Post up pics of your sled!
Getting wicked stoked to ride mine. I'll put up some pics when I get home......let's see 'em!
Post up pics of your sled!
Getting wicked stoked to ride mine. I'll put up some pics when I get home......let's see 'em!
Where's yours?
Originally Posted by wintermittent
Originally Posted by snowsprite
Shouldn't sled pics be in the family pics part of your billfold?
Originally Posted by wintermittent
Originally Posted by snowsprite
my black stallion under alpenglow in the coast mountains... so fkn stoked i can taste it
when everything in the world is at its darkest, it takes a big man to kick back and party.
Stomp, summit 800? Verrry nice!!![/borat]
That thing looks like Batman's sled.
Originally Posted by wintermittent
Originally Posted by snowsprite
i cant wait!
Old and Getting Older........
Amazing Days
My Flickr Photos
.....go out and make this season the best season of your life. Ski that line, take that trip, slide that rail, make that leap, live for the moment, and make memories with friends that’ll last a lifetime, because as a great man once said, “If you don’t do it this year, you’ll be one year older when you do.”
-Mike Rogge
^Wow, how long did that take to dig out?
damn i miss my sled
brett (blurredelevens) just sent me this pic of him and his new Arctic Cat.............STOKED!!!
Dude, that's some sick plaid, very jealous.
Not me, but here's my good buddy sending over Mt Rose Highway...
The OG '03 Summit 800 is how I roll.
Little Big Lost, is that a Nytro, I'm thinking about picking up one of those in the next week or two. You been happy with it?
nice one
My good old 670 just keeps goin and goin and goin..................
I'm thinking about buying a sled this year, what kind should I get?
04-07 Skidoo REV 800, in a 144-162 track. Can probably find one pretty reasonably priced, will get you everywhere you need to go with enough power to tandem up too.