Snow King line up for this summer looks decent.
I’m probably in for one night String Cheese (all I can handle), Old Crow (definitely), and maybe Moe/etc.
Classic mountain town noodling lineup, with the exception of Cypress Hill!
Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident
Decent TGR contingent at moe in Steamboat tonight. Tiny venue. Very cool.
You remembered them?
Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident
Who is that?
Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident
Nice!!! Stoked for u all!! Looks like a good time, hope the boat skied good! Small venue ftw.
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If we're gonna wear uniforms, we should all wear somethin' different!
Sweet! Moe should be fun at Snow King, for sure!
Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident
interesting..... hope they shove a convenience fee up their ass
Already asked a couple people but can I get a reco on preferred tickets at Sandy Amphitheater? Leaning lawn but I'm unfamiliar w the venue.
Any of yall considering OCMS in SLC should go
We had a great time in the seats last year, at Charlie Crockett. BYO food, cooler, non-alcoholic bevies. Have not been on the lawn. It’s small. Smaller than red butte it felt, I don’t think there’s a bad seat in the house
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"If we can't bring the mountain to the party, let's bring the PARTY to the MOUNTAIN!"
Kitchen dwellers at the mish. Silas Herman filling in on mando for Sunday show.
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For the record, after you see a show at the sphere, all other concert experiences will be bullshit.
(Intentional hubris, but goddamn true).
That place is absolutely insane, in every good way. Best sounding (large,amplified) venue in existence.
Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident
I caught these guys a few weeks ago at The Independent in San Francisco (basically a sweet black box venue with solid sound).
They were celebrating the 20th anniversary of their debut album, Thunder, Lightning, Strike.
It only took me 20 years to see them, too.
Great, energetic show.
Frontwoman Ninja is backed by a 6-piece and she keeps the energy high. She crowd surfed (last time I saw a singer crowd surf was Peter Gabriel on his inaugural So Tour) and tossed off witty Brit banter between songs.
Crowd was pretty chill, though I did “luck out” by having the 6’9” tall and 100” wide bloke standing in front of me shooting video snippets all night
(and every time I moved he moved in front of me again!).
Opening act, abracadabra delivered a largely original set of songs (they did 1 NIN cover) that was a cool mixture of Devo, Laurie Anderson, Kraftwork, Gary Numan, and Oingo Boingo.
Sorry, no pix (I’m one of those anal Gen X-ers who grew up seeing shows without the distraction of cellphones).
Highly recommend seeing these folks live (East Coast tour in Oct).
Or at the very least check out their albums:
Last edited by dookeyXXX; 06-08-2024 at 09:21 AM.
Independent is a cool venue. Never heard of these guys
When Peter Ganbriel crowd surfed for the first times, it was one of the most epic things ever done in a big concert. Mind blowing back then
Yeah, I was lucky enough to see PG on the second leg of his Plays Live Tour in 1985 at The Greek in Berkeley. He crowd surfed during the extended version of “Lay Your Hands On Me” and it was nuts back then. Seeing him do it a few years later on the So Tour in an even larger venue (Oakland Coliseum) was even crazier…that he would put that much trust in an audience. The act of crowd surfing is interesting to me: it’s a trust thing, but it’s also kind of a messianic complex move on the part of the performer, too…
I've finally gotten back into the live gig swing after several years of not attending any.
Got a slew of interesting shows that I am hoping to get to this summer and fall. We shall see how many of them I make it to, but this is who's on my hit list:
Sonida Gallo Negro
The Chameleons
The Black Angels
La Luz
La Santa Cecelia