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Thread: Stoke Boycott - Fuck You Oakley

  1. #176
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dumpy View Post
    How many of those most likely to spend >$100 on a pair of goggles have said they are no longer going to buy your product?
    Every good skier on my local hill when I was 12 or 13 had to have the bright green Oakley goggles.

    I bought a pair of frogskins with my paper route money.

    from there it went. I have always had Oakley something on my eyes. I have an Oakley visor on my hockey helmet. I have a pair of chainsaw/work/shop glasses, and a pair of sunglasses. I have 2 pairs of goggles. I have had a couple of pairs of ski pants.

    I don't know why, I've just always had good luck with those products, nobody ever questioned if my Oakleys were ANSI when I was a HECM.... As I said in another thread, I even went and bought stuff from other stores when I was managing a shop that dealt Smith and I had shop form.

    What this keeps coming back to in this thread and the other thread is that people think we're just bitching because we're annoyed at the ad.

    That's like when your good friend tells you about the spinach in your teeth and you tell him to go fuck himself and quit bitching about it. "Deal with it bro, I need to eat spinach, it's good for me. Just don't look at it you pussy."

    Either way, I know how much of a shit Oakley gives about my/our business. It's not because of the ad...a shitty ad isn't bad product, it's because we've been making this point for weeks and nobody values our feedback enough to fix the issue.

  2. #177
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    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by snowful View Post
    I've been wondering about this stuff, but am completely ignorant. I specialize in hospitality.
    Don't sugarcoat it. Just say Barista.
    Training for Alpental

  3. #178
    Join Date
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    In Anchortown looking to get my career on track
    Quote Originally Posted by snowful View Post
    I know living in the dark half the year can be rough.

    It's OK to come out and play now, I think the mean old ad is gone.
    it only gets rough when I run out of booze and the liquor store hasn't gotten their half yearly delivery-this is usually do to dog sled failure. Otherwise, the dark is a good place.
    Our world is full of surrender at the first sign of adversity, do not give up when the challenge meets you, meet the challenge. Through perseverance comes the rewards, the rewards that make life so enjoyable.

    Seize the day, trusting little in the future.

    if you want something, go after it. if you want to screw someone over, look DEEP in your heart and realize Karma is a bitch

  4. #179
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    the ham
    Quote Originally Posted by PhiberAwptik View Post
    Don't sugarcoat it. Just say Barista.

  5. #180
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    Nov 2004
    It looks like a cartoon, but this is actually a real photograph of DK_Alaskan and his dog "big pete".

    This is another photo of DK_Alaskan on his way to pan for silicon which he skillfully whittled into his trusty laptop for "connectin to them interwebs.".

    you know, because everyone in alaska ...
    Last edited by ill-advised strategy; 02-08-2010 at 01:25 PM.

  6. #181
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dk_alaskan View Post
    Otherwise, the dark is a good place.
    I whole-heartedly concur. Anchorage is dope. I'm often tempted to return.

    I also concur that the old Oakley ads were incredibly obnoxious. That said, I own several pieces of Oakley ski and mountain biking clothing (all from SAC), and it has served me well.

  7. #182
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    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by powdork View Post
    first i closed my eyes and wished the ads away, but that didn't work. then i went on a skiing strike, but i could only last 12 hours.
    then i came up with the stokott, and evidently it was enough to get your panties in a bunch.
    to be clear: snowful
    you got owned mofo...stfu
    Quote Originally Posted by leroy jenkins View Post
    Do you have one of those gay ass stickers on your car? If so, I'll bet money youre an uptight passive aggressive fucktard that hates anyone different than them, yet loves to pay lip service to 'tolerance'.

    People with coexist stickers are ALMOST as bad as tele skiers, although there is some overlap.

  8. #183
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by hutash View Post
    I just want to point out that all the people complaining about NSFW ads are using such words a shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker and tits in thier posts...just an observation.

    As for the ads, I don'see or hear them, so I have no idea was the ruckus is about.

    Carry on!
    Well you are very lucky then. The ads are annoying as hell. A annoying voice saying dumb shit. But that is not what makes the adds so bad. Up till now if you encountered such a ad it was your own fault, you clicked on the add banner. But these ads come come up if your cursor just tracks over the ad. And on a notebook that happens alot. That is what makes these ads so horrible, they are obtrusive.

  9. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowful View Post
    That is why powdork and knuckleheads like him should have undertaken this crusade on the quiet. This would have ended much more peacefully.

    If I were TJ, I would not have put up with your entitled ass. I would have banned you, and deleted your whiny shit.

    You fucking unappreciative bitches might have cost him money.
    No, Oakley *IS* costing him money. By having a ad that plays obnoxiously if your pointer just tracks over the ad. We are *NOT* talking about a ad that people on their own free will double click on and then dont like the ad. We are talking about an ad that frequently goes off just by the cursor going over the ad (which happens alot, especially on notebooks).

  10. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdlv View Post
    you need to get the beta version of chrome then you can use adblock
    Thanks for the hook-up.

  11. #186
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Hmmm...I'm glad I purchased my nice new Smith Prodigy Goggles! To Oakley:

    I am in oakley's target group for these ads and I find them offensive.

    (btw the smiths work just great and they don't fog up anymore thanks to tech talk tips and goggle management practices - I like the lens better than my old oakleys too)
    Last edited by skier25; 02-09-2010 at 01:36 AM.

