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Thread: Ski RV's, who's sleeping in parking lots?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Kodiak, AK

    Ski RV's, who's sleeping in parking lots?

    I know there are others with RV's, campers, vans, etc., so what'cha got?

    Mine's an '88 Toyota. Paid a thousand bucks for it last January. Spent 2 months in a parking lot in Montana. It was a huge upgrade from the back of the '88 4Runner, let me tell ya. Drove it up to Haines and back. I just replaced the motor. My next little project is to put a badass furnace in there for those -20 degree nights.

    p.s. I searched for a thread like this, but the word RV is impossible. Not sorry.
    I've got the key to the highway... I'm gonna leave here runnin', walkin's far too slow

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Kodiak, AK
    Quote Originally Posted by akokskis View Post
    Maybe you're looking for something like this: Sleeping in the car in the winter? - Teton Gravity Research Forums ?
    Car? no. RV? yes.
    But feel free to let me know when you move out of your mom's station wagon.
    I've got the key to the highway... I'm gonna leave here runnin', walkin's far too slow

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Is that a Toyota dually? Can't say I've seen one before. What type of engine does it have? 22r?

    where did you take your showers during those 2 months?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Good buy! Jealous... Wish I could find a steal like that in Europe this winter!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    SLC, UT
    Is that the 22r, if so, how does it do going up canyons with that, thinking of doing something similar to mine, but maybe not as big, either way, that is bad ass

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Big Sky, MT
    I just inherited a retired raft company shuttle van. So far I've got a salvaged RV heater (that works) lined up. Plans for a lofted bed with storage underneath, curtains and possible beer tap are in the works.

  7. #7
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    Was UT, AK, now MT

  8. #8
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    Last edited by boltonoutlaw; 11-06-2011 at 08:16 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidewall View Post
    Is that a Toyota dually? Can't say I've seen one before. What type of engine does it have? 22r?

    where did you take your showers during those 2 months?
    Yep, full floating 1 ton rear axle. Showers are available when needed...

    Quote Originally Posted by bridge View Post
    Is that the 22r, if so, how does it do going up canyons with that, thinking of doing something similar to mine, but maybe not as big, either way, that is bad ass
    22re with 113 hp + auto trans = 15 mph mountain passes. I think my next motor swap will be the 3.4 v6 because it's cheap, easy (relatively), and available.

    Quote Originally Posted by TS Quint View Post
    I just inherited a retired raft company shuttle van. So far I've got a salvaged RV heater (that works) lined up. Plans for a lofted bed with storage underneath, curtains and possible beer tap are in the works.
    Sweet! Those buses in my photo were converted with bunks and wood stoves. Pretty cool setup. Beer tap, nice haha must have's for the good life...

    Nice rig Trackhead...
    I've got the key to the highway... I'm gonna leave here runnin', walkin's far too slow

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    out yonder
    Good thread-I was thinking of starting a "where to park my rig in X ski town" thread as winter approaches. I'm hoping to storm chase a little more this year.

    I traded up from Blue Velvet to this little beauty. Not quite 4 season, but I can drop the top and snuggle with the dogs on the coldest nights.

  11. #11
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    Bad ass rig Diesel, I assume from your name you got a Cummins under there? You'll be passing me like I'm standing still...

    Pushing the RV into the garage with a tractor, then yanked the junk motor out, then hoisted the new motor in.
    Last edited by montanamike; 10-19-2010 at 10:37 PM.
    I've got the key to the highway... I'm gonna leave here runnin', walkin's far too slow

  12. #12
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    [ame=""]This Guy called me out for being a great dad[/ame]... What ever.

    From this thread... [ame=""]7 Year Old Girl Skis 100+ days at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort[/ame]

    Been there done that. Go for it! We did (are doing it)!
    Ski Shop - Basement of the Hostel

    Do not tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish.

    Mark Twain

  13. #13
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    ^^^ The interwebz is great, idn't it?

    FKNA, Mikey. Is that like the whale version of the dolphin? Those things are the shit, mang. That it made it to Valdez and back is testament that little space buggy can fly. But they always look like they're about to exploderate on the passes. There's a spot for it in my driveway if you make it down here, dude.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Hmmm....People who live in parking lots??? All the Fools whose Houses were foreclosed and lost out in the recession!!! BWAAHAHAHAHA!!!! Those losers don't have internet anymore so don't worry hahahahaha

    Behold my fluffy goodness, you bastard.

