Pictures are from the Munich ISPO show:
Pictures are from the Munich ISPO show:
Last edited by f2f; 02-02-2009 at 01:34 PM.
sorry so far I can't see 'em....
stupid picasa. i've uploaded them here instead.
Were there pins for the heel? I can't tell from the pics, but it doesn't appear so.
This is great. Now that there is some competition in the Tech binding segment, I will bet that we will see a general improvement in these bindings. G3 has their new binding, now Trab. I like Dynafits, but I think that now that their patent is expiring, they will have to raise their game to keep up.
now I can see, thanks a lot, really useful. There are no pins on the heel , it's a new system potentially much more interesting (IMVHO) than G3
Alpine heel, dynafit toe, 14 din, and 560g, very nice!
Those look pretty cool. I've always kinda thought the pins for the heel weren't a great idea (too easy to flex out of, it seems like), so its good to see someone making an alternative that still utilizes the lightweight toe.
I wonder how they keep the heel from engaging when you're walking.
Question: like on an alpine downhill binding, is the heel unit connected to a spring-loaded track that maintains forward pressure?
that looks very sweet
Originally Posted by blurred
Ok I'm definitely interested. I hope they send Lou a pair to test.
560 grams.
Dynafit ST bindings are listed (on the Dynafit site) as 410 grams.
they look burly, though... and techno friend arfio pointed out that burly bindings at 560 are likely to be expensive (ergal or whatever...)
DIN to 14? Is that for real or just the lock-out thing?
You mean the toe is rotating?
It at least seems that the toe is still rigid and the lateral release comes from the rotating heelpiece? Am I missing something?
The construction looks at least convincing in a 1950s U.S.S.R tank kind of way..
Any mention when they are supposed to aviable?
The floggings will continue until morale improves.
4th pic, behind the guy and upmost pic & text... The pic seems like it'll release the toe-clamp on the other side and thus allow twisting release from the toe...
At least thats how I saw it.. PLus the text sideways toe ... release, kind of implies that the toe should release...
Originally Posted by RootSkier
I also see what seems to be a screw-adjustable release spring in the toe unit.
Sold! ...
Do you by chance happen to own a large, yellowish, very flat cat?
Sweeeeeeeet. Put me down for a pair.
When life gives you haters, make haterade.