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Thread: The finest bourbon I have tasted. Yet.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Looking down

    The finest bourbon I have tasted. Yet.

    Elijah Craig 18, the Lagavullun of American whiskey.

    But the same bar has this on the shelf:

    but the 23 year old. Pappy Van Winkle 23 year old. Anybody ever tried it? Because he wants $20 for a neat glass.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    crown of the continent
    Nice. Like the way the title ends 'yet'.

    Cruiser had an opinion on the Pappy [ame=""]here[/ame]
    Something about the wrinkle in your forehead tells me there's a fit about to get thrown
    And I never hear a single word you say when you tell me not to have my fun
    It's the same old shit that I ain't gonna take off anyone.
    and I never had a shortage of people tryin' to warn me about the dangers I pose to myself.

    Patterson Hood of the DBT's

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I haven't had the old pappy because I can't justify spending that much for a bottle, but the van winkle regular stuff is damn good.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Video Bargainville
    I bought a bottle of Elijah Craig 12 a few weeks back... Wasn't that impressed. Is the 18 'better'? or just 'a stronger example of the same'? (i.e. "if you like the 12, the 18's even better... if you didn't like the 12, you'll like the 18 even less")

    I just ordered a bottle of Stranahan's online today. I've never had more than 1 or 2 shots of that in a night (since bars here don't serve it, and i don't like to pay bar prices for whiskey, most times)... I hope it's as good as I remember...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Fraggle Rock, CO
    I haven't had the Elijah Craig although I think I probably should ask for them to bring it in for our crew to try. I have had all of the Pappy bourbons (one after the next at work). Personally I think that the 23yo is getting on a bit. I liked the 20yo better which is nice since it sells for about $100 less a bottle than the 23. IMO the 23 has begun to pick up some of the charcoal notes that leave it feeling kind of flat. Sure, it's still a great whiskey and it's totally worth a taste if you can afford it. But, I think it loses some of the exuberance that it had when it was a bit younger. FWIW, I feel the same way about cognac and scotch. Anything over about 30yo starts to taste a little lackluster to me. I'd rather drink the 20's despite the fact that the older stuff has a more intriguing texture.
    Brandine: Now Cletus, if I catch you with pig lipstick on your collar one more time you ain't gonna be allowed to sleep in the barn no more!
    Cletus: Duly noted.

  6. #6
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    Feb 2004
    I bought a bottle of the PVW 23yo a couple of years ago for a special event and though it was enjoyable, frankly I don't remember its characteristics.

    My personal favorite right now is Jefferson's Reserve. To cross the line into rye whiskey's, if I had to pick one liquor to have on my shelf for a year, it would be Old Portrero. Also tried their Hotalings offering recently and it was very good.
    ...And the greatest ice must crumble when it's flower's time to grow.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    ...big fog
    Pappy makes good bourbon, of all ages.

    The 10 year is one of the best whiskey bargains I've found. Usually $21-$26, which is about what that makers swag costs!
    one step forward, no step backward

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    makers is now $28/1.75L at costco or .70c/shot

    best i ever had was blantons at $40/750ml

    $20/shot is $320/750ml.nothing is worth that

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    George T Stagg
    the best of the best

    old Grandad 114 is a great value as is Jeffersons

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    General Sherman's Favorite City
    I recently picked up a couple bottles of this year's Woodford Reserve Masters Collection. One for me and one as a gift. Of course I sampled it right away to make sure that the recipient would enjoy it as well... taaaaaassssttttyyyy stuff!

    I still call it The Jake.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    I've only recently started researching and sampling different bourbons, so take this for what it's worth, but the Pappy Van Winkle is my hands-down favorite. Soooo smooth.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Mt. Badweather
    Quote Originally Posted by BmillsSkier View Post
    I recently picked up a couple bottles of this year's Woodford Reserve Masters Collection. One for me and one as a gift. Of course I sampled it right away to make sure that the recipient would enjoy it as well... taaaaaassssttttyyyy stuff!

    Sucks at internets

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    South Central Spud Land.
    Van Winkle = good brown liquor.

    As an added bonus the three grand daughters of Pappy lived here in town for a while. At least one still does.

    Triplets I think, and they are all smoking hot. No pics sorry. But they ski and spend the old man's money in a ski town, being ski bums of sort.
    Quote Originally Posted by skuba View Post
    you can let it free and be as stupid as possible

    Thread Killer
    I would like to see your point of view but I can't get my head that far up your ass.

