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Thread: Maggot snowmobile thread

  1. #4176
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Foggy_Goggles View Post
    What sled is this thread on rewind
    Let's be real what would TGR be without "This thread on rewind"?

    Ok so.
    2 stroke.
    Doo don't poo
    Studs on the van not the trailer (already run them)

    How idiot-tolerant are these things? Like I just learned what a "scratcher" is, if I ran around without one on ice would I grenade the motor from the heat? Are the belts pretty tough?

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  2. #4177
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    Feb 2017
    To put a finer point on it...

    - Skidoo summit 800 XM chassis minimum (2013-16) or 850 gen 4 ftw (17-22)
    - 154 track minimum, 165 track ftw
    - lowest miles you can find/afford

    Bonus: 3" paddles, ski/board rack (homemade if you're crafty), tunnel bag, hotdogger, neon custom wrap with matching pit vipers.
    Last edited by heckacali; 10-24-2024 at 01:57 PM.

  3. #4178
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Get a rack so you can carry your ski boots on the tunnel. Ride wearing snomo boots or the like. Lightweight rando boots can work, but you'll fuck up your boots and sled doing that all the time. You'll eventually also smash body parts when you slip off the running boards wearing ski boots. Wear a full face helmet when you're riding your sled. If you ride long enough, your face will eventually touch the machine and/or the ground.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1763.jpg 
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ID:	502783

  4. #4179
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  5. #4180
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huskier View Post
    How idiot-tolerant are these things? Like I just learned what a "scratcher" is, if I ran around without one on ice would I grenade the motor from the heat? Are the belts pretty tough?
    Anything built in the last 10-15 years will tell you when it's overheating.

    The easiest way to fuck up a sled is leave the parking brake on and go braaaaaaap! That lights them on fire.

    I have yet to smoke a belt but I try my best never to tow. You will break shit here and there though. Welcome to powersports.

  6. #4181
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    Shuswap Highlands

    Maggot snowmobile thread

    Quote Originally Posted by adrenalated View Post
    I have yet to smoke a belt but I try my best never to tow. You will break shit here and there though. Welcome to powersports.
    IME, best way to smoke a belt is to brapp the throttle when stuck and the track is full of compacted/consolidated snow. Amazing how snow sets up after 15min or so taking a breather after sinking the track. Or heavy throttle when towing/2-up.

    Heckcali, low miles sled sounds excellent. Only caveat is that is only the 2nd year on the new engine (or 2017 stock, bought in 2018) Not sure if all the gremlins were worked out by then. And if it sat with bad gas for a year or two in storage, might have some gum in the injectors or other fuel line issues. Worth a second look though, and maybe dicker a bit on price.

  7. #4182
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Thanks for the response.
    Looks like the headlights are on in the trailer picture which would mean it's running... At least when that picture was taken

  8. #4183
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    “Never jumped” - someone is doing life wrong or is lying.

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  9. #4184
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    Quote Originally Posted by heckacali View Post
    174/5s are hard to sell he'll take 6

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  10. #4185
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    Thinks I would pay more money for when buying a used sled

    Known maintenance history. Or a good guess. 60 year old with nice cars and a spotless garage.

    The OEM features you want. Upgrading is expensive.

    Low miles as a proxy for low use. Kinda hard to figure because trail miles and boondocking are different.

    75% of used snowmobiles are overpriced. 25% of used sleds are beat on. 25% of used sleds are poorly maintained.

    What is maintenance? No much, but its worth doing. Check all the bolts. Clean clutches. Lube the skid. Adjust clutches and belt.

    Sometime things just go boom. But more often "it sounded kinda strange, I blew it off and then in went boom". But by far and away, the biggest cause of damage is hitting shit. It just happens. As you get better you learn how to hide with a bit more style but its just like skiing. Some dudes find every rock and the skis are worked.

    But remember the big picture. Its a 2smoke 850 with a go kart clutch with about 150hp. They are fucking insane. Think about that. A modern MX bike is a 450 4stoke and almost nobody can ride them.

