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Type: Posts; User: Patrol_23

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  1. Replies

    J Skis Discussion

    Just wanted to start a thread for J skis.

    Anyone have a lot of experience with theses skis?

    I know the person who made them was with line and boasts that on the website, but i've heard and...
  2. Replies

    Mountain high got some good snow, baldy should...

    Mountain high got some good snow, baldy should have potential just be safe

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  3. This is the first ski I’ve been interested in as...

    This is the first ski I’ve been interested in as my daily while I work, I don’t own any skis currently for working which Is why I want these, bunch of people recommended them for patrolling [emoji4]...
  4. No I need these skis [emoji39] Sent from my...

    No I need these skis [emoji39]

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  5. Awesome thanks for the update! Sent from my...

    Awesome thanks for the update!

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  6. PMd Sent from my iPhone using TGR Forums...


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  7. Sasquatch Sent from my iPhone using TGR...


    Sent from my iPhone using TGR Forums
  8. Anyone know more about the attack’s and outbacks?...

    Anyone know more about the attack’s and outbacks?

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  9. I’d buy two skis for $100 so count me in too ...

    I’d buy two skis for $100 so count me in too

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  10. Yeah I was on a board for years but transitioned...

    Yeah I was on a board for years but transitioned to skis recently. I wouldn’t be on skis if I didn’t think I could do it safely.

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  11. It’s my first set of skis so I wanna be sure, my...

    It’s my first set of skis so I wanna be sure, my friends also the one who has to remount them cause I’m not sure how to do it myself and he hasn’t responded to me yet. Also it’s like a whirlwind of...
  12. Okay thanks for the advice, staying away from...

    Okay thanks for the advice, staying away from experiences. I really am kinda liking the idea of Kartel 98's, Moment PB&J , In talk with someone about a 179 Wren 98, Blizzard Brahma, talking with...
  13. There seems to be a misunderstanding and a little...

    There seems to be a misunderstanding and a little infereing going on here. Just to clarify, some patrollers told me I should stay under 180. One of the reasons why that I heard from a patroller was...
  14. Yeah I personally don’t see the issue with it but...

    Yeah I personally don’t see the issue with it but fellow patrollers told me when I asked them for advice on buying skis that I should avoid longer skis for these reasons. I don’t think it’s an issue...
  15. WTB: SKIS!!! Ski Patroller needs help with a quiver

    Didn’t know about heat, I’ll take a look into that and the monsters
  16. Sounds perfect haha! The search is on Sent...

    Sounds perfect haha! The search is on

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  17. Sounds like fun to me, me and my girl are both...

    Sounds like fun to me, me and my girl are both patrollers and plan on traveling to other mountains for some trip so maybe I’ll contact some people here for good times

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  18. Yeah I agree around 100 sounds good for me at...

    Yeah I agree around 100 sounds good for me at this point.

    As a patroller I always get price checks on tickets and I never know cause I ride for free haha! So sorry about that but I’m guessing...
  19. Good spot thank you I PMd him Sent from my...

    Good spot thank you I PMd him

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  20. WTB: SKIS!!! Ski Patroller needs help with a quiver

    Thanks for the suggestions
    Out of a lot of the suggestions some moments 182s or the similar kartel 98 are what I’m looking for currently for one of my skis.

    And yeah I may be able to do...
  21. WTB: SKIS!!! Ski Patroller needs help with a quiver

    Not understanding why anyone thinks I’m trolling, honestly just looking for suggestions and maybe someone has a ski for me.I’m inexperienced with some stuff when it comes to skis, which I’ve...
  22. Okay thanks! This is the kinda ski I’m looking...

    Okay thanks! This is the kinda ski I’m looking into, something super versatile in all conditions

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  23. Yes we run cascade sleds but there is still very...

    Yes we run cascade sleds but there is still very experience patrollers that have longer skis that have said they have had problems with longer skis. I’m only going off the information I been told by...
  24. Find me some explosives then ;) Sent from my...

    Find me some explosives then ;)

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  25. The size is mostly because I have to pull a sled...

    The size is mostly because I have to pull a sled where the tails can be a problem with hitting the chain break and the actual toboggan if it’s to long of a ski. Also need to be able to turn on a dime...
  26. Haha thanks Luke, glad you had fun. Sent...

    Haha thanks Luke, glad you had fun.

    Sent from my iPhone using TGR Forums
  27. PM sent for Mantras and Experiences

    PM sent for Mantras and Experiences
  28. Looked at this post at one points, have a friend...

    Looked at this post at one points, have a friend who rides those mantras and loves them, as well as the experiences but I wasn't a member on here yet so I couldn't try and buy them. The Fishers on...
  29. Thanks for your suggestion I'll take it into...

    Thanks for your suggestion I'll take it into account, still going to seek out multiple skis for multiple conditions as I ski at various places and want to experience all that the sport has to offer...
  30. I'll go with this advice, seeking out a soul7...

    I'll go with this advice, seeking out a soul7 now.

    It's a secret, and it's a secret.
  31. I would be interested in skis like these, a lot...

    I would be interested in skis like these, a lot of fellow patrollers roll with them and seek them out.

    Rossi Experiences around 165-180 with around 70-90 underfoot is what a couple patrollers...
  32. You essentially have to be advance to expert to...

    You essentially have to be advance to expert to patrol where I work cause the conditions and the need to be able to maneuver a loaded toboggan on pretty steep icy terrain. I would say I lie in...
  33. Pretty new to this site so I rather not give out...

    Pretty new to this site so I rather not give out too much information as of yet cause there's only 3 real mountains in my area and I already mentioned I'm a patroller so there's a strong chance...
  34. Southern California varies and being on the...

    Southern California varies and being on the mountain every day varies, so I'd say mainly firm snow after the groomers are washed out, some icy conditions occasionally, but we do get powderish days,...
  35. I heard size and weight didn't matter to much, I...

    I heard size and weight didn't matter to much, I ride a 165 Salomon shaped with a pretty narrow underfoot that a friend lets me borrow for daily patrolling, but im not sure of full specs.

    BSL is...
  36. Southern California, are you asking for a...

    Southern California, are you asking for a specific mountain or reason?
  37. WTB: SKIS!!! Ski Patroller needs help with a quiver

    Sorry for the vagueness but this is pretty exciting for me and I'm looking for help. The backstory; snowboard patroller who finally made the jump to ski's and I love it so now I'm searching for skis....
  38. Replies

    Ahhh hmm maybe I'll give it a try next time I...

    Ahhh hmm maybe I'll give it a try next time I need to condition my Kincos or FTP's to bake them after. There was a little bit of a sticky/waxy feel to them at first but as soon as I used them that...
  39. Replies

    SnoSeal is the same I just did actually as well....

    SnoSeal is the same I just did actually as well. I was under the impression you're not suppose to re-bake them after applying?
  40. Replies


  41. Replies

    FTP Advocate

    I'd like to drop my reply here and advocate for the FTP gloves, been using them for three years as a patroller. Been through the rough of it and they still work fine with minimal wear surprisingly....
  42. Replies


    Looking for said bullshit. Also any idea about how many posts I need to get on the gear swap? I'm new here and looking to build my quiver!
Results 1 to 42 of 42