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Thread: Keep kids skiing pass it down thread...keep it going

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Keep kids skiing pass it down thread...keep it going

    Many of us have offspring. I have yet to figure out if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

    Regardless, we buy stuff for our kids. Then our kids grow. Ski things get thrown in a corner and not used when out fellow parental maggots could use our hand be downs. So lets do it here.

    So I would ask you to keep this thread active and when you have stuff or need stuff for your future rockstars, maybe we all can help out.

    I know that this idea really is for Teledave. He sent me (for free) a backpack for my daughter years ago to hike with her (and ski if I wanted). It got a lot of use. Another lurker here and a good buddy now has it for his son and soon to be another in the family. We pass things down. Not for our gain, for theirs. The kids that get to experience a fraction of what most of us here do will thank us a thousand times over.

    My daugther is 4 going on 5 in late Jan. We are going to rent skis this year for her and will soon be giving up (when she says it is cool) some of those 70cm Karhu kid skis. The bindings are adjustable for normal ski boots and give them the idea of skiing while they can lift their heel to move around the yard and more.

    And soon as she hits the lifts and gets it, these other skis will be up for grabs for another future skier.

    And of course we need something.

    Harness. My kid is going to go straight I believe. I need a way to stop her.
    And again, we all hook each other up and our kids get to ski and we get to not spend a fortune.

    Use and give on.......
    Last edited by Buzzworthy; 10-16-2009 at 06:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Atomic GS9 jrs. size 27. Really big kids race boots.

    Free to a good home. Great condition.

    Dont have any kids, so all I need is money to cover shipping.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Alpine Meadows, CA
    Great post. I'll probably have some boots to post soon. But for now I have a WANTED post.

    Wanted: Kids (Boys/Small Mens) Ski pants. Kids size XL or Men's XS. Preferably waterproof. TIA.
    I'm a cougar, not a MILF! I have to protect my rep! - bklyn

    In any case, if you're ever really in this situation make sure you at least bargain in a couple of fluffers.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Down In A Hole, Up in the Sky
    I am still seeking some first-timer skis and bindings. (hard shell boots)
    Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    SE Idaho
    Question on the ground rules. Is this a thread for free stuff? Shipping + the proverbial sixer? I know I have a host of crap once we do our annual accessment but I also know my son wants to sell his 141cm Addicts, he'd like to sell them for cash to put towards some much fatter skis. Would this be the spot for a traditional sale like his? Or more of a pass it forwardish type of thread?
    Last edited by cooltsi; 11-05-2009 at 07:25 PM.
    Driving to Targhee

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I am in the gear needed category (was coming onto TGR to post, but this thread is better).

    2 year old boy, needs gear. We were at Squaw today (I picked up my pass and it was dumping), and I picked up a helmet for him.
    --hard shell boots and skis.

    I have the strap on karhu's and he played on them last winter (mostly at the nordic center). I know he will still use these, but for taking him to the resort I would like to get some real beginner skis.
    --probably will use CP1's tbar contraption and then begin to practice without it.
    Donjoy to the World!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Down In A Hole, Up in the Sky
    I am thinking this is a ' "play" it forward' thread, but what do I know. I have some other stuff to possibly trade, brand new Burton kids boots? (I'll look at sizes later)

    Telemike, re-PM me, I lost your address! (had to douche the box)
    Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Wasatch Back: 7000'
    140 Rossi Bandits
    118 Rossi Scratch
    Size 12 girls coat, light, sky blue and white; insulated, great shape Obermayer.

    What I need (not in return): xs Women's down sweater any color.
    “How does it feel to be the greatest guitarist in the world? I don’t know, go ask Rory Gallagher”. — Jimi Hendrix

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Alpine Meadows, CA
    As for ground rules. I don't think the stuff has to be free. Its good for karma if it is, but if its gear you could sell, why not sell it to maggots at a good price? We all win. To a degree its safer than Craigslist since maggots generally treat one another well and know whether gear is good, in good shape and usually have some idea of its value and what would be a good deal. I've seen lots of kid related maggot deals where no money was exchanged, others where shipping was offered, some where money was changed hands, and even a few where the currency was either Bud or buds.
    I'm a cougar, not a MILF! I have to protect my rep! - bklyn

    In any case, if you're ever really in this situation make sure you at least bargain in a couple of fluffers.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Thumbs up A depostiory thread for all kids related ski goods....