    Burly after market bumpers and skid plates are worth the money.

    Belts. Break in an extra. Carry it and know how to change it.

    Don't be delusional on the holy grail of doubling up and skiing pow all day. It kinda doesn't happen. I mean it does, but its work to find the zone, build the roads, have a willing and able crew and so on. This is where the pow surf comes in. But I've said too much.

  11. #4186
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirVicSmasher View Post
    174/5s are hard to sell he'll take 6

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    Can I ask why?

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  12. #4187
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    They are just out of favor. I'm not sure they are even made anymore. From maybe 12 to 18 super long tracks were popular. Now I'd say 15x is by far and away the most popular followed by 16x and now 14x for those that think they are Kesterke.

    It's a trade off between float and maneuverability/nimbleness. I like 165 3". They are easier to ride slowly in the trees and boondocking is kinda my jamb.

    Sent from a 6 m/s face melting thermal

  13. #4188
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huskier View Post
    Can I ask why?

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    The sledneck crowd all thinks that they're going to be doing hopovers and re-entries all day and thus are all buying turbos with shorter tracks, when really half of them are going to be out of breath from riding up the groomer.

  14. #4189
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    No longer somewhere in Idaho
    Quote Originally Posted by SirVicSmasher View Post
    Hey riff the new polaris scratchers they released in 24 as part of their snowcheck announcement are the real Mccoy. You will run at thermostat temp all day. Most folks drop Temps by 40 degrees and if you forget to put them up when reversing it's OK. Best 100 bucks you can spend

    Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
    Solid beta here! Thanks

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    Gravity always wins...

  15. #4190
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirVicSmasher View Post
    Hey riff the new polaris scratchers they released in 24 as part of their snowcheck announcement are the real Mccoy. You will run at thermostat temp all day. Most folks drop Temps by 40 degrees and if you forget to put them up when reversing it's OK. Best 100 bucks you can spend

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    SirVic - would you have a link to those? Thanks

  16. #4191
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  17. #4192
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huskier View Post
    Can I ask why?

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    Because track speed and weight transfer have overtaken flotation as the best way to not get stuck.

  18. #4193
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Maggot snowmobile thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Huskier;[emoji[emoji6[emoji640
    [emoji638]][emoji640][emoji639]][emoji637][emoji640][emoji638][emoji[emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]]][emoji6[emoji640][emoji637]][emoji638]]Can I ask why?

    Sent from my Pixel [emoji6[emoji640][emoji637]] using Tapatalk
    Idk why my phone turned everything into emojis, let me try again.

    The non-turbo 17Xs didn’t have enough power so people didn’t like them. You couldn’t get the track spinning fast enough to do much well unless it was crazy deep. Even then there was too much lag getting the track up to speed to be useful.

    The turbo 17Xs on the other hand were a blast to ride. I couldn’t ride trees, got stuck all the time, climbing was sketchy with my non-turbo. The turbo was a cheat code. I could ride with my buddies who I was no where near the winter before, my first winter. By the end of the second winter I started to scare myself with what I was able to ride only turbo, got myself into some sketchy situations.

    If I end up back in the mountains, I won’t hesitate to get a turbo 17X again. I’m not interested in drawing bow ties and other Instagram sled tricks. I want the easiest access to having fun and a 17X turbo does that.

    Get a full face helmet, maybe some knee pads too. I wore old snowboard boots my roommate didn’t snow board in any more and they were great for sledding. Lasted two winters then they were not waterproof any more.

    But the nicest sled you can afford. You’d be amazed how far away you can get from the trail head and walking out if your sled breaks down would suck.

    Get a GARMIN Spot tracker personal EPIRB. Could be a life saver and lets you send a text message or two from anywhere.

    Since you are sledding in, don’t skimp on your Avi shovel, get the biggest one that will fit on your pack, and even then consider strapping an even bigger shovel onto your ski rack.

    Always always always carry a 10-14in folding wood saw. It will get you out of trouble way more often then you can imagine and help you make a fire to dry out/rest when you are tired.