  12. #187
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    fuck Grouse
    internet advertising

    first chance: popups - screwed that up; popup blocker became standard in goddamn internet explorer


    third chance: flash ads - not only do they suck CPU cycles (loveland), they talk (oakley), sometimes on load!

    honorable mention: intellitxt - good lord do you want everyone to go away?

    and then they have the ovaries to complain about how adblockers are bankrupting them
    holy fucking shitballs

  13. #188
    Join Date
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    Granite State
    Its just an ad, get over it. Go skiing or get laid or something. Really.

    p.s. no one here needs anyone's stoke. You're not that important.
    Last edited by twodogs; 02-09-2010 at 07:46 AM. Reason: one too many letters

  14. #189
    Join Date
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    Sector 7G
    Quote Originally Posted by TGR420 View Post
    I really do not think they are NSFW, which I apologize if they are. They beep the ahole in that quote. I tend to think the definition of NSFW is not that, but I could be wrong.
    Try working with a bunch of mormons. You don't define what's NSFW, your co-workers do.....
    This is the worst pain EVER!

  15. #190
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    By the way I'd like to be the 400th person to point out that that smith ad of Ian Mcintosh fucking shredding is pretty fucking epic
    Quote Originally Posted by twodogs View Post
    Hey Phill, why don't you post your tax returns, here on TGR, asshole. And your birth certificate.

  16. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by the Mad View Post
    Its just an ad, get over it. Go skiing or get laid or something. Really.

    p.s. no one here needs anyone's stoke. You're not that important.
    I think the TR's are great. Not everybody is a waiter in Jackson, and gets to ski all the time. Some of us are chained to a desk all day, and are lucky to get a couple of days a week in. People like Powdork provide great stoke, and at least 30 percent of the relevant (I.E. Not dumb bullshit) content on this site.
    Training for Alpental

  17. #192
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    No children.
    Quote Originally Posted by PhiberAwptik View Post
    I think the TR's are great. Not everybody is a waiter in Jackson, and gets to ski all the time. Some of us are chained to a desk all day, and are lucky to get a couple of days a week in. People like Powdork provide great stoke, and at least 30 percent of the relevant (I.E. Not dumb bullshit) content on this site.
    I agree completely.

    I ski everyday but I've been laid up for a month going out of my mind and a provider of stoke suddenly calls for a stokott?!

    powdork, I dig your awesome stoke. You went full fucktard. Never go full fucktard.
    Quote Originally Posted by bptempleton View Post
    tit ass balls. that's a better sig. or fucktardnutz. YOU MUST NOW CHOOSE!!!!

  18. #193
    Join Date
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    Jhole =)
    being a ski bum forum , i think the target audience is for people without jobs, then nsfw doesnt exist.. the adds made danny kass look like the douche that he is that was funny and anyone in the know buys smith anyways

    good thread
    "I think people resist freedom because they're afraid of the unknown. But it's ironic....That unknown was once very well known. It's where our souls belong....The only solution is to confront them--confront yourself--with the greatest fear imaginable. Expose yourself to your deepest fear. After that, fear has no power, and fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free." -Jim Morrison

  19. #194
    Join Date
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    FWIW, I do think the stoke boycott is pretty silly. But voicing displeasure is on the money.
    "fuck off you asshat gaper shit for brains fucktard wanker." - Jesus Christ
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  20. #195
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danno View Post
    FWIW, I do think the stoke boycott is pretty silly. But voicing displeasure is on the money.
    Stoke boycott is a tad silly, but it was really my only bargaining chip.
    The fact is, broken all the way down we provide stoke and they make money off it.
    There is a whole lot more to it than that
    1. They provide and maintain an excellent platform. These things don't run themselves. If they start to run themselves then VBB comes along with an important update that requires you to rebuild the database.
    2. We enjoy the stoke. I would say at a level far greater than the money they derive from it.
    3. The stoke we provide on an ongoing basis helps to keep tetongravity at the top of search engines for a ridiculous number of skiing and backcountry related terms.
    4. TGR also provides ridiculous amounts of quality images and video on their own behalf.
    5. And then there are relationships that exist amongst all publishers. Unlike a typical client customer relationship, you have a three party system involving your users (us), the publisher (TGR), and the advertisers, which may also be sponsors for them in the reel world part of their business. The users and the advertisers don't always see eye to eye, and the publisher is stuck in the middle.

    So, you get what we had here last week,
    which is the way he wants it!
    Well, he gets it!
    N' I don't like it any more than you men.

    If you like the Ian McIntosh ad then buy/download re:session. It's in the middle of his segment, which rocks.

  21. #196
    Join Date
    May 2002
    If you think this Oakley thing is bad, it's just a drop in the bucket.

    Dear TGR,

    Fuck you. Fuck you in the ass really hard.

    "I knew in an instant that the three dollars I had spent on wine would not go to waste."

  22. #197
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    This thread will self destruct in 1 hour.
    So, if you're going to start a thread about me deleting the thread, this is your one hope to avoid that.

    today was fun

  23. #198
    Join Date
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    Nice whistle! Good man.

  24. #199
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by powdork View Post
    This thread will self destruct in 1 hour.
    So, if you're going to start a thread about me deleting the thread, this is your one hope to avoid that.

    today was fun
    so this PAD is pointless??
    I'm boycotting fuckin with jongs
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