First - heal quick Frozen. I need you back to push me into those crazy good lines again. Thanks for leading through that epic day yesterday - best day ever bar none (except for that last part).
Type: Posts; User: Grifter
First - heal quick Frozen. I need you back to push me into those crazy good lines again. Thanks for leading through that epic day yesterday - best day ever bar none (except for that last part).
Correction on my earlier estimate - time code on the tape is 4 seconds - which is still a crazy long time in the air.
87.78 mph using the free fall equation. That said - he launched off the top...
I'm calling it way faster - I'll have to watch it again (and again and again) to be sure, but he was in the air closer to 5 seconds from what I could see.
Seek medical attention immediately - your sarcasm meter is broken. :rolleyes:
Holy crap! You're telling me Canada is not overseas! The Great Lakes are not oceans! What gives?!? Damn - 6 years of high school geography and it's all for shit!
International shipping. Happy now?
Should be there now.
Please proceed to the checkout...
Oh -and did I mention we're having a little sale on some of our gear?
No no - the little line through the hoody is crossing out a $48 - not a $40. Me do math good.
Sorry mang -just trying to keep our heads above water.
For those of you who are gaped at this - the $24 is for overseas shipping.
Just a few items and only until the end of January. 20% off.
No time to pretty up this message - too much "work" to do...
You be the judge....
Just thought you'd want to know...
TGR Gift Certificate
Greg Stump's Foursome
Okay - time's up. If you want it there before Christmas you'll need to have it ordered before Monday 2pm Pacific and you'll need to expedite the shipping.
Maggots - this is the last day to order if you want to make Christmas without paying for expedited shipping.
Get your orders in before 2pm Pacific time! After that you'll need to pay extra for...
The Realm
New gear - going fast.
Ladies WY Tee
We are now one step closer to world domination! Australian orders are now possible on our site! Go nuts. :fmicon:
We don't usually do that - too complicated for us to negotiate through local ordinances, taxes, etc. If a local retailer wants to pick up our gear and sell it at the show, that's cool with us. Send...
I've added in a lower cost option for Canadian shipping. USPS Airmail Parcel. $17.50 or $11.50 if the order is over $50. Doesn't provide tracking though. Trying to keep the costs down.
I've added in a lower cost option for Canadian shipping. USPS Airmail Parcel. $17.50 or $11.50 if the order is over $50. Doesn't provide tracking though.
This should be all inclusive.
It's heeere!
Pricey, but it's here. We only have one option right now. DHL Worldwide Priority. $30 for orders under $50. $24 for orders over $50. I'm working on a low cost alternative via USPS,...
It's heeere!
Pricey, but it's here. We only have one option right now. DHL Worldwide Priority. $30 for orders under $50. $24 for orders over $50. I'm working on a low cost alternative via USPS,...
The bronco hoodies are only in small and we won't be making more, hope that's the size you need. We have a new style bronco type thing coming out in two weeks.
On the Canadian order thing - we're...
Shippin', uh, shipping
Okay - I'm NOT promising this, but if I get approval on one small thing then I'm pretty sure I can have Candian orders enabled today. Warning though - shipping is not going to be cheap. Also - I'm...
Hey all - the store will be down for a little bit this evening. But when it comes back up, check out the new shirt that just landed. TGRMAG discount applies.
First off - how the hell did you know I have long hair? Are you stalking me?!?
For real though - if you really want to know why it hasn't shipped you'll have to give me a little more info on who...
Hmmm - could be. I'll try to cut back a little.
One Miiiiiiilion Dollars!!!! :FIREdevil
Okay - probably not. I'm pretty sure Frozen would not be too cool with me posting sensitive financial information on our website... :nonono2:
It's all good. The web hack was the result of a worm - no one was targeting us specifically. It took our Web Guy about 10 seconds to fix it. The security certificate thing should be resolved by now.
:fmicon: Ira G. :fmicon:
Top this order maggots!
Overspray Zip Hoody
Scribble Zip Hoody
2 Overspray Tees
Switch Tee
Guru Knit
Vert Cap
Store fixed. Duplicate orders cleaned. Web Guy is the MAN!
Thanks all for patience while we fixed our store.
Damn! What a morning! Store crash - Web Hack - Store Crash - Up and running - Store crash...
UP AND RUNNING - Really, we mean it this time!
For everyone that placed orders over the last 24...
No, but I am losing MY mind! WTF!
We'll have the product pics up in a couple days (as soon as we get the rest of the store site fixed). I'll also get a bunch more sizing and materials details up so you can pick the size that fits you...
Someone has to pay the poor guy. Might as well be the competition!
We'll probably have the "artist renderings" back at the end of the day. Something about switching servers and a hard drive swap. We'll get actual photos up later this week.
:mad: :cussing: :cussing: :mad:
Store Down! Store Down!
Web Guy Dies. After he fixes the store, of course...
Spend it while you've got it!!!!
Yeah Stroup - it's just a DVD! You should order one too! And a hoody, and a shirt, and a hat, and don't forget some stuff for your lady... :biggrin:
We know - sorry. Should be back up now, though there could be a couple more glitches over the next hour or so.
Tend to be a bit large. I'm 6'1" 195 and comfortably wear a Large. The XL hangs off me.
Just got the word from our web guy that we should be back up and running within the next hour. Sorry for the crash folks - Web Guy claims "DNS Hell" whatever that means.
We don't make money on the handling charge. It only helps us re-coop SOME of the cost. If you order only 5 stickers it's basically a wash for us. If we didn't do the handling charge we would be...
Okay - bottom line is that we charge handling to defray some, but not all, of the costs for all the picking, packing and shipping labor. The handling charge is $1 per item, but we cap it at $5 so...
My bad - the sale term expired. I'll extend it a bit... Check it out! You've now got until the 15th!
The hoodie prices are standard $48 ($50 for zips). We reduced pricing on some of the styles that we are phasing out. Same deal with t-shirts - out with the old, in with the new. You'll notice that we...
Monday or Tuesday depending on when you ordered. Be sure to check out the thread about the Mag deal in the ski/snowboard thread.
The company we pay to pull the goods out of the warehouse, pack it, and ship it. We're not making any money on that, just defraying some of the costs.