You probably know that the Green Race just happened. I got to interview Shane Benedict the other day about the history of the race, its prestige, and how it has completely brought about the...
Type: Posts; User: kayaktheworld
You probably know that the Green Race just happened. I got to interview Shane Benedict the other day about the history of the race, its prestige, and how it has completely brought about the...
Sounds awesome. Those must have been beefy batteries to hold that much charge.
Electric motor is definitely the way to go.... it sucks to have to listen to/smell a 2-stroke outboard for multiple...
tye 1on-
That is sweet, were you using gas or propane to power the generator? And did you motor all the rapids with it?
That is definitely the line being sold. But I don't think...
Spent 6 days crossing Lake Powell on a prototype solar rig from Jack's Plastic Welding last summer. This was part of a longer trip as 3 college friends and I paddled from Rocky Mountain NP in CO to...
Yeah, you guys are right, those are the reasons we value her (and other women). That is why she became famous etc. That doesn't make any of it right. And it doesn't justify the things that you've...
I think the bottom line here is that between hundreds (thousands?) of threads celebrating anorexia, an equal number criticizing 'fat' women, hating on women drives etc, and now this, it's clear that...
^^^That speaks well of our culture.
I'll bet she gets paid more millions. So why is she only valued for her body fat percentage? Are only men valued for their money and women only for their 'looks'?
Disclaimer, I don't think she is attractive either way.
But really? You guys are a bunch of fucking jerk offs criticizing a woman you don't even know. Honestly, she looks healthier this way than...
I don't understand the bias against HDR. Personally, I use it as a way to attempt to mimic a GND effect without forking over so much money.
Sure, there are a lot of crappy HDR images out there but...
one eye:
Dragon fly from this summer:
Dara wouldn't show up positive on drug tests. They should feel around for her testicles if they want to find out how she swims to fast.
I don't care how much of a prick Spitz is, at least he was probably clean.
Has it occurred to anyone else the Phelps swims 3-6 races a day at close to WR pace? Having been a swimmer, I can tell...
Yeah.... Most people never get a chance to walk their way down BT and other class V runs and then post TRs.
Kayaking is scary and giving people shit doesn't help. Keep after it Summit!
Summit, I'm not saying the Russian invasion is chill and good. I'm just saying that this is what should have been expected from all of this. Who is surprised that all this came about?
And yeah,...
Yeah, that he is just as corrupt as the last guy. It has been noticed that human rights violations have not decreased significantly since the CIA's golden boy came to power.
Pro-us, pro-Russia,...
Summit, the National Review does not qualify as a news source but is a biased, conservative, anti-communist think-tank. You can't pretend to be getting facts from that piece.
Someone asked...
Yep, with 96% of the vote after a coup that got rid of the last guy who hated America.
Oh, I don't have any doubt that Russia will do bad things for Georgia. I do not like Russia, I do not think they are right on this issue.
I think you are mislead if you believe America did not...
The president of Georgia was educated in New York at Columbia. Shortly after returning to his country he was elected as a pro-american/pro-western leader, receiving copious amounts of military...
What kind of boat is it? What size are you?
I agree with Yonder_River, if you really want to get back into the sport you should probably take a boat upgrade. Then again, if you just want to hop in...
This isn't 20 years ago.
Learn to bomb proof your roll. This will make you more comfortable on the water and keep you in your boat. The more time you have in your boat, the more you can work on...
Harv, you're right, the offside is pretty overrated..... so long as it remains as an offside.
If you practice it to a point where it is just as comfortable as your original side, it is awesome....
I never said anything was superior. All I said was that people were arguing their points with completely faulty evidence and one sided views.
You, however, often turn on people that do...
OK, I don't have the time or motivation to read this whole thread, sorry if this repeats anything.
You are all calling Russia, China, Cuba, etc failed attempts at communism. Not one of those...
That wave is, as Harv said, in the Skookumchuck Narrows in Egmont, BC. The wave is not on a river though. It is formed when the tide flows in through a narrow canal between two inlets.
Boofing is for pussies, real men just piton/get worked and take it.
As we all know, there is nothing more manly than not boofing. When the ladies see you getting worked and/or breaking your...
Sweet! Gotta give props to you SE boaters given us some stoke for the winter.
Hey, was that John Angermeier Daniel Stewart in the background of that first pick? Were you paddling with em?
Anyway, Big Creek is a sick run and it sounds like it was a new experience for you.
KINGPIN, you will not regret a play boat on the run. Make sure your outfitting is comfortable first and it will be no issue. The rapids are big but they are not hard, playboat makes em more fun.
Yeah, if you are rowing the whole time, you might want to get some gloves and put lotion in them for when you are rowing, at least in the flat-water. Otherwise your hands are gonna be in serious pain.
Not to be the downer here but I wouldn't recommend bringing any weed on a GC trip. The rangers are doing pretty thorough checks these days.
If you have an SLR, still bring a small point and shoot...
Be nice to him! I for one get a kick out of reading/trying to unscramble OBF's garbled messages to the rest of human kind.
Nice dude. The Watauga is sick and stateline is dope =). Glad to hear you nailed it.
Tell me the line about playboating after you surf the dries this spring. :yourock:
Max was a great kid and a great boater. We will all miss him.
The pile is the foamy part that you surf on. The green is the water flowing downstream. The crease is where the foam and the downstream water meet.
If you really want to learn this stuff, I highly...
To cratwheel you shouldn't lean forwards or backwards. Stay in an upright position the whole time.
To initiate, place your bow near the crease between the pile and th green water. Put your boat...
Already finished it man, moved into my dorm at CC a few days ago an I'm now enjoying college. I'll post a TR soon, here and at PP.
In the end, who cares what the label is on the rapid? Yeah, you have to treat class V with a little more respect because the possible consequences can be deadly but still, a class III rapid is just...
In my opinion, to consider running class V water, you should
1) Almost NEVER swim in class IV water.
2) Run every class IV line with style, not just barely making it down.
3) Be able to...
I can see how that wouldn't be helpful...
I just finished up high school where I swam for a highschool team as well as a club team and this year I will be swimming in college. I have been swimming...
Total Immersion seems to work well for a lot of lap swimmers, although I myself have never taken one. If you want to keep going after that I would recomend joining a masters team with a good coach.
Is this what you are like when you teach history class?
I find you despicable. Yeah, you can dislike someone, that is a right you have. But when you hate/fear people you don't even know...
Well, I stopped actually reading this thread after a few pages because I can see that it isn't really going anywhere new...I do, however, feel like I should say something.
I think Brett is like...
The real M-Wave is go behind it. All of the dangerous tunnells are "upstream" of the wave. You have a ton of time after washing off the wave to roll up and make it to shore (about 100 yeards...
Hey, I'm going to be at College in the Springs this fall and I was wondering what the story is on water levels in the fall. Anything still running?
First of all, the Recoil is much less of a play boat than others in its class and is much closer to the Ammo than you might think.
Second, how is Jackson overrated? The boats are the...