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Type: Posts; User: mandudebro

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  1. Replies

    Does this mean they fixed the lift tower that...

    Does this mean they fixed the lift tower that last year’s snowpack allegedly bent? Or was that fake news and it’s just the typical money hold? Or is Silvi running this week’s 8000 feet of pow hype?
  2. Sorry about that- a) I’m an idiot who can’t...

    Sorry about that-
    a) I’m an idiot who can’t figure out how to PM properly
    b) I think the boy offspring is actually going to need a 152cm Carson
  3. PM’d

  4. Did these get sold already? Would be interested...

    Did these get sold already? Would be interested for my kid if not.
  5. Replies

    Got my Spring ‘23 orders mounted up. Solved the...

    Got my Spring ‘23 orders mounted up. Solved the ‘which binding for the Countach’s?’ question. Really excited for my 14 yo daughter to get on her Sierra’s.
  6. OMG:...



  7. Psst, doesn't look that good. Plus you probably...

    Psst, doesn't look that good. Plus you probably got snow down your jacket. Glad I was at work.
  8. I'm not sure it's fair to expect upper mtn...

    I'm not sure it's fair to expect upper mtn opening today after the last couple days- 5'+ new snow combined w/ 100mph+ sustained/190mph+ gusts? That's a big fucking snow event. Totals were way higher...
  9. To be fair, the Old Lady has run some this year. ...

    To be fair, the Old Lady has run some this year. I've lapped it on multiple storm days so far- last Saturday, and at the end if January on a ridiculous overhead blower day.

    I'm jealous of anyone...
  10. I'm assuming not in a good way?

    I'm assuming not in a good way?
  11. Wrt the mtn cams, I doubt it's intentional. For...

    Wrt the mtn cams, I doubt it's intentional. For the tinfoil hat crowd, looks like Sierra's at it too-
  12. Thread: Motivation.

    by mandudebro

    Its a varying mix of desire to excel and fear of...

    Its a varying mix of desire to excel and fear of failure for me. Not sure how heathy it is, but working out pretty well. Now with kids, stakes is high, so it better fucking work.
  13. I agree with you- the message has been received. ...

    I agree with you- the message has been received. Question is how mngmnt responds. Between the email letter Wirth sent this week (mostly excuses and bs- I know), and the way the mountain was opened...
  14. I feel like I've let my frustration w/ SV ops...

    I feel like I've let my frustration w/ SV ops start to affect my stoke, so made a decision to reset and enjoy the huge winter we're having. Don't know if it was that, or what, but yesterday at Squaw...
  15. For the record, I hit the mouse hole at 7:25 am...

    For the record, I hit the mouse hole at 7:25 am yesterday, and turned onto SV Rd at 16 min. That's not a defense if the EIR, just a fact. Talked to a guy on a chair that hit the mouse...
  16. About themselves? You lost me. My point is...

    About themselves? You lost me.

    My point is that we should keep the complaining focused on how Squaw's being run, not taking shit about people's skiing motivations or ability.

    Well that, and...
  17. Kind of like choosing to live an area with an...

    Kind of like choosing to live an area with an economy supported primarily by tourism (40%+ of jobs), and complaining ad nauseam about the tourists?
  18. Can't wait. I hope it skis as good as it did...

    Can't wait. I hope it skis as good as it did between storms in January- oh, wait...
  19. Replies

    Sandusky - prison rape/death :)

    Might not be the dog's fault it caught rabies, but it doesn't change the fact that the dog needs to be put down. Protecting innocence > anything
  20. ...don't forget Lib?..

    ...don't forget Lib?..
  21. 5. Spend cash on mtn ops as if you sold 30-40k...

    5. Spend cash on mtn ops as if you sold 30-40k season passes and are charging $159 for an adult lift ticket.
  22. Given how horrendous the average customer...

    Given how horrendous the average customer experience is becoming at Squaw, maybe lots of these people don't come back?

    Could Squaw's operational deficiencies be attributed to a really low...
  23. Just heads who have been around a while. Like...

    Just heads who have been around a while. Like before KSL. Way before. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.
  24. Tragic end to a legendary storm cycle. ...

    Tragic end to a legendary storm cycle. Condolences and +++vibes to family/friends/community. It's a serious f'ing business those men and women on patrol are in.
  25. Fwiw- looks like the SB article on SV ops has...

    Fwiw- looks like the SB article on SV ops has been censored/removed. Can anyone post the text?
  26. Maybe they can hire an astronaut away from NASA?

    Maybe they can hire an astronaut away from NASA?
  27. That was my post, and I probably wasn't clear-...

    That was my post, and I probably wasn't clear- the 3.5 hours was a two hour wait for the Mothership to pop + a 1.5 hour wait for Granite Chief to open. Self inflicted waits on both, at the expense...

    12th chair on KT, 15th-ish on Granite- worth every minute of the 3.5hrs waiting for those two laps. Thank you patrol. KSL- you can still go f#ck yourself.
  29. So pick one chair and focus resources on it to...

    So pick one chair and focus resources on it to open it. If they cared for loyal customer experience and wanted to open new terrain, it's not that hard. The mtn hasn't changed, nor have the Tahoe...
  31. Replies

    There was a joint tree at Alpine Meadows back...

    There was a joint tree at Alpine Meadows back around 2001. Thing was covered in roaches, and a favorite spot for safety meetings.
  32. If feel your anguish as a fellow flatlander, but...

    If feel your anguish as a fellow flatlander, but I've been timing snorkel days for a while now, with a very good track record, and you're blowing it- Tuesday is the day brah. I'm sure I'll be...
  33. Any SF/Marin gapers heading up and back monday? ...

    Any SF/Marin gapers heading up and back monday? I'm without a snowpocalypse worthy car right now, but don't want to miss monday...especially if we get the semi-break in the weather most forecasts...
Results 1 to 33 of 33