After fiddling with templates every-time I mount bindings, I decided to make paper templates for all the popular bindings that can be printed on 8.5"x11" paper and can be used for all BSL's. Note the revision number appended to the end of the filename (_R1 ect). If you have saved an old revision, please delete it!
Alpine Bindings
salomon_paper_template_R6.pdf Verified (jondrums) FKS_paper_template_R8.pdf Verified (jondrums) look_px_racing_paper_template_R3.pdf Verified (johnny sizzler) look_pivot_axial_paper_template_R2.pdf Verified (jondrums) look_px_axial2_paper_template_R3.pdf Verified (strawjack) marker_jester_paper_template_R5.pdf Verified (cstefanic) tyrolia_paper_template_R4.pdf verified (climber joe)
Touring Bindings
dynafit_paper_template_R2.pdf Verified (hick) dynafit_radical_paper_template_R2.pdf verified (grenalds) plum_paper_template_R1.pdf Verified (jondrums) duke_paper_template_R3.pdf Verified (jondrums) dukeEPF_paper_template_R1.pdf unverified fritschi_pro_eagle_paper_template_R0.pdf Unverified fritschi_paper_template_R2.pdf verified (WyoWill) guardian_paper_template_R2.pdf verified (ecskier7) adrenalin_paper_template_R1.pdf verified (jondrums)
Binding Freedom Plate Kits
dynadukes_paper_template_R2.pdf Verified (jondrums) dynadukes_paper_template_11x17_R2.pdf Verified (jondrums) sollyfits_paper_template_R2 Verified (jondrums) dynalooks_paper_template_R1 Verified (jondrums) markerfits_paper_template_R1 Verified (jondrums)
Please post to the thread when you use any of these, so that people know that particular template has been used and worked.
A new note: Double Check your Print Scaling! not all printers print at the right size, so use a ruler and make sure that printed ruler on paper matches the real ruler. If not, adjust the size percentage on your print settings and print again!
*Use at your own risk - Always double check your holes before drilling!
UPDATE: Tutorial pics and vids now in post #77
DynaDuke, SollyFit, Inserts, and Tools
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