Actually seems like a pretty good deal.
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Actually seems like a pretty good deal.
Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Thanks to everyone’s help while I shopped for a new sled. Especially Adrenated who took the time to answer a ton of stupid questions.
I ended up with a 2015 Skidoo summit 800. 153 track.
I took it up to Silverton yesterday, in hopes someone else (with more skills and more confidence) laid a track up Prospect Gulch. Unfortunately, no one had been up there since the ~20” fell, and I was solo and didn’t have the balls to take the machine up. So, I broke trail the old-fashioned way while the sled sat in the trailer. What a dork.
I did take it on a few rips up Cement creek which was just a snowpacked road with a few inches of fresh. It started every pull and no immediate issues.
I’m pretty stoked. I paid $3800 which seems fair. Now I just need to learn how to drive it! Also need to figure out an affordable way to strap skis on it.
Thanks again for everyone’s help. So pumped.
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Rad looking terrain. You'll be happy when you learn how to use it.. When my wife and I got our first sleds we made it up the road then ski toured up from there. As we were doing that a couple guys on sleds with boards went by...... oh yeah that's why we got these.
It would have been stuck ville. Sometimes doing it "the old fashioned way" is necessary and smart.
I have that same sled . They are awesome. Get some scratchers and a cfr rack. They are on sale 15 percent off today and with our shit exchange rate that's pretty much free for you guys.
Congrats on the sled. Just FYI your track length is 163". The next size down is 154". Get a rack so you can carry your ski boots when riding the sled. We use these dry bags for our boots:
Rad! Looks like a nice pick up.
It might be the photo but check the angle on that riser (stem if you speak MTB). Generally speaking, it should be inline with the steering post for best handling. You can just eye ball it.
And you did the best thing to make friends with snowmobilers that like a dependable sled.
And yes, sucking and learning how to ride is the fun part.
Bring a shovel!
Sleds out also in arctic! Fun to ride&ski again, even though up here is not brapskiing, 4 strokes with widetracks rule up here [emoji16]
Lähetetty minun LYA-L29 laitteesta Tapatalkilla
Took my 3 y/o on his first sled trip outside of our yard to get a tree last weekend. We just putted about 10 miles up a FS road and he freakin loved it. The surprise hot dogs from the muff pot and Jetboil cocoa at the top blew his mind.
With the Otter hitch installed now, the plan is to tow his little 60cc Kitty Cat along in that sled on an overnight FS cabin trip we have planned in a couple of weeks.
Thanks! Definitely cherishing every moment that he actually still wants to hang out with me!
I'm pretty sure that is the standard seat. Its just the smallness of the kid sitting in front of the seat and the angle of the pic. That said, they do make a 2 Up Seat for the Gen 4 Summits
But the bigger question is why? Really the only time that sitting down is fun is on a well groomer trail and if thats the use case, don't get a mountain sled.
I'm not really the expert but my opinion is that the modern mountain sleds work best Canadian for somewhat technical terrain and Squirrel (riding in front of the driver holding the mountain bar) for trail.
It broken record time in this thread, but "sharing a snowmobile" to go skiing and "doubling up to make laps" is not as realistic as some people think.
It can and does get done (Watch the Brap Ski videos) but the skill set required is somewhat advanced and many places don't have the right combo of terrain. You really need to either have an established road (FS or cat road) or work to build your own road.
But its a fun adventurous search. Really, if you want to use a snowmobile for skiing, you kinda have to like snowmobiles. There are places where you can take a shit box sled out a groomer road, park and skin but they are not everywhere.
And back to used sleds. I've been seening at lot of 15/16/17 Rmks [Axys Chassis] get sold in good condtions for +/$4k. No its not the latest greatest but those are capable whips and lots of my friends ran them hard with no particular problems.
So yeah, for most people buying a brand new factory turbo for +/-$22k is out of reach and unwise but no matter what your budget, there is an amazing machine at that price.
Just the standard seat with a little kid on it. He's kinda sitting on the gas tank in that photo.
That's a video of a trail sled. We call Squirrel, "Girlfriend"- only used in a ski situation if the passenger has tits or just really sucks at sledding.
Anybody been up to Uncle Buds hut?
@All pretty much
"2 Guys One Pizza Box" "I don't like ya that much, I hope you've got long arms"
I'm pretty sure you can get a tall windshield and a 2 up seat for a Summit but yeah why? And the best think about short tunnels and no snowflaps in no body asks for a tow.
"fuck off you asshat gaper shit for brains fucktard wanker." - Jesus Christ
"She was tossing her bean salad with the vigor of a Drunken Pop princess so I walked out of the corner and said.... "need a hand?"" - Odin
"everybody's got their hooks into you, fuck em....forge on motherfuckers, drag all those bitches across the goal line with you." - (not so) ill-advised strategy
Quick lap on the way to work. Polar night can be pretty!
Lähetetty minun LYA-L29 laitteesta Tapatalkilla
Nice Blurred...keep us updated on how the season goes on the 858
is that snowbike electric?
No replacement for displacement
Brandine: Now Cletus, if I catch you with pig lipstick on your collar one more time you ain't gonna be allowed to sleep in the barn no more!
Cletus: Duly noted.
Bet it's gas with some really nice snow shields.
That Cat lineup is sweet. My old M was pull and go. Newer M has been...finicky. Have heard the 858 can hang with the 9R but of course has had a handful of first yr issues. Would love to have another legit NA 850+ option to compete with Poo & Doo.