Thanks, that was a good read.
Type: Posts; User: Powder Ho
Thanks, that was a good read.
I can't even find Stagg Jr anymore.
I was happy to snag a 10 year Eagle Rare over the holidays. First bottle in years. has some. I buy half cases of Buffalo Trace from them. Never a problem.
Good call.
Who do like in tonight's game?
Why? I grew up there and I loved it. Skiing, beaches, awesome food and the friendliest people anywhere.
There's only one Josh Allen. The Jag guy changed his name.
I guess Josh Allen really is over rated.
We had a wolf cross that we adopted from the refuge I volunteered at. Merlin topped out at 105. He was not an alpha so I never worried about him being aggressive, but he definitely didn't act like a...
I'm hoping the trail signs were removed for the prescribed fire.
Although, that's never been done in the past.
TGR is the only social media I do.
Probably should be a thread for the stupid stuff husbands do.
It's a rough life.
I had it serviced this past winter, but I'll try that. Thanks.
Gorilla tape or Aquaseal not an option.
The clutch acthuator on my 12 speed XT will not stay in the on position when I ride. The clutch works when it's on.
The shifting is flawless just a little noisy in the rock gardens.
It's 4 years...
The scenery looks awesome. The riding not so much.
Did you forget his treats?
I use the 72 hour baking steel recipe and scaled the recipe for a single dough ball.
Hot, it was awesome.
From yesterdays storm.
Prosciutto and peaches.
Afternoon rains have made the locals trails awesome.
My dog found this on our morning hike. It’s right next to the trail.
The UCI fined him for that. They must be old bitter men.
Corinthian leather right?
Soppressata, mushroom and pepperoncinis finished with calabrian chiles and hot honey
That looks good.
I've grown shishitos and jalapenos so I'll give them a try.
Where could you get fresh pepperoncinis?
Sounds like the perfect addition to a soppressata and mushroom pizza.
I' m going to try that this week.
Nice. How do the peperoncinis taste roasted?
Nice. That's a cool shoot. Was that with a drone?
Reminds me of Chippo, but with shorter hair.
He looks more like a Finn.
If his name is Crash, why does his cup say Finn?
Are you just using him as a prop to hit on the coffee chicks?:D
Cute pup!
I don't do a sour dough crust but, I use the Baking Steel 72 hour dough recipe with King Arthur bread flour and get a dough similar to a sour dough product.
You could also search for a pizza dough...
Steak House pizza. Rib eye, baby bellas and blue cheese crumble.
Watching McAfee with BB, pretty entertaining.
The fake Kiper said Daniels is super poised because he had Brian Kelly fucking screaming at him all year.
You did, I thought you were doing the your teams suckie QB dig.
WTF was Caleb Williams wearing?
Started game 1 Josh's rookie year, lasted the first half.
Tim Tebow?
I'm a Bills fan.
We had Nathan Peterman.:D
Hey, you have the creepiest QB in the league.
That’s something.
I think Darnold is on the Vikings.
Our ISP has had an area outage for 10 days.
F centurylink.
On whose part? I think the Bills wanted a hard reset and a 2nd was the best they could get.
Now the 2022 restructure might've been a suspect move, but who knows if that was to keep Diggs happy.
The Bills are on the hook for his 2024 gaurunteed salary after the NFL new year starts in early Mar. They also are responsible for a prorated amount from his signing bonus from his 2022 restructured...
Snagged a bottle of Henry McKenna 10 year single barrel. It did not disappoint.
Why would I not be allowed to post attachments?
Diggs really dropped off the the second half of last season. He also had a huge drop in the KC playoff game.
His playoff numbers the last 3 years have been brutal. Last playoff TD, 2021 vs Balt.
I really liked the Dickel bottled in bond.
Back in the day we made sure everyone had a raker guide, they're pretty cheap and help keep the chain cutting efficiently.
It's ok, everybody has a type.