  14. #14
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    Just starting to acquire a taste for the brown.

    Played with this last night for the first time and it was pretty good:

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Looking down
    I just stopped in my local store looking for the Elijah 18, but only found the 12 for 25 bucks, so, WTF. I sit here telling you it's a superb value. Let it breath a little.

    Cheers. Happy Holidays. Call your mother.

  16. #16
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    Much like jibij, I am a rank amatuer in the ways of brown liquor, but I think that Tuthilltown Spirts’ Hudson Baby Bourbon is very nice.

    I have no idea how it would stack up against the others, however.

    Which makes the value of my post limited at best.
    Charlie, here comes the deuce. And when you speak of me, speak well.

  17. #17
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    It's a repost, but Russells Reserve, by Wild Turkey $25 (in Va.) a bottle I believe.

    Best I've had fore the price. Drinks like Blantons at less cost.
    "You damn colonials and your herds of tax write off dressage ponies". PNWBrit

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buzzworthy View Post
    Just starting to acquire a taste for the brown.

    Played with this last night for the first time and it was pretty good:

    I was really disappointed with the 1792. Maybe it's just me, but its got a pretty harsh alcohol bite to it, and is just kinda boring. Fine for mixing, but for the price I wasn't pleased with it. I'm no connoisseur or anything. I started liking bourbon just a few years ago when my buddy turned me on to Woodford Reserve. Since then I pretty much stick to Knobb when I want something nice to sip on cuz I'm poor and cant afford to gamble on something I wont like.
    Quote Originally Posted by JoeStrummer
    The universe that is a vehicle is a funny and delicate thing. I fucked my wife in the back seat of our Saab in the parking lot before a Social D / Superchunk show at Red Rocks. After that the radio never worked again.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    L.A. city of sickness
    Those look delicious. I will be trying some soon. I have a new more everyday Bourbon that I find to my liking called Buffalo Trace, give that a shot or 2 or 3.
    surviving in the city, powered by wellbutrin

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Looking down
    Jeez, I was wrong. The Pappy Van Winkle 20 year old is $20 a shot a my local "pub". The 23 year old is $40! Anybody tried it? The 20 year old is superb, but, dear lord, I swore off coke a very long time ago for this very reason.........

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    How is it for sippin? I always have on hand a bottle of Gentlemen's and Maker's. I do not either mix with anything except ice and a glass...Maybe a novice here, yet these are what I like...

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Fraggle Rock, CO
    ^^^ It's gud. I'm still working on my bottle of the Pappy 20yo. May have to have a glass right now.

    Mixing anything more than a splash of branch water into whiskey like the ones mentioned in this thread will make baby Jesus cry. You don't wanna make baby Jesus cry, do you?
    Brandine: Now Cletus, if I catch you with pig lipstick on your collar one more time you ain't gonna be allowed to sleep in the barn no more!
    Cletus: Duly noted.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    One standard ice cube. Warm whiskey makes the baby Jeebus vomit... it's meant to be Cellar Temp.

    MakersTeleMark and I drank some yummy Willett in a place here in DC called "Bourbon." The seection was amazing - at least 100 different bourbons.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tippster View Post
    One standard ice cube. Warm whiskey makes the baby Jeebus vomit... it's meant to be Cellar Temp.

    MakersTeleMark and I drank some yummy Willett in a place here in DC called "Bourbon." The seection was amazing - at least 100 different bourbons.

    Funny you mention the Willett, Tippster. I had never heard of the brand until Monday night when my wife and I headed to this craft cocktail place in Dixie and had a sampling of Willett's single barrel variety at the request of the barmaid:

    Honestly, my favorite tasting of the night was another unknown to me called Noah's Mill:

    Really enjoyed this one, nice smooth carmel flavors and very smooth sippin.

    Lots of good bourbon out there that is yet to be tried I guess!
    I still call it The Jake.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post
    George T Stagg
    the best of the best
    Damn you, Woodsy! Everyone is out of this right now. Maybe I'll call my favorite little drug pusher....errrrr...liquor store tomorrow.

    For now, I heart Blanton's though. Mmmmm...
    "I knew in an instant that the three dollars I had spent on wine would not go to waste."

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