Supposed to dump up to 2ft tonight through tomorrow night. Thinking of heading up to Whitetail on Sunday (have in-town obligations tomorrow.) Anyone else going?
Supposed to dump up to 2ft tonight through tomorrow night. Thinking of heading up to Whitetail on Sunday (have in-town obligations tomorrow.) Anyone else going?
Last edited by Tippster; 12-28-2009 at 03:34 PM.
Despite all evidence to the contrary I actually do ski.
Now where's my fucking latte??!!!
Count me in
Home sweet home.
Massanutten today and tomorrow. Don't want to spend the $$ at Snowshoe, but must ski this storm somewhere and Massanuthin looks like they might get hit hard.
2 FEET! that's optimistic.
Roundtop for me tomorrow, might try to sneak down to Canaan in the evening for a Sunday session if roads aren't toooo gnarly...gametime decision on that.
Seven Springs for me on Saturday.
Courage + believe = life. Life is not about how many breaths you take. It's what you do with those breaths
Good god man, at least drive to Wintergreen. "Mass-o-nothin" is really truth in advertising. I'm not sure a snow ball can generate enough gravity force to make it down those "hills". Not that Wintergreen is any great shakes, but there are some actual ski runs (sort of). Making a roadie there Sunday and Monday probably.
How far to Whitetail from NOVA ??
"You damn colonials and your herds of tax write off dressage ponies". PNWBrit
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Enjoy the snow you lucky fawkers, looks like the high pressure system is keeping the storm away from most of the North East and parking it over you guys.![]()
^^^^^ Yea it sucks doesnt it, def could use some of that in new england
man you guys are taking me back to my desperate college days in fredericksburg when i wanted to ski so badly and had to settle for the nut or no-snowshoe... hope you get a huge dump and get the goods... these storms don't come often! drive safely... lord knows no one down there knows what to do when an inch falls![]()
Not going on Saturday, 2 holiday parties on that are a must attend, I might sneak out on Sunday though just to make a few turns...
Before big games I shoot Rabies, it gives me the edge I need and it’s undetectable. Only idiot losers do steroids anymore...
Have fun you dirtbags. More pow than we'll see here in jackson this weekend.![]()
Something about the wrinkle in your forehead tells me there's a fit about to get thrown
And I never hear a single word you say when you tell me not to have my fun
It's the same old shit that I ain't gonna take off anyone.
and I never had a shortage of people tryin' to warn me about the dangers I pose to myself.
Patterson Hood of the DBT's
Problem is, nobody has any terrain open right now. Honestly, Diamond Jim at Massanuthin is probably better than anything anyone else has open outside of Snowshoe. Wanted to head out to Timberline/Canaan, but each of those places has 2 trails apiece.
If the highlands at Wintergreen open Sunday, I'll call an audible...
with that kind of snow i bet Whitegrass can get their uphill trails in shape really quickly and the trees will be good!
Snowshoe Sat Whitegrass Sunday
You're gonna stand there, owning a fireworks stand, and tell me you don't have no whistling bungholes, no spleen spliters, whisker biscuits, honkey lighters, hoosker doos, hoosker donts, cherry bombs, nipsy daisers, with or without the scooter stick, or one single whistling kitty chaser?
What is going to be the best bet within a couple hours of DC?
Whitetail? Wintergreen?
I am heading to Whitetail tomorrow or Sunday. Exhibition will be open.
If you see a guy on BROs, don't be a stranger.
ill be at whitetail sunday, in a bright blue coat, and bright red skis. hard to miss.
Home sweet home.