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Type: Posts; User: mystic-guru

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  1. Replies

    Dynafit hybrid binding

    My friend is an engineer and tester for dynafit. He claims they are working on a hybrid/burlier binding. They were planning on a reveal this year but backed off. Looking at a possible 2026 release....
  2. An unfortunate reality.... but there will be some...

    An unfortunate reality.... but there will be some 🤘
  3. Ha. Yea I have it usually to buy gear but your...

    Ha. Yea I have it usually to buy gear but your pic made me chuckle. Never made a waffle up there. Had a waffle party one year when we obtained some boxes of waffle mix. Based on past el Nino winters,...
  4. I keep a small online presence, so for the sake...

    I keep a small online presence, so for the sake of anonymity I'll just say yes to one of those things. Very thin. Execs are pushing for opening hard
  5. Love it. I'm in this picture ... trying to get...

    Love it. I'm in this picture ... trying to get this place open
  6. Replies

    So I'm thinking of the future and need some...

    So I'm thinking of the future and need some insight. Parents just turned 80 and live in Santa fe. As they are older I wish to be closer to them. Rest of the siblings are east coast professionals...
Results 1 to 6 of 13