia tinged with Laurel Canyon twang, Paisley pop, and drone and squonk.
    Lottsa sweet guitar noodling buffered by silky tenor vocals and a solid backend of bass and drums.
    Highly recommended.
    I only snapped two rather shitty pix as this was one of the first shows I've attended in the cellphone/social media era where virtually nobody had their phones out! Everybody was completely in the moment with the band, which was cool as f#$k (and I didn't want to be the douche on his phone wrecking the scene). The few people who did take photos either moved to the back, the side, or crouched down in front so as not to obstruct the views of the rest of us.
    As for the venue? It's like seeing a band in your dad's garage. Not sure of the capacity, but there were about 75 folks there last night, so it was small and cozy. Great sound for such a compact room, too.

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    "Man, we killin' elephants in the back yard..."

  3. #2028
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dookeyXXX View Post
    Sorry, no pix (I’m one of those anal Gen Zers ...
    Quote Originally Posted by dookeyXXX View Post
    Yeah, I was lucky enough to see PG on the second leg of his Plays Live Tour in 1985 at The Greek in Berkeley.
    These two statements are highly contradictory.
    Montani Semper Liberi

  4. #2029
    Join Date
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    Truckee, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by MarsB View Post
    These two statements are highly contradictory.

    Good eye!
    Though if I were a character in a Rick and Morty episode that would have made sense, what with time traveling and such…
    "Man, we killin' elephants in the back yard..."

  5. #2030
    Join Date
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    Truckee, CA
    Opening act: NIIS
    Venue: Harlow's Starlet Room, midtown Sacramento, CA
    Date: Thursday, June 6, 2024

    I can't quite remember how I stumbled upon Starcrawler, but I got intrigued by their vibe via several of their online videos. Enough so that I decided to plunk down the $24-and-some-change (thanks online fees!) to drive an hour-and-a-half down from the mountains to see them the other night.
    I arrived at the venue around 8:45, just in time to catch the last song-and-a-half from the opening act, NIIS. Not being familiar with them, I had checked out their vibe via a few YouTube videos and found them not much to my liking, thus I had purposely timed my entrance to skirt their set. They were certainly energetic and LOUD and had commanded a pretty decent mosh pit up in front. The lead singer spoke in this pixieish voice, but sang like a demon possessed.
    I had been to Harlow's once before to see Luna several years. ago, but had never been to this addition, a smaller upstairs venue. The main venue is pretty intimate, this is even more so. To give you an idea, the band had to walk through the audience to get to the stage; I can't recall if I have ever been to a show where that happens.
    I found a spot pretty close to the front, though far enough back to avoid any fluid tossing from the lead singer (I had read that Starcrawler's frontwoman liked to spit, throw water and other fluids, and heckle her audiences; I'm too old for that shit, so stood off to the side near the rhythm guitarist ).
    My buddy describes Starcrawler's sound as "Bubblegum Hole," which I guess fits if you have only watched their videos and listened to their studio albums. Live, they come off more like an LA version of Zeke, thought their style is quasi-glam country and their sound is sleazy rock augmented by Laurel Canyon twang.
    Vocalist Arrow de Wilde is charismatic AF. The DNA of Mick, Iggy, and Alice is definitely boiling through her blood as her lanky frame writhed and pranced around the small stage. Her demeanor was mildly antagonistic (she referred to all assembled as Ball Sacks, making a pun on the state capital's name, Sacramento). She wandered into the crowd at one point, snatched a cap off some dude's head, put it on, lept back onstage and tossed it glibly back into the crowd. She later instigated a mosh pit herself, and also doused the front row with water.
    The rest of the band played straight men to her wild woman act and kept the music on open throttle. Lead guitarist Henri Cash had a nice little arsenal of axes, ranging from a vintage Flying V, to a semi-hollow Gretsch, and a custom-made 3-string guitar. he plays with unbridled energy, jumping up on his monitor to play leads (he smacked his head on the low-hanging ceiling speakers more than once) and even ventured out into the small crowd for a solo at one point. Rhythm guitarist Bill Cash had a couple nice hand-painted Teles, plus a cool pink encrusted pedal steel guitar. The rhythm section of Tim Franco (bass) and Seth Carolina (drums), kept the low-end throbbing nicely for the band's hour and 10-minute super-charged set.
    For the second encore Henri Cash brought an approximately 8-year old little girl onstage (it was an all-ages show) and let her flail on his guitar. While not of the caliber of Dave Grohl's schtick of bringing audience members onstage at Foo Figher's gigs, mostly because the little girl looked kind of scared, it was still cool to watch Cash encourage her to wail on his axe.
    Their set was short, sweet, but always on full-tilt.
    I'd definitely see these cats again.

    The calm before the storm (the band really digs the color pink, btw)
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    Last edited by dookeyXXX; 06-07-2024 at 04:24 PM.
    "Man, we killin' elephants in the back yard..."

  6. #2031
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Any body going to see Sturgil Simpson in Missoula in September? I'm trying desperately to make this work.

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    "All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring."

  7. #2032
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    in a freezer in Italy
    The Wood Brothers, tonight. Great show.Love these guys.

