I gonna buy one of these videos as a gift and out of these 5 videos which one do you think is the best.
-Area 51
-The Contimum
-The Realm
Thanks for you opinions.
I gonna buy one of these videos as a gift and out of these 5 videos which one do you think is the best.
-Area 51
-The Contimum
-The Realm
Thanks for you opinions.
TRG? Never heard of them.
Way to come out of the gate there, jong.
The JONG files. Hard to find, but oh... so worth it.
Continuum. C-O-N-T-I-N-U-U-M. 30 minutes detention, see you after school.Originally Posted by s2k
I before E except after C
I think you should get Area SHUT THE FUCK UP and JONGtinuumOriginally Posted by s2k
you should really just go with High Life. It's only $19.95 but if you're going with a classic. I've always been a huge fan of Harvest.
As far as TRG flicks go I thnk my favorite is 'Bad_Roo Blasts the Blow-Up Doll' but it's kinda hard to find.
If you're asking about TGR, I really like "Prophecy", from your list "Continuum" and "Harvest" in that order.
I should probably change my username to IReallyDon'tTeleMuchAnymoreDave.
Excuse me a sec. What are you babbling about jong?
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i like Further the best out of the ones i have...
if you can find it, get the 4-pack with:
Mind The Addiction
The Prophecy
The Realm
i forget which one in the pack has it, but the entire Area 51 is in one of the bonus sections, so its really like a 5-movie pack on 4-discs......yumm
I prefer Uprising the best out of all of them, JONG. Continum is pretty sweet too.
Said once again...
Take your JONG ass to Music, Books, Movies
Your first post and you fuck up TGR's initials -![]()
"Can't vouch for him, though he seems normal via email."
Originally Posted by MOHSHSIHd
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Mind the Addiction
Micah Black is such a badass in that movie.
Is Alagna, Italy paradise?
"I knew in an instant that the three dollars I had spent on wine would not go to waste."
TRG. Cool. A new film making co. I haven't heard of.![]()
Wrecker of dreams.
So far, TRG is still just into records.
Ask Edith:
My personal favorite release is
The Incredible Smoking Bongs
"Have fun, get a flyrod, and give the worm dunkers the finger when you start double hauling." ~Lumpy
I will kill you Kim Jong Il! DIE!!!!!!
I promise - I will never die.
Originally Posted by Arty50
heh, one of my favorite lines from any flick. Sounds like a new topic to me.
This is skiing related right? And this is the ski/snowboard forum.
Beside all the old school films, I'll have to say Further is one of my favorites. Jeremy Jones has a kick ass Jackson segment, one of my fav segs all time, and Dan Treadway was tearing it up until he ragdolled after a "boney takeoff". Intro to Nobis segment and "signature straightline" was cool. Speaking of str8line, didn't he have some serious RPMs in his tumble. The list goes on...
Harvest....I like the cartoon in the intro.
Can't get the Jackson scene out of my mind -
"5 am, still pounding"
"6 am, still pounding"
"...we hear bombs, it's gonna open"
[bob tune] "No sun will shine, in my day today....[/bob]
Good shizzle fo sho.
"In the woods, we return to reason and faith. There I feel that nothing can befall me in life, — no disgrace, no calamity, (leaving me my eyes,) which nature cannot repair." -Emerson