It's been hard to find much information on the Dynastar Big Dumps, and what little I've come across makes them sound not all that great. Something about to stiff or not enough rocker blah, blah, blah.
It's been hard to find much information on the Dynastar Big Dumps, and what little I've come across makes them sound not all that great. Something about to stiff or not enough rocker blah, blah, blah.
You have just probably answered your own stiff or not enough rocker
You look at it and think that it is to stiff or not enough rocker. Then you ski it and your like this ski is fuckin awesome.
awesome looking ski.
i was kindda interested, but my searching turned up as too soft, atleast to soft for a fatass?
They just havn't dumped enough of them on SAC yet. Once they flood the market at SAC blow out pricing you'll see tons of talk on here.
I haven't seen them below $900 retail anywhere online and have never seen them in a shop. A fat XXL with rocker would be money though.
Jackson Hole Sports in Teton Village has a pair and just dropped the price a bunch. Call them if you are interested 307-739-2867.
Tell 'em Ted sent you.
Skied mine today in boot to knee deep up on Teton Pass. They fucking rip!!!!!!!!! Couldn't get them to dive. Just blasted through everything. Me 5'10" 200#. Mounted with Axl's Floats great. Stable at high speeds. Smears small turns as well. Will build large legs and lungs as a touring ski. Going to ski them somemore tomorrow and maybe this weekend at Jackson. After a few more days I will write a longer, more thorough report
I skied them today at Squaw- waist deep. They are stiff, burly, and like to float. Did West Face in 4 turns. Never did that on any other ski. VERY FAST!
"He thinks the carpet pissers did this?"
bb49 this is where i say " you betcha..."
as per Caitlyn's instructions....
what's orange and looks good on hippies?
rails are for trains
If I had a dollar for every time capitalism was blamed for problems caused by the government I'd be a rich fat film maker in a baseball hat.
i think they dont get talked about in part because they are tough to find. Canada only got 200 pairs and even those were difficult to track down. whoever said they are soft, they are not.
Nothing wrong with a big dump. Sometimes they just feel natural.
what's orange and looks good on hippies?
rails are for trains
If I had a dollar for every time capitalism was blamed for problems caused by the government I'd be a rich fat film maker in a baseball hat.
Bumping this thread,...
Seen these for $599 today in Teton Village and SOOOO tempted... but are they really only gonna be good for a handful of days a year?
I'm wanting a pow only ski as I have my DP Pro + for everything else and they rip on hard snow and as a charging ski in variable conditions. They do however like to dive in deep pow unless you are 100% accurate with them.
What you reckon?
Lhasa's very tempting but at about $1000 including shipping that's hard to justify at the moment and i'll probable never use the Stockli again if I get these. I have a set of new P18's shouting out to be mounted !
Figure I'll post a quick review here.
6'2", 175lbs
Boots: Dalbello Il Moro (stiff tongue)
Binding: Sally 900s
Conditions skied: 4" on softish crud and 1-2 feet windblown goodness at snowbird.
Other skis: Praxis, XXLs
Reader's digest: These things are rockets - they like to go fast always.
I've only got 2 days, so I'm still feeling them out. Some observations so far:
~You gotta be on these all the time. XXLs are way more forgiving IMO. Rewarding when you drive them.
~Skiing in pow is much different than i'm used to. Skiing praxis, you just stay centered and slarve. These you have to drive the tips, every time i did a praxis-style turn, i got tossed backseat.
~I wish they had a little more rocker. I have gotten tip dive a couple times in the heavier stuff, but pretty rare occurrence. The tip and tail changes solved the "locked in" feeling I hate with my XXLs in pow.
~They carve well. GS turns on hardpack? no problem.
~Bumps: you're fucked.
~Hucking: probably couldn't ask for a more stable platform, only hit some small stuff though.
~Going fast: yes please.