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Type: Posts; User: mspietrz

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  1. Bluehouse District 187 with bindings 136-11-131 - SOLD

    Bluehouse District 187 with bindings 136-11-131

    187 District Ski including Salomon 900 Din 12 bindings - these are pretty sweet all around pow/jump skis/fun, and the bindings are some old race...
  2. DNA Moe Shell XL NEW (Price Reduced!)- Retail $425 - SOLD

    DNA Moe Shell XL NEW (Price Reduced!)- Retail $425

    This is a super sick, and high performance coat for just $125, Band Spanking NEW! Still has the tags, Waterproof 20K, Recco, pit zips, the works...
  3. Flylow Quantum Down Jacket NEW - Mens Small - SOLD

    Flylow Quantum Down Jacket NEW - Mens Small

    Mens Down Quantum Jacket - This jacket combines the technical shell of the Flylow Quantum Jacket with a down puffy on the inside for some serious warmth...
  4. Replies

    Tecnica Cochise 120 28.5/10.5 Mens - SOLD

    Tecnica Cochise 120 28.5/10.5 Mens

    Awesome Price! This Tecnica Cochise is a 2011 model, and was skied 1 winter and then 2 months in south america. This is a great AT boot for touring, but holds...
  5. Dynafit Zzues AT Ski Boot - 28.5/10.5 - SOLD

    Dynafit Zzues AT Ski Boot - 28.5/10.5

    This boot is a 2009 model, skied for 1 season and sitting in the garage thereafter. It had quite a few days that year, so the buckles and plastic are a bit...
Results 1 to 5 of 5