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Type: Posts; User: Crystal_Mt_Dreamin

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  1. Looks like it's tied to email addresses now. Was...

    Looks like it's tied to email addresses now. Was working just fine for me a few days ago when I tried.
  2. Daaaaamn, where was this deal this spring when I...

    Daaaaamn, where was this deal this spring when I grabbed my Sight? Can get a fairly dialed Tyee CF for $3300 shipped!
  3. Damn that looks great, someone will be stoked

    Damn that looks great, someone will be stoked
  4. Replies


  5. Replies

    I am trying to plan quick boys trip so I can get...

    I am trying to plan quick boys trip so I can get off island for a bit, you guys think things are going to be rideable (and fishable?) in that Aug 22ndish window?
  6. Had a tire plug hold on the 2nd attempt of fixing...

    Had a tire plug hold on the 2nd attempt of fixing it before giving up altogether (first attempt ended in me taking my bike for a nice little DH ride). It's the little things in life!
  7. Replies

    494727 Been getting a lot of swell past week...


    Been getting a lot of swell past week or so. AM waves, PM trails, throw in some beers at Howzit - heaven.
  8. Soooo many deals on new bikes right now. Jenson...

    Soooo many deals on new bikes right now. Jenson has a Norco Optic, size L, for $3k. Not a true XC whippet, but would prolly scratch the itch you've got.
  9. Replies

    Honolulu. On the 3rd sideways pic that's...

    Honolulu. On the 3rd sideways pic that's Diamondhead in the distance.

    Great dog! My yellow just turned 11 last week.
  10. Replies

    The trails by my new home are kinda fun. Starts...

    The trails by my new home are kinda fun. Starts with this odd (to me at least) pine forest at the top, not what I consider the usual trees for a tropical locale


    The place is littered...
  11. Replies

    Their site is definitely "fuck buying from this...

    Their site is definitely "fuck buying from this scam site" level look/feel but I've both purchased from them and returned purchased goods to them. Purchase went smoothly, return IIRC took longer...
  12. Replies

    How do they fit? I'm a classic Aria 'round oval'...

    How do they fit? I'm a classic Aria 'round oval' fit, curious if these fit that head style or others

    EDIT: Disregard. I must be drunk, missed the post above answering the same effin question I...
  13. Replies

    Fack solid bump of this one...planning a trip...

    Fack solid bump of this one...planning a trip with the homeys for this summer so I can get out of this tropical BS, can't wait
  14. Potentially interested, probably too much bike...

    Potentially interested, probably too much bike for my needs but hey, that never stopped me...any idea what year the frame is?
  15. pound me too, aqua seafoam shame

    pound me too, aqua seafoam shame
  16. Replies

    Before things are bloomed up I treat that place...

    Before things are bloomed up I treat that place as "if it's a plant it's poison oak", even though in reality probably only....85% of the plants there are poison oak.
  17. Replies

    Ashland is ~60 miles further away from Camas than...

    Ashland is ~60 miles further away from Camas than Bellingham....though typically with less traffic given the fuckery that Tacoma/Seattle portions of I-5 have become
  18. Replies

    It's $2 now! I swear when we rode in Jan it was...

    It's $2 now! I swear when we rode in Jan it was a buck (but maybe not, not the most obvervant, especially in the AM before 48oz of coffee) and then boom, it's two bucks next time 'round.

  19. Replies

    If it'll work for you OP I've got a Voile DIY kit...

    If it'll work for you OP I've got a Voile DIY kit I'll sell for $100. It's the slightly older model (two years maybe, can't recall when they changed the look of some of the parts). I never got...
  20. I've been staying in lurker mode for awhile due...

    I've been staying in lurker mode for awhile due to new baby/lack of outdoor stoke to add but this pile of shit forced me to finally login and add my .02 so that this legendary thread lives on in...
  21. Nice NR Offshore Chugach! Just got my own AL...

    Nice NR Offshore Chugach! Just got my own AL love boat but she's about the size of the tender you'd use with that beast! She's at bottom paint now but will be up on the Sound as of this weekend. ...
  22. Meh, shelfed it. I was a week off on my timing...

    Meh, shelfed it. I was a week off on my timing :cussing:
  23. That's a cool idea. Spied the Owyhee on the...

    That's a cool idea. Spied the Owyhee on the drives out there I've done in the past but never stopped.
  24. JFC I'm an idjit. Just went online to look at...

    JFC I'm an idjit. Just went online to look at Mike Harris openings, didn't realize the 4th was next week! I was thinking this week is last week. Calendars, how do they work :\
  25. Coffee shops andor breweries depending on the...

