Thanks for the Line love! Not going to get into this but to clarify yes our production is in China, in a sweet state of the art factory and everything is developed, tested, prototyped ect in the...
Type: Posts; User: Line_Skis
Thanks for the Line love! Not going to get into this but to clarify yes our production is in China, in a sweet state of the art factory and everything is developed, tested, prototyped ect in the...
We're using the same extra thick edge and base material as in all our skis. All good and nice and burly.
Influence hooks up a bit more and isn't as planky/burly as the Mo'Ship. Sure dudes who like big ass crazy skis and 10 ft tall Norweigians loved the Mothership, but it wasn't a practical ski and didnt...
yes changed significantly..we took the feedback of what it lacked, stepped back and figured out what a 115 waist big mtn charger should be and made necessary changes. Basically added features and...
nope, it made it's appearance in 10/11 (big color wheel graphic) and eveyr bacon before that did not have early rise. The Pandora still uses the previous chassis (115 mm underfoot) and only has tip...
solid review thanks! Sounds like you'll have a great season with Sir Francis. Enjoy!
192 cm Opus coming out next year as well as a 192 Influence 115. We got taller :)
solid review! Thanks! We're super pleased with the outcome. When EP said for his new model he wanted to go skinnier and stiffer we thought he was crazy, then after hammering through the development...
that's our crazy Frenchie! and yes, he's on the Mr. Pollard's Opus, they can rip.
awesome! Love the 'Ski the East' sticker too!
Straightline thanks for the pics, and thanks everyone for pointing out our failure in showing the rocker (err, early rise, what we call it because we have camber in them too) profile! Yes they're...
heart warming...what a ordeal you guys (and small gal) have been through. looked like a great day
sick shots! LCC is such a hub for talent in front and behind the lens
prophet 130s? they look those are like 5 years old. sick POV, sending it off those waterfalls. Looks like its good coverage.