    Bring 1 beer. Leave the rest on the truck. Learning to sled and beers don’t mix.

    Always bring a second or third pair of gloves, not mittens. Leave your handle bar grip warmers off until you start the ride home. If you don’t you’ll end up with very wet and soggy gloves really fast.

    Have fun. Sledding is a ton of work and crazy rewarding. Some of the best views I’ve seen in the mountains were on my sled.

  19. #4194
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    Husky doc

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  20. #4195
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foggy_Goggles View Post
    Don't be delusional on the holy grail of doubling up and skiing pow all day. It kinda doesn't happen. I mean it does, but its work to find the zone, build the roads, have a willing and able crew and so on. This is where the pow surf comes in. But I've said too much.
    I've been out of the sled game for a long-ass time but doubling up was 90% of what we did in UT and British Columbia on what are now very old sleds. 'Kinda doesn't happen' because you all aren't willing to put in the work and/or it's hard to find a good crew? What? Or is the terrain is too steep where you go locally and it's hard to find good ways up to the top to double? I get terrain limitations - in Montana doubling up was rare because either we didn't know good areas (def. possible) or there simply wasn't an easy way up so no doubling could happen. BC had so many easy "backside" ramps that led to steep terrain it was and is the best place I've ever seen to double-up. I was never a great sledder to be clear, I was not some badass, others yelled at me the whole time as I was doubling with them on the sketch steep tracks, ha.

  21. #4196
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    Doulbing can work great if you both ride your own sleds to a zone, put in a road, then take turns doubling up, but don't expect to two up from the parking lot and have a good time.
    Its also really helpful if the other guy knows how to ride a sled, otherwise its just a bunch of yelling and falling off. Usually in that case I'll just pretty princess them.

  22. #4197
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    I was out of sleds last year and looking to get back in, the new turbos are so appealing, but its hard to find buddies good enough to come get you un-stuck when you auger it in on some wooded hillside.
    Trying to talk myself into an NA so my buddies have a chance, but I sipped the sweet turbo nectar once, and my god do I want it again.....

  23. #4198
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukonrider View Post
    I was out of sleds last year and looking to get back in, the new turbos are so appealing, but its hard to find buddies good enough to come get you un-stuck when you auger it in on some wooded hillside.
    Trying to talk myself into an NA so my buddies have a chance, but I sipped the sweet turbo nectar once, and my god do I want it again.....
    Do it! It’s a game changer. You’ll still get stuck, and get stuck WAY worse, but not as often is what I found. Work is maybe taking me to Hawaii for a few years but god I miss good cold mornings in the parking lot getting ready to spend a day sledding with friends. Or even that 430 pm text “want to go for a quick evening rip” from a friend just getting out of work. I’m sure I’ll find something to replace that feeling but it’s such a good one.

  24. #4199
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    I had a lot response typed out put this lovable shit box fourm don't play nice.

    Turbos They are like Toyotas. Everyone that has one saying you need one. But they are harder to ride, substantially more expense, depreciate rapidly and may need a new motor at 2k.

    Doubling It happens, nothing wrong with it, but it requires a certain type of terrain, usually a road, and a motivated crew to make it happen. For us, its usually park and ski of powsurf. The surfs are rad because you need much smaller less steep terrain to have fun and you don't have to wear ski boots.

  25. #4200
    Join Date
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    the ether
    Question for anyone who might have related experience...

    We have 2 sleds, used solely for ski-touring access.

    2013 ski-doo summit 800 162
    2016 Artic Cat m8 153

    I'm finding that under the same conditions, the Cat overheats, but the ski-doo doesn't. I've been told the ski-doo just cools better since the heat exchangers go all the way to the back of the tunnel, where the Cat stops short. The cat will overheat on packed trail, or in the crust/spring. Always scratchers. Should I just admit the ski-doo is better for my application and replace the Cat? I've had it checked at the shop, they replaced the coolant cap probably just to say they did something and charge me a few bucks, but no issues...

    Drive slow, homie.

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