    Coffee shops andor breweries depending on the time of day. After a few years of 247 I don't need to pull a full 8 hours, I usually do a few hours in the morning to send stuff to my clients and then...
  26. First beer is on me to help alleviate any...

    First beer is on me to help alleviate any neighborhood destruction fears

    Thanks for all the beta guys. Will be wading and don't need lights out fishing, would just be a nice change to have decent...
  27. Victor/Driggs/Jackson area next two weeks

    Thinking about rolling out to the Tetons for a week or so to flyfish in the AM before working remotely, than MTB or flyfish again in the PM. Is there anything open/worth fishing right now? First...
  28. Old ass forgot about this listing bump. ...

    Old ass forgot about this listing bump. Kegerator is gone, the rest is available. Maybe a beacon for you Boston folks for just walking around the city?
  29. I was doing an in-house 'search' when mine...

    I was doing an in-house 'search' when mine arrived and it would occasionally telling me the victim's beacon was behind me. Ended up assuming it was due to cell phones/routers/whatever else in the...
  30. Well I'd say this went over well for OP 160785

    Well I'd say this went over well for OP

  31. Skis must be too extreme for everyone. Maybe...

    Skis must be too extreme for everyone. Maybe I'll get a PBR lam made and turn these into a true collector's item.
  32. Got your PM with your bro's number. You have 22...

    Got your PM with your bro's number. You have 22 posts, all in Gear Swap. Going to hold off and see if a Mag wants it first.
  33. bib jorts. like these, just cutoff. 160681

    bib jorts. like these, just cutoff.

  34. Knew it was going to bibs happen before I bibs...

    Knew it was going to bibs happen before I bibs decided if it was the year to replace bibs the ol' Stoic. Really bibs stoked to see how far your product has come, hope you continue bibs cranking out...
  35. Ortovox D3, Voile DIY kit, K2 Miss Conduct 169, free kegerator

    Just moved into a new place and finding shit that's been hidden in the basement. Time to turn this shit into $ so I can turn it into new shit to hide in the basement :biggrin:

    First up, Ortovox...
  36. Mine did not even though the listing said it did...

    Mine did not even though the listing said it did

    Heard about that! Classic.
  37. I know they are one less as of last night ...

    I know they are one less as of last night :biggrin: (and damn quick turnaround, already got shipping notice)

    Thanks for posting 1kOaks
  38. TAKE MY MONEY NOW. Seriously, I am sooo in...


    Seriously, I am sooo in on some bibs that will fit my goofy frame.
  39. Replies

    needs moar instagram filters! nice foosball...

    needs moar instagram filters!

    nice foosball table.
  40. Replies

    All aboard the reading comprehension failboat!

    All aboard the reading comprehension failboat!
  41. Intentionally stayed out of Gear Swap for the...

    Intentionally stayed out of Gear Swap for the past 6 months or wallet is about to get a workout
  42. Damn, your jackets have come a long way! ...

    Damn, your jackets have come a long way! Congrats. May have to get on this...

    Any plans to make bibs that are long enough for a 6'4 human?
  43. Replies

    Tried to post a standing ovation gif. Failed...

    Tried to post a standing ovation gif. Failed miserably and opted to have a beer to celebrate for you. Congrats, that's a nice deal on a new sled!
  44. Replies

    Sounds like you need a TGR friend to join you on...

    Sounds like you need a TGR friend to join you on wake trips?
  45. Replies

    I'm glad we're not neighbors :fmicon:

    I'm glad we're not neighbors :fmicon:
  46. Replies

    I want to drink at Tutuko's house, his beers...

    I want to drink at Tutuko's house, his beers sound right up my alley
  47. Replies

    No one ever accused me of being the best decision...

    No one ever accused me of being the best decision maker :D

    My logic (or lack thereof) was in thinking that for around $4-5k I get something that is sitting on 2k miles or so which is starting to...
  48. Replies

    Any clear leaders in the 2013+ year model sleds? ...

    Any clear leaders in the 2013+ year model sleds? Considering upping my initial budget up a bit on the hope I can pick up something a bit newer that (hopefully...) has less gremlins waiting to rear...
  49. Replies

    Similar thing happened to me when I was 8 using...

    Similar thing happened to me when I was 8 using my uncle's sled....I can still see that fucker taking off full throttle, hitting the tree and doing an endo in slowmo :eek:
  50. Replies

    Welp I guess I'm a little ahead of the effort...

    Welp I guess I'm a little ahead of the effort curve in that I snowboard so won't be riding in ski boots. Small victory. Now I just need some of the little pieces to make this plan happen - like a...
Results 1 to 50 of 300
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