really really want to go, but happening way sooner than i thought...hampton is great great venue, but march 6-7-8 is right in the middle of prime ski season, and VA is a long way from SLC
really really want to go, but happening way sooner than i thought...hampton is great great venue, but march 6-7-8 is right in the middle of prime ski season, and VA is a long way from SLC
I'm hoping for a west coast run with dates in SLC. Only 6 hours from Bozzo! Chances are slim.
I'm guessing they'll do short runs in the east following a new album and get some reactions/support before they venture too far. Either way I'm phsyched for these guys and I wish them all the best!!!
""wash uffize drive me to firenze".
[QUOTE=benDover;2027156]I'm hoping for a west coast run with dates in SLC. Only 6 hours from Bozzo! Chances are slim.
I'm guessing they'll do short runs in the east following a new album and get some reactions/support before they venture too far. /QUOTE]
that's what this ticket lottery is in some ways, they will take all the areas people send order requests from in order to gauge interest in the various areas of the US ,and then plan tour dates accordingly.
I will see them.
If I get tickets, then yes. I will be going to see Phish.
Ummm... No?that's what this ticket lottery is in some ways, they will take all the areas people send order requests from in order to gauge interest in the various areas of the US ,and then plan tour dates accordingly.
All that is measured by the lottery is the number of hardcore fans around the country with the foresight to advance their tickets and the money to travel.
Phish will sell out anywhere they tour, so it's really just a question of logistics and where the band prefers to play.
yeah, I'm not sure that the lottery is set up to be a probe into the market. But a way to try and keep it somewhat fair and also try and keep 450,000 "diehard" phans from camping out in Blockbuster parking lots.<--Brings back memories.
Plus, can Trey even leave New York yet?
""wash uffize drive me to firenze".
tons of rumors going around of a 5 night Spectrum run this coming spring also. The venue is scheduled to be torn down soon, and its one of trey's favorites. (its also the venue where I really "got" phish.....12/3/97 funk jam bitches)
Since we're bearing our souls here, my first show was 10/31/90, and it was a costume-required show and I was the first one there (not being invited to any pre-parties), and I wore a toga made out of star wars sheets.
The following halloween I made a costume which consisted of duct tape over a sweatshirt and sweatpants painted like the human torch. To this day I have never been as hot as I was that night.
I am pretty sure Monsieur Pinner was at these shows as well.
Last edited by Hutch; 10-07-2008 at 04:01 PM.
I will do a little soul bearing too. I wore this Baja sweater I bought from the local head shop to my first show (and a subsequent Dead show that my friend's dad took us to '94). Under the Baja, I had a Grateful Dead Skeleton's in the Closet Tshirt and big wool hat with ear flaps.
I asked my friend during the concert, "whats that smell?"
I was naive.
My first show was when Phish played at my high school's Spring Day in May 1989.
Gimme five, I'm still alive!
Ain't no luck, I learned to duck!
That 1st set is one of the best sets they ever put together.