    I started this thread for the kids. Our kids need gear. Then they grow out of it. Some of it has already been passed down, other stuff is new. Your stuff, you set the rules.

    For me it is about getting our little ones on the slopes to have fun like we do.

    Pay it forward is always good for some things, others may require a bit of $$.
    This can be a one thread deal for kids stuff, as there are a lot of peeps that have stuff in their garage gathering dust while other kids could use it to get started skiing.

    I have alpine ski boots for my 4.5 year old and am looking to rent skis this year. Anyone in SLC know a good place for this?

    Quote Originally Posted by cooltsi View Post
    Would this be the spot for a traditional sale like his? Or more of a pass it forwardish type of thread?
    Yes and yes. Kid related: keep it here, easy to find for us parentals.

    Bottom line: Keep our kids on the slopes!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    North Vancouver

    Kids gear !

    I have been giving my kids gear sway for years on and off. Sometimes i get a couple of dollars, but seriously, how much is a 5-8 year old pair of 110 skis worth ? I will Check my closet and post up anything I find tonight.
    All my kids are grown and growing and would not even call them kids anymore.
    I think if a 13 year old maggot wants to sell his K2 demon spitting top sheets, or what ever the flavour of the day is, that should be kept to the regular post in gear swap/trad/sale. Just my opinion.

    Keep on giving. Get your kids on the hill !
    What if "Alternative" energy wasn't so alternative ?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    SE Idaho
    First pic:

    Mostly gone - Bunch of kids goggles, all really small, mostly hammered, good for a backup set maybe or playing in the yard - Shipping

    Mostly Gone - Couple of headbands, mittens in really small sizes (won't fit my 5 year old), pass holder, crazzy hair helmet cover and an adult balaclava from Helly hansen, really warm, too hot for me, and a Tigger hat - shipping

    Kids medium kids Kombi gauntles with removable liners - lets call this $2 as I could keep them for the younger kids as backups in a few years.

    Second pic:
    Gone - Kids purple transpack, put your helmet and stuff in the middle boots on the outside $5
    Kids teaching harness, used something like 3 times $10
    Gone - couple more googles for kids, again, probably only good for spares etc...-shipping
    Pair of 25.X Nordica three buckle intermediate boots from about 10 years ago. My wife learned on these - shipping
    And a couple of large pine creek fanny packs never used, lots of straps and adjustments, they've been kicking around for 5ish years - $5 each.

    Please pay shipping and paypal fees if necessary, I don't mind shipping to maggots and letting them send me a check after the fact. I'm asking a bit on a few of these items to cover the logistics of shipping etc....

    [ame=""]Fischer Addict 141 with bindings FS[/ame]
    Last edited by cooltsi; 10-23-2009 at 02:24 PM. Reason: bunch gone...
    Driving to Targhee

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    an old saloon
    Quote Originally Posted by rideit View Post
    I am still seeking some first-timer skis and bindings. (hard shell boots)
    Are you looking for kid's or adult, Rideit?

    Either way, I have some girl's stuff my daughter has grown out of, I'll get some pix soon and post it up.

    Crippled but free, I was blind all the time, I was learning to 'ski'.

    The best backcountry advice ever given on the TGR forums:

    Quote Originally Posted by skibee View Post
    Tits are a good thing, if making a good decision so you can live to see tits again is all that motivates you then so be it!!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    rideit - those boots I sent ok? If not, let's get them up here.
    I didn't believe in reincarnation when I was your age either.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    an old saloon
    Ok, here are some pictures of the stuff thats worth paying the shipping for. Keep in mind, if you want any of this, thats all you will be doing.

