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Type: Posts; User: Hoof_Hearted

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  1. Replies

    Chris McGinnis Civil Engineer III (970)...

    Chris McGinnis

    Civil Engineer III

    (970) 453-3183
  2. Um. Who the fuck are you!!??? Maybe stop being...

    Um. Who the fuck are you!!??? Maybe stop being such a snot nosed little twirp thinking you're hot shit by camping on TGR all day long and posting shitty humblebrags about your mediocre ability. Why...
  3. Heading to C.O. for a little quick touring...

    Heading to C.O. for a little quick touring January 1-4th. How does Tam Mcarthur Rim looking? Tumalo? Bald Butte? Broken Top? South Sister? I'll most likely be doing all of these again.. unless I...
Results 1 to 3 of 7