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Thread: Are The Original BLOGs Staying? And Why Am I A Zero?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    In rain shadow of the Sierra CC,NV

    Question Are The Original BLOGs Staying? And Why Am I A Zero?

    Hey Dere!
    (I like the TGR30 look, btw.)

    I see y'all have a bunch of Pro's blogging now.
    Does that mean the very few blogs by us regular mags will disappear?
    (I ask because it seems like the new "pro" blogs are a different style from the old, and like they are in a different "place" to the old ones )

    Also, no biggie, but although I have made a few Blog entries, my stats show Blog Entries as zero...Why is that?
    Is it due to my ineptitude? (Again)
    I Thank You.

    ...Remember, those who think Global Warming is Fake, also think that Adam & Eve were Real...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    You can still access the old blogs in your control panel, however, we want to phase those out and there is no way to tie into them from Vbulletin and the new system. The new blog platform is the one you should use. These will be user blogs mixed with pro blogs. Eventually the pro blogs will be filtered directly to the tgr prosite, but for now we are double populating the community area with the pro content while things get rolling. The old blog platform was pretty weak in our opinion, so we wanted to give a much better style. When using the new blog system it is key that you upload a blog thumb to the requested specs. Otherwise, all your blogs will have your profile photo as a thumb and you can't change that. It is way cooler and better to see if you have a unique thumb for each blog. P.S. this is TGR 420. I am logged in as Jeremy doing some work on his account. I just realized that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    In rain shadow of the Sierra CC,NV


    Hey there TGR420, thanks for the response.
    Quote Originally Posted by JeremyJones View Post
    The new blog platform is the one you should use.
    Ok, sure.
    Is that straightforward, and obvious? (I prolly won't have time to try it today)
    Could I move my old Blog over to the new platform?
    Like, just cut&paste, maybe?
    Quote Originally Posted by JeremyJones View Post
    When using the new blog system it is key that you upload a blog thumb to the requested specs. Otherwise, all your blogs will have your profile photo as a thumb and you can't change that. It is way cooler and better to see if you have a unique thumb for each blog.

    Sorry, now you've lost me...
    Unless someone else knows what you're getting at, I'd appreciate a step-by-step. I do understand you may not have the time right now.
    How do I avoid my Profile photo becoming the default?

    ...Remember, those who think Global Warming is Fake, also think that Adam & Eve were Real...

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