blackcomb opening all time. maybe 1984 comparable. Glacier express opening tommrow and yes Spanky's marked and open tommrow. Usually just soft opening (OB) on glacier opening. Blue skies this...
Type: Posts; User: sluffhunter
blackcomb opening all time. maybe 1984 comparable. Glacier express opening tommrow and yes Spanky's marked and open tommrow. Usually just soft opening (OB) on glacier opening. Blue skies this...
Well, as some of you may know, I busted up my ankle in La Grave on April 13 2003 when my "barn door" Tecnica boot broke on me. I have 3 big screws in there. Well it has been a long recovery, but...
Shave your calf.... seems like a good highdea. For those with shin bang, check to see how tight your calf muscles are. You have to stretch your calf muscles. When your calves (sp?) get tight the...
Well, last night was a huge gathering of kind souls.
The doors opened up at 7pm and Dustys (capacity 300+) was filled up by 7:20 pm. But that didn't stop the masses. There were over 200 people...
Alot of tranciver checks on guided trips are done within a 5 metre range, with each person going by the guide to see if their personal tranciver works, then the next person goes by the guide. For an...
bump, from the great white north.
Well it has taken me a few days to grasp what I needed to say.
I was wondering if any of the other maggots knew him.
Our good friend of the mountains Chris Romeskie is now flying with the...
I skiied that line off the Augille Vert twice. Very very steep. Those pics don't lie. RIP Marco Siffredi. 1250 M of that (4000?ft vert)
Ah yes Sinners, one of the most watched movies in our house
Hey Mulletizer, you still have to show those boyz the goods. What no rope with you those dayz. keep rippin and tell everyone I'll be back.
Hey Mulletizer, you still have to show those boyz the goods. What no rope with you those dayz. keep rippin and tell everyone I'll be back.
What airline. I know that KLM has been know to fuck shit up. Did it to me on the way to La Grave. They told me to go look in a pile of about 30 pairs of unclaimed skies that were destined for...
Snowing right now to bottom of red chair, Raining in the valley.
I've skiied about 400 days on Whistler and about 600 days on blackcomb.
I go to Whistler when it snows to the valley. Not so much...
Well, Blackcomb Mtn. saw some impressive skiing this weekend.
World Freeskiing Championships results
Men ( 2 run total) (1 run Ruby Bowl, 1 run Diamond Bowl)
1 Manuel Gaidet (Courchevel) ...
She had to save money just to enter the comp. The site does need a little touching up.
this is her web site, this is what she does so she can ski all the time.
Buy some of her art and support the cause.
there is one pic of her rippin on her site.
I'm not gimping any more. Should be back at it soon
Alisha Reilly-Roe.
Well it's been a while since I posted here, mainly because I am not skiing quite yet, but my girlfriend just won the canadian free skiing comp(qualifier for world championships) here in whistler...
DINMS is going to become the next president.
Maybe just the president of a chat room, but president none the less.
This board might actually be usefull for education too. Even a few months ago...
quite the satillite image. When those storms come from the south, as they almost always do early season, La Grave gets hammered with snow. Another great early season there.
mulletizer, it was Ptor, Doug C, and Mathieu (recovered)
They skied the vallon then skined back up to ski Bannan
teleski is the term used for t-bar
I believe their telepheric (wrong spelling) ie gondola is still working.
The teleski access alot of what La Grave is about. It is only a couple hundred metres...
Just got wurd from some La Grave cronnies. Because La Grave doesn't open until dec 21 (financial reasons) they did the one lift up Les Deux Alps and traversed to La Grave.
Nipple deep snow they...
As it was stated, the snowpack is a little suspect. Rogers Pass does gobble up all of the snow. (about 30 minute drive from Golden) Rogers is a must ski tour stop if you are going to Golden. Great...
I sees where your comeing(sp?) from xboat. It's almost like takeing the next step, before there was even a first step. KQ does make a point though. and besides I'm sure the cougar won't turn out...
Definately one of the strangest questions put up on this board.
That's like asking if anbody out there thinks you car is dangerous, without looking at it. There is this thing called snow science. ...
I got the impression the destruction wasn't done by and "enviromentalist", there is more schrapnal in the forest now. I believe it was some NIMBY who lived near by. A couple of people used to...
Holy shit, Powslut, was it you and your fucking RULES that fucked my trail over? NO, NO and NO to your questions/statements.
The trail was built somewhat close to people's back yards. I am...
well I have been back home in Whistler for about 2 weeks, from a lengthy hiatus. I'm talking mountain biking with the cronies and last night one of the boyz says, "oh shit you don't know yet"
I like the idea of scrambling to create "rank" over said religion, but I haven't heard of any guidline.
Do I get to ski endless 50+degree slopes without getting tired and having nothing but...
What does our heaven look like?
For some it is 72 virgins.(shity that idea already got stolen)
Endless 50+degree slopes?
nippledeep pow always.
Rock drops everywhere?
never ending terrain...
I am still blown away over it. To all those canadians, and Amercian fans of the band. I just saw The Tragically Hip in a bar with a capacity of 150 people.
The band has been up here in...
Stay strong, keep your head up. We are all here for you, so your not fighting this one alone.
ROCK always wins. Rock always wins.
every digi I have seen/used has a bit of a delay before the pic is taken = not so good for action shots..
I build houses up in Whistler and before we build someone a house we tell them that we have a 20 cm rule (8 inches). If it snows that much we no worky. Easy to keep the crew motivated to work and...
My best Oh shit moment was just now looking at that picture.
did this certain cougar Prrrrrrrr or Roarrrrrrrrrrrrr. Gives you a little hint whether or not she really cares about her bf.
Fucking scar tissue you say.
I slept with this one girl that slept around and it actually felt like I was fucking scar tissue. (sorry.. couple of beers deep)
I'm just wondering what a "basic" ski bum looks like???
I was in the movie Ski Bums and we all look different.
Ah what the hell I vote basic ski bum regardless.:)
That guy didn't even make it to the starting gate.
Huck = derogitory term used usually in the same sentence as carcas.
Chuck = somewhat derogitory usually done with a bit of style, usually used in the same sentence as cliff.
Launched = ...
moving map thingys goodie
Jumping a big cliff on ski's HAAA......
That'll cost ya
When I finally get back to skiing. (Please, please,please)
I will be leaving one set of ski tracks, but the Magot collective will be skiing there with me.