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Type: Posts; User: jonathanc

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  1. I've been on the 28 Maestrale Since early...

    I've been on the 28 Maestrale Since early January... couple quick thoughts:

    Note: I'm skiing Dynafit ST bindings on both the BD Justice and Amperage skis

    - This thing is LIGHT - not just kinda...
  2. Replies

    I had a pair of Justice (slightly wider than the...

    I had a pair of Justice (slightly wider than the zealot) - fantastic ski, extremely light, excellent to tour on. Somehow one ski ended up breaking laterally/horizontally about 4-6 inches in front of...
  3. No idea on the question, just chiming in that I...

    No idea on the question, just chiming in that I had the EXACT same thing happen to my original Radicals. I didn't realize until I was halfway through a tour, and the binding wouldn't stay in tour...
  4. I agree with this sentiment. I'm not overly...

    I agree with this sentiment. I'm not overly experienced in the backcountry, only getting out a few dozen times a year, however I was lucky enough that my very first real multi-day backcountry trip...
Results 1 to 4 of 13