  15. #15
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    out yonder
    Quote Originally Posted by montanamike View Post
    Bad ass rig Diesel, I assume from your name you got a Cummins under there? You'll be passing me like I'm standing still...
    Yep - it hauls, and this new (to me) camper definitely cuts the wind better than the old one. But I did get a hoody out of it...

    Nice Boomerang...what's the story?

  16. #16
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    soaring on the shitwinds
    I have a SICK '81 Fleetwood Tioga w/ the gas 305. She's a hod a a little rough around the edges, but when I'm not catching bums in it or fixing some electrical, structural or mechanical gremlin, the shit is a blast!

    All the propane accesories still work perfect, and the shower has been converted to ski drainage and storage. Both side windows are covered with tons of ski stickers, shit's pretty legit.

    Get 'er on a sick deal- the guy selling it was also selling another one as well in an emergency situation, so we scored this one and a '72 winnebago brave for $1k. Turned around and sold the '72 for $1500 and put the nickle back into the '81 to fix 'er up a bit.

    I'll try to find some pics kicking around.
    "If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise." -Robert Fritz

    Quote Originally Posted by skifishbum View Post
    not enough nun fisters in that community

  17. #17
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    Due to semi-nomadic lifestyle choices, I've chosen to shun the lease and live in this baby from now on. Maybe i'll give some updates when I start winterizing this bitch.

    Not actually the one, but valid representation

  18. #18
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    A crappy blown out picture of my rig.

    Just replaced all the seals, working out a few last details before it's ready to roll for the season.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    the mtn formerly known as big
    hey mt mike,
    heater wise, ever consider a small wood stove? propane is such a damp heat on long winter camper stays nothing dries out. they make some cool wood stoves for boats ($$$), i'm sure something could be fabbed up for less. like these
    someday i plan on building a camper trailer and using something like that.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by cateran View Post
    propane is such a damp heat on long winter camper stays nothing dries out.
    I'm a n00b at this, so pardon the question.
    Isn't this a function of proper ventilation?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by cateran View Post
    propane is such a damp heat on long winter camper stays nothing dries out.
    Are you talking about a portable propane heater used inside an enclosed space? If you're driving an RV, you've got the space for a Suburban RV Furnace. The propane vents to the outside and there is no exhaust coming into the living space. I found one of these in an RV in a junk yard for $60.

  22. #22
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    Here's a couple from last season. 82 Prowler. Looking for cougars!!

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Colorado Cartel HQ
    What's up y'all?

    I'm looking into buying a 5th wheel toyhauler (for the sleds) to do a 4 to 6 week trip to AK this Spring.

    If anyone has one for sale, or suggestions for a cold weather one, let me know.
    25+ would be ideal.

  24. #24
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    the mtn formerly known as big
    C3H8 + (5)O2 --> (3)CO2 + (4)H2O that is, propane plus oxygen yields carbon dioxide, water and heat. that being said, a few moments of interweb research and it looks like RV propane units do vent that to the outside and heat an element that warms the interior. i had a '76 bell slide in camper for a few years and plenty of ski trips with a factory propane heater and it seemed no matter how warm it was inside, it was always soggy, impossible to dry stuff out. either way, my future camper will have wood heat- dry, free fuel.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by splat View Post
    FKNA, Mikey. Is that like the whale version of the dolphin? There's a spot for it in my driveway if you make it down here, dude.
    Haha it's the sunrader, they're all fiberglass. That thing would look good in your driveway haha...

    Quote Originally Posted by cateran View Post
    hey mt mike,
    heater wise, ever consider a small wood stove? propane is such a damp heat.
    I've been looking at a catalyst heater, not sure what I'm gonna get yet though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gerome View Post
    Are you talking about a portable propane heater used inside an enclosed space? If you're driving an RV, you've got the space for a Suburban RV Furnace. The propane vents to the outside and there is no exhaust coming into the living space. I found one of these in an RV in a junk yard for $60.
    I'm definitely going to be checking the junkyards^^^ 60 bucks, can't beat that.
    I've got the key to the highway... I'm gonna leave here runnin', walkin's far too slow

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