About three inches in town and comin' down heavy! Woot!![]()
About three inches in town and comin' down heavy! Woot!![]()
So I left this morning, no signs of snow. Now its dumping? wtf At least its snowing in Jackson too
Snowbowl will be opening today for the '08-'09 Season! Woot! Woot!
As of 5am they'd picked up 8", and are shooting for a casual Noon opener. Tickets are only $20 which suggests that only the LaVelle lift will be skiable, but hell if I care, it'll be great just to be riding again, and skiing powder for the opener is always welcome.
It should be blizzard like conditions up top with dropping temps headed toward subzero. Awesome, winter is here.![]()
I'd go for a Bowl bloody right about now. A couple LaVelle laps wouldn't hurt either. Good to hear you guys are getting this one!
Yipper, Stuart Mountain Snotel is showing 10.1 inches since 7pm.
I only got a couple hours sleep, but who can sleep when the first big storm has come and you haven't skied yet?
You just didn't drink enough. I slept like a rock and I am still fired up and ready to go...in fact, I already have my ski pants on!
See you assclowns up there.
Oh my God! Thank you Jesus! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
It's on like voltron!
Big Mtn was closed today. We drove up good and early to get to the base and see downed trees and 40mph gusts with temps at -4f BEFORE windchill. I almost got blown over twice while walking. Good thing for me I have tomorrow off and I know the mountain well enough to find all the blown in pillowy goodness!!
From the Big Mtn Snow Report:
9:30 Update: We will be closed for operations today. We have done everything we can to open today and unfortunately it will not happen. 50 mph gusts and 40 below windchills have ripped the summit. Efforts in the village have also been hampered by heavy snow and wind. Check in the morning for updates on Sundays terrain.
Down here in Bozone, too. About 200' of visibility on my way to work this morning. The Tram, Ramcharger, and Iron Horse all opened today up at the Pig Sty, and I have a day off tomorrow. I hope my nose doesn't freeze off.. Will try hard for documentation. Have fun up in your neck of the woods.
I think the potato gun proved the stability.
Enjoy it suckas, I'll be here in the city protecting the general public. Lolo pass looks like it picked up about 10". 'Bout time.
'bout time I was starting to get nervous
Hey whos going up to the bowl on Sunday I could use a ride.
I'm caught in tha grip of tha city...Madness!!
The bowl was pretty damn good today up top. Surprisingly decent coverage despite lots of pine tree tops poking through. Didn't hit a single rock until we came down Paradise because it was just too damn cold on Lavelle.
The snow was a little slow and it was definitely denser on top, and with the massive wind transport going on, it should be good and sketchy in the BC for the short term.
Can't even imagine how miserable the lifts will be tomorrow.
For opening day at the Bowl, I really thought it would have been so much worse. It was deep in lots of spots and I certainly grabbed a few face shots when leaning over some turns. Kinda heavy on top, for sure Rootskier, I was diving tips like crazy. If it wasn't 0 deg at the top with negative a million wind chill it might have made me last longer than the afternoon, but thats all that was open, so yay. Paradise was fun till you get to the last 500 feet, and thats pretty typical of the bowl. It was fun to wind down and thaw out over drinks and see the everyone happy to ride the bowl again. Some one even had a BD megawatt shot skis, god damn! For one of those days when you expected nothing, it sure did provide exactly the opposite of that.
Bowl was pretty fun today, and so far, none of the skin on my face appears to have died.
Word on the street is that they're not opening tomorrow because of the cold. That may just be a rumor though.
If you want people to offer you rides, quit being such a tool by cunting up an otherwise happy thread. Start your own blog thread: "I was really excited to go skiing, but people kept passing me, and it made me feel very inadequate, so I decided to malign everyone who skied that day to detach myself from my disappointment..."
I'll pick you up if I see you JONG. I never pass Bowl hitchers at *Sevenar, but I tend to roll by early if there's a good chance of freshies. PM me by morning if you want to set up a ride.
* sucks that they changed the name, now just another Town Pump, but the gas is cheap.
Last edited by Rasputin; 12-14-2008 at 12:44 AM.
Oh yeah, fun day at the bowl considering the brutal cold, wicked wind (two reasons I didn't take pics, frostbite was a real concern), and only the LaVelle to ski. Snow well up over my knees in many places, but a lot of boot top, to knee snow. Heavy dry, wind, buffed powder. If you turned to much it would swallow you. I only bottomed out a few times, it wasn't hard to miss the thin spots.
"Another great day at the bowl." - Brad Morris
Watch for the JONG here. Sorry I didnt kiss your ass enough on you yokel local thread. Please will you ever find it in your heart to forgive me! I wasn't looking for your approval or even your gay ass interpretation of what happened. TTUF! May God Spite you with festering boils! You Jackoff!
Last edited by citycrow; 12-14-2008 at 02:08 AM.
I'm caught in tha grip of tha city...Madness!!
Heard she was a cold one today boyz. And the theme continues. This is from the Stuart Peak snotel.
23 below ZERO with out the windchill at 9pm. Ballz
I guess you don't need a ride anyway princess, The Bowl's closed due to extreme cold, down to -50 with wind chill.
Silly JONG, if you didn't cop and attitude, you could have developed a good hook up here for rides, but instead you decided to play drama queen, and acted all butt hurt because people didn't jump at the chance to offer your lame, don't-have-a-rig-your-own ass a lift. If you don't like getting JONGed quit acting like a whiny, still wet behind the ears pin dick, that talks shit because that all he has to offer.
Oh, FYI Sally and the word is SMITE not SPITE, geeze, you don't even know how to curse properly.![]()
Yeah, this is strange behavior for around here. All ya need to do dude, is stick yer thumb out by Sevenar and you'll get picked up. If yer a student and can't get to Sevenar, look for people in your last class with grey tickets on their coats ( dems what Ronnie gives you when you buy yer pass while she makes it at home ) when you see one, you know they have a pass so just ask, can I get a ride after class, brah? Don't worry if you are looking for friends from this board, you will find them, I know who most of these guys are you'll figure it out too just buy em a beer and introducde yerself, they like beer. Plus Rasputin drives too fast on the road and doesnt' shower during ski season so you'd be better off finding some hottie that needs you to drive her car for her antway. Cool off a little though, don't need the attitude at the bowl.
Last edited by puresilk; 12-14-2008 at 11:51 AM.