for the top gear/Jeremy Clarkson Fans
for the top gear/Jeremy Clarkson Fans
heh, never heard of Harry and Paul before, just watched a few more clips, they are teh funnay.
Jeremy Clarkson, Top Gear host, suspended by BBC after 'fracas'
The corporation said the 54-year-old presenter had been suspended "pending an investigation".
"No one else has been suspended. Top Gear will not be broadcast this Sunday," it said.
Clarkson was given what he called his "final warning" last May after claims he used a racist word while filming the popular BBC motoring show.
At the time, he said the BBC had told him he would be sacked if he made "one more offensive remark, anywhere, at any time".
The BBC gave no further details on the current incident involving Clarkson, and said it would not be making any further statements at this time.
Clarkson's representatives have yet to reply to requests for a comment.
The presenter himself has remained silent, however last month he tweeted a post saying a "new presenter for Top Gear" was wanted.
"Applicant should be old, badly dressed and pedantic but capable of getting to work on time," he said.
I saw that, but there's pretty much nothing that would make me morally object enough to stop watching that show. Best thing on tv.
"One season per year, the gods open the skies, and releases a white, fluffy, pillow on top of the most forbidding mountain landscapes, allowing people to travel over them with ease and relative abandonment of concern for safety. It's incredible."
dats phunnyes
watch out for snakes
Well this fucking blows. Best show I've ever come across on tv - these 3 hosts are the biggest reason behind that.
The list of complaints lodged against TG reads like a who's who of multi-culturism-PC-busybodies who wouldn't know what fun is if it took a shit on their face.
I still call it The Jake.
This summary of Clarkson's "offenses" reads like a children's book compared to what's deemed perfectly acceptable in the US. First Amendment, ftmfw. Or as they would say in GB, ft**w.
Clarkson is Hugh Conway?
Clarkson is hilarious, and what's even more hilarious is how upset people get about the things he says/does.
…or he just buys the rest of BBC.
"One season per year, the gods open the skies, and releases a white, fluffy, pillow on top of the most forbidding mountain landscapes, allowing people to travel over them with ease and relative abandonment of concern for safety. It's incredible."
Just off the top of my head I don't know what network that would be.
HBO is waaaay to PC to put up with his shit. Certainly none of the American networks.
Maybe FX?
I think the BBC and Top Gear makes the best possible version of this show - it's like they do it to balance out the rest of their social agenda so they let Clarkson's antics fly.
I still call it The Jake.
Maybe Comedy Central but I think the show would be lost on their average viewer. Or anger them.
Larry David? You mean HBO? Good luck getting Clarkson past the Lena Dunhams and Bill Mahers guarding that gate.
That network has sailed.
I still call it The Jake.
That's the kind of racism that's accepted, nay, encouraged, by our Zionist puppet masters these days. I liked Maher more when he seemed to shit all over every religion a bit more even evenhandedly.
Clarkson is irreverent, disrespectful to (many) minority groups, and seems to have cultivated his Top Gear persona to be a caricature of the wealthy in Britain. The fact that he isn't trying to make a political or social point, and instead just likes to spew about foreigners, may give him a chance of getting the show aired on another network.
Also, he's only 54?! He looks terrible, I thought he was closer to 70 by now.
Last edited by glademaster; 03-11-2015 at 10:52 AM.
Maybe a Netflix original series?
Brandine: Now Cletus, if I catch you with pig lipstick on your collar one more time you ain't gonna be allowed to sleep in the barn no more!
Cletus: Duly noted.
This ^
It's a pity, he used to be a really good writer and entertaining presenter but the well appears to have run dry some time ago. They were still making Falklands War jokes in the show that aired in the UK this past Sunday.
I predict he probably announces candidacy for UKiP in parliamentary election this May.