@ 1980 I come down from Vt. to NYC.... I came out of a building to see my car being towed. When the tow truck got to the first stop light, I opened the door and got in my car. He gets out and says "what are you doing"?
I said, "I don't know where you're going so I thought I'd go along" (i'm gettn ready to read the newspaper). He says "I can't move with you in the car". I say "good, put the car down". He says " I can't do that". I say, "well then take me in your cab". He says "I can't do that either." I say, well put it down then cause I'm not getting out." A small crowd is gathering on the sidewalk, I'm getting thumbs up and shit. Horns are blaring behind us. A policewoman shows up and says i need to get out. I balk. Some guy gets out of his car(obviously sees the green plates) walks up and say's look I'll take you to where your car is going. I ride with this guy and thank him. He just says "pay it forward".
I wrote the holding yard a check that i knew wasn't good...never heard again about that.