    1pr. K2 Luv Bugs 136 with Rossi comp-j bindings, 0.75-4 DIN, 280 bsl. Used 30-40 days.
    Claimed, edmoloco

    1pr. Nordica GP TJ Super 24.5 (mens 6.5, women's 7.5), 280 bsl. (the Super was the stiffer kids 4 buckle, flex is 70, good for a 'tweener' Grom). Used 30-40 days.
    Claimed jsnowut

    1 BOERI helmet, size unknown, its truly a small Grom size.
    Claimed Buzzworthy

    1 Burton jacket size Kids XL white/purple with a zip off hood.
    Gone to a local friend for the future.

    Again, in the spirit of this thread, all I am asking is that you pay the shipping. Also in the spirit of this thread, if this gear is still in good condition when your kids outgrow it, please pass it along. Post here or PM me if you are interested in anything.

    Last edited by Teh Poacher; 02-23-2010 at 01:18 PM. Reason: Everything is gone.......
    Crippled but free, I was blind all the time, I was learning to 'ski'.

    The best backcountry advice ever given on the TGR forums:

    Quote Originally Posted by skibee View Post
    Tits are a good thing, if making a good decision so you can live to see tits again is all that motivates you then so be it!!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Too Far South
    I'll go through minis stuff later tonight, but if anyone has a pair of kids skis in a 100-120cm range I'd love to take them off your hands later in the season
    For sure, you have to be lost to find a place that can't be found, elseways everyone would know where it was

  17. #17
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    Jan 2006
    I may have 90, 100, 107, 110, 118cm,128 and a pair of 130's as well.
    Have to check with my brothers who have kids under 2 first to see what they may want before making them available.

    For just 2 kids the quiver is nuts.
    Move upside and let the man go through...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    I am new to TGR but from what I have heard and read, I think my family and I will fit right in.

    We are looking for a pair of strap on skis for our 1.5 year old. A local shop gave us seasonal rentals but they are just to big and heavy for our little guy. I have been looking all over for a set and nobody seems to have a cheep/free pair.

    Let me know if you can/want to help a little guy out!

  19. #19
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    Oct 2007
    have a pair of head rainbow 98's and a pair of salomon t2girls (grey/maroon) 19.5's I believe - 1 season/10 days. I'll drop pics later when I pull the camera.

  20. #20
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    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh Poacher View Post
    1 BOERI helmet, size unknown, its truly a small Grom size.
    Some small nicks in the paint but otherwise perfect. My daughter used this back when she was 5-7 years old, so it should fit other kids in that age range. If you are willing to pay the shipping on it, you get all the 'schwag' in that picture that is age appropriate, stuffed inside. Gates (m) mitts, 2pr. Smith Grom sized goggles, Euro-S ski socks, plus I think I have a lycra baclava/fleece neckgator combo for inside the helmet around here somewhere, I'll have to look for it.

    Got your PM. I think we could definitely use the helmet and the goggles too.
    I want just show the grom as she HAS to like the color but it looks her style.


    Would love a harness.

    This weekend picked up some real skis and binding for the kiddo. She is almost set.

    I need to go through her stuff from last year and see what I have. Since she just started last year I don't have much yet, but let me see about any old snow boots she may have.

    Good parents! Bump.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    gear is gone
    Last edited by ~mikey b; 11-24-2009 at 02:19 PM.
    I didn't believe in reincarnation when I was your age either.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    If anyone in Canada has some skis/bindings/boots/poles kicking around, I could really use them for my nephew. Took the kid skiing once last year, and he loved it (and was very good, too)! Now he wants me to take him out several times this winter. I could always use a new ski buddy, and paying for rental gear sucks.

    Basically looking for an entire setup for a 9 y/o new skier. Equipment condition/appearance is not an issue whatsoever.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by trhaley View Post

    We are looking for a pair of strap on skis for our 1.5 year old. A local shop gave us seasonal rentals but they are just to big and heavy for our little guy. I have been looking all over for a set and nobody seems to have a cheep/free pair.

    edit: Sent to a Maggot, claimed.
    Last edited by Buzzworthy; 12-05-2009 at 12:21 PM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    edit: gear went to Telemike
    Last edited by Buzzworthy; 12-05-2009 at 12:19 PM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Down In A Hole, Up in the Sky
    Dibs on the 90's?

    Thanks, Buzz!
    Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident

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