Sick skis. The correct spelling of champing sent it over the top.
Type: Posts; User: nickel
Sick skis. The correct spelling of champing sent it over the top.
Your pedals look to be exaggerating the q difference further. The pedals on the Hightower put you even further out by the looks of it although it could be an illusion from the naked spindle.
Stay away from new impacts, they only visually resemble what you've been using for 10 years. Ever since Adidas bought them, qc has been atrocious.
I've never thought about it for cranks but an picky with pedals. I hate when my pedals force crank pinching ergo I favor pedals with a wide q factor that put my feet in something closer to a natural...
Sick! Little minis getting stoked on bikes is the best!
Ride concepts vice mid? I use them as a street shoe but they're actually lacondeguy's shoe and grip a pedal pretty well. I've got the powerline and tnt for trail and park respectively and like them a...
If you take him in the park, start with ez does it, then golden triangle to del because vista. From there, next step up would probably be B-line or orient express (ninja cougar/karate monkey/ samurai...
It was meant to sound optimistic. We've been buffing trails for a few weeks now getting things ready for the TBD opening date. We've hired a bunch of staff and are ready for a banner park season,...
With the pre-sale custom options, now more than ever the answer to this question is UL protest. Quit your dithering and pull the trigger.
The key to life is forging ahead bravely. Infer from that what you will.
As another data point on protest flex, I'm on 192 flex 4+, UL + veneer. I do not have regrets. I'm a big dude who does not enjoy noodling around unless there's no other options. I consciously chose...
Truth. Just like Snowmakers and lifties, Snowmakers and safety, Snowmakers and HR, and of course, Snowmakers and Snowmakers.
This has been exactly my experience. You will not regret getting them in an UL. I've said it before but I'll say it again.
Cold. Dead. Hands.
Actually that might be the most relevant comparison possible for my quest. My protests are my primary touring ski. They deal with the variable conditions like a dream so long as it's 3d everywhere....
Pretty sure the PJ is now the MVP 94
Re: +10 exp, I'm not convinced it has the taper I'm looking for to feel frictionless in shit fuck snow after crunching some numbers. The raven really seems...
Can confirm spearhead glacier is triple fucked. As usual though, lemmings gonna lemming. Plenty of excellent snow to be had slightly further afield. North=good, E/S/W=horrific
Some notable wind...
Interesting. Had not considered but will look at those numbers carefully. 184 would be shorter than my usual but perhaps that's part of thinking outside the box.
Lets talk skinny touring ski again! Has anyone ever considered a -10 wootest? The 4frnt raven intrigues me but I would really like to keep supporting Keith and his fine work. I like my Yeti but I'm...
What happens when the modern drive for safety means ski corps stop letting employees like lifties actually ski? It's already happening and the effects on employee morale and retention have not been...
Is this why OP is being so pushy?
And yes, it is hugely worth it on a ski the size of the protest.
I seem to be an outlier in that I think the protest skis just fine on the line and I think UL is a no brainer if a ski's primary use is touring. I got my yetis with the Enduro core as that ski is...
What's your use case? If it's resort pow, what percentage of the day do you get to ski fresh untracked vs cut up and tracked out? I almost never bring mine into the resort but tour on them almost...
Those don't look like protests to me. Not enough taper.
Meh. Great is subjective I guess. Plus, if you can't make a decent alpine binding at this point in the game, you should kill yourself.
If anyone here is surprised to hear this, I don't know what to tell them. Marker products that perform as expected is the anomaly (ie alpinist)
Holy fuck, I can't keep up. Is 26% steep now? At the rate the revelations are coming, I'm going to need another EWG summary in a page or two...
If I've got a hawx ultra xtd from 2018, which of the two fits offered nowadays does this correspond to?
2x from me and I'll hit it up again from work. Hope to get up there one of these days
This is not true at all. Some of us do long flat approaches for a non-trivial portion of our touring. Rearward ROM is arguably more important to me than forward as undoing buckles largely negates...
Because protests
If your heels have a bunch of slop, pull them off the rails and look for hairline cracks in the female portion of the rail interface.
All the other failure modes are hard to check for.
UL protest. /thread
I don't know what past experience you've had but scraping and brushing is critical to skin longevity. I scrape and brush and still only wax my touring skis on days where I know I'll get to slide...
At the risk of discussing the obvious, how diligent were you with removing all extra wax? Did you brush?
This kind of comment gets my attention.
I just came here to say it's spelt milquetoast.
I thought second Gen addressed this?
Wind or rain crusts and variable density pow are a totally different story, it dominates those conditions for sure. Chopped up moguls and such? My knees just can't see it... ymmv.
The protest is not for sloppy seconds. It will demand freshies and punish you for not seeking them out and providing them. Hence why it's my touring rig.
Mine are pretty in line. Resort skis are 196, 2x193 and a pair of race carvers at 184. Touring skis are both 192. I dunno, kick turns are a non issue for me and the weight savings of sizing down...
As another data point, mine are 192 f4 ultra lights for touring. If i wanted them for resort, they would likely be 196 and enduro but would still consider UL but maybe f5.
My resort can get...
I know not many get excited for groomers but yesterday's groom of full Dave Murray was sweet, ditto upper Cat - slingshot - gear jammer. The cord lasts forever these days!
A link to a camera that hasn't been working in months?
IME if the liners felt good before baking, there's too much room. Mine felt concerningly tight before the cook. Just right after.
This is a truly crazy story. I have a difficult time finding a set of variables where an intelligent person would basically commit outdoor career sepooku in such a way. I find it more easily...
Just because it seems to have fallen on deaf ears, i will reiterate: UL protest.
Same. Just when i was feeling bored.
It would appear rain events have a similar effect on the vibe in this thread as they do to the on hill conditions. I have no idea what's going on but i smell a ski off in the making here!
Just to clarify, the mvp is available as a 163, 173, 183, 187 and 193 so 5cm increments until you get into the smaller sizes where it goes to ten.
The slugger is 175 and 185 only.