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  8. #2033
    Join Date
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    Truckee, CA
    Cypress, Reno, NV
    Sunday, June 9, 2024

    Caught this 7-piece outfit—bass, guitar, keys, percussion, flute, drums, and theremin(!)—on a quiet Sunday evening.
    Their sound is psychedelic Mexican surfstramental with a side order of space are bachelor padness.
    I last was at this venue on March 15, 2020 seeing Shooter Jennings right as Covid began shutting everything down.
    It’s a great small space smack dab in the middle of the Midtown District.
    The crowd was sparse; roughly 50 people, a 1/3 of which danced enthusiastically up front and bantered playfully with the band in Spanish between songs.
    Despite the low turnout, the band ripped through an hour-and-a-half set of blistering instrumental jams.

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    "Man, we killin' elephants in the back yard..."

  9. #2034
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    in a freezer in Italy

    The CONCERT thread

    Saw Nick Lowe with Los Straitjackets tonight. Very enjoyable show. Straitjackets did a couple short sets on their own and a couple longer ones with Nick. He was affable, lively, and into it. A good time.

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  10. #2035
    Join Date
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    SLC, Utah
    Saw OCMS with sharp and stbmrstgapp last night on the summer solstice. Went in with low expectations - was blown away when they had Molly Tuttle come up to open for them and play a few songs at the end. Phenomenal. One of the best shows we've seen all year.

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  11. #2036
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Molly Tuttle is the real deal.

    Crooked Tree makes me cry

  12. #2037
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    Lagunitas Brewing in Petaluma, CA has some intriguing shows this summer:

    I am eyeing Dengue Fever, Robert Randolph, and Ibibio Sound Machine…
    "Man, we killin' elephants in the back yard..."

  13. #2038
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    Front Range, CO
    Colorado peeps: Got a pair of free tickets for Adrienne Lenker Wed at Mission if anyone wants them.

  14. #2039
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    Quote Originally Posted by slcdawg View Post
    Colorado peeps: Got a pair of free tickets for Adrienne Lenker Wed at Mission if anyone wants them.
    Damn I wish I was in Colorado, I love Adrienne Lenker

    Went and saw Thee Sacred Souls with stbmrstgapp last night. Great show. She'll be at 10+ shows during this pregnancy - trying to get it all in before the baby comes

    next up is Andrew Bird, then Orville Peck and Sierra Ferrell

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  15. #2040
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    Oct 2005
    Wait, you pulled the trigger for Sierra?!!! Me & Buzz would've waited for ya!
    Montani Semper Liberi

  16. #2041
    Join Date
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    SLC, Utah
    Quote Originally Posted by MarsB View Post
    Wait, you pulled the trigger for Sierra?!!! Me & Buzz would've waited for ya!
    Sorry lol we didn't think we were going to, but then she had a lousy appointment with her OBGYN and so she impulse bought them as an act of rebellion. Odds of us going to the show are less than 5% i reckon, but it felt important for her.

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  17. #2042
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I just wanna dance

  18. #2043
    Join Date
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    50 miles E of Paradise
    Our towns Big Ponderoo festival was this last weekend.
    Sixteen bands, two stages
    Some of the acts I liked best
    Shinyribs - east TX/Louisiana funk
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    A visual and sonic feast

    Next up - Silverada FKA Mike and the Moonpies
    Some driving Texas country - telecaster meets strat
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    More to come…

  19. #2044
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    50 miles E of Paradise
    Oliver Wood - the rootsy bluesy Wood Brother
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    JoAnna Lee - grew up in Central OR, now lives in Austin. A voice that blows my socks off
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    The Parnells - a local family band that deserves more exposure
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    Last edited by TBS; 07-01-2024 at 08:51 PM.

  20. #2045
    Join Date
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    between campus and church
    I dig Shinyribs on my Spotify list.

    Last night we caught Shakey Graves & Trampled by Turtles in Portland, ME. Nice venue at Thompson’s Point but a little odd so near to the highway and jet port. The Maine crowd has a little more Boston energy than we get here in VT so we stayed towards the back of the standing only crowd (still well in front of the soundboard though)

    Griffin Sherry (Ghost of Paul Revere) opened the show - not my kind of music.

    No pics of Shakey but his solo stuff was great. The new album is much more ethereal. Almost like Radiohead.

    TBT got the crowd moving and the sky got nice and moody.

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  21. #2046
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    50 miles E of Paradise
    One more from Big Ponderoo
    Skillethead is another local band - a contemporary take on bluegrass.

    I get my summer veggies from the dobro player.

  22. #2047
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    Sep 2001
    Shinyribs played my buddy's wedding way back when. If you like them, you'll love the Gourds.

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    "All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring."

  23. #2048
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by The Reverend Floater View Post
    Shinyribs played my buddy's wedding way back when. If you like them, you'll love the Gourds.

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    Lower 48 and Burn the Honeysuckle are two of my favorite songs.

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  24. #2049
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by The Reverend Floater View Post
    Shinyribs played my buddy's wedding way back when. If you like them, you'll love the Gourds.

    Sent from my SM-S928U1 using Tapatalk
    The 'Gin and Juice' guys from the Napster days? They're still around?
    Montani Semper Liberi

  25. #2050
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    a poop plant
    Quote Originally Posted by MarsB View Post
    The 'Gin and Juice' guys from the Napster days? They're still around?
    Two former Gourds members are the main Shinyribs guys. It's the same singer, so they have a similar sound.

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