I have been out there fighting the cutthroats this summer and this is what I have produced. I have enjoyed reading you guy's rerpots and posts and figured it was time to contribute, so here goes.
These are a couple of little guys on the way up to Shelf Lake.
I know its not too big, but this is probably my biggest cutty. Caught in Shelf Lake, which was my first high altitude lake fishign trip. Very fun.
This next little guy was from Cone Lake. Fun easy hike. there were bigger ones in there, but I only got into the little guys.
Here's a little Clear Creek cutty.
Here's one from the upper Square Top Lake. Saw a monster swimming around, but he had his own agenda and never saw him again.
Back to Clear Creek this last weekend. Great little spot with a bunch of 9+ inch cutties, probably head back there this weekend.
By the way, I'm like that guy in the Burger King add with the tiny hands, so all of these fish are really huge.