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  1. Replies

    The "rain event" is called February and March. ...

    The "rain event" is called February and March. None of the main lifts operating. Loved the line today.
  2. Replies

    Unfortunately the Columbia watershed is 25%-10%...

    Unfortunately the Columbia watershed is 25%-10% of normal and it's going to be year of record low water levels and record high temp for the water which is an ecological disaster for salmon and lots...
  3. Replies

    Timing is everything. Snow is like storing water...

    Timing is everything. Snow is like storing water for slow release. When it comes down as rain, it just runs off and is mostly lost. And the temperature of what water they are able to save becomes a...
  4. Replies

    Lots of water skis are 215 cm, a wakeboard would...

    Lots of water skis are 215 cm, a wakeboard would shorter.

    Acquaintance who lives in Bend just got back from Kicking Horse, won't ski Bachelor too little, too warm. Kicking Horse has 25%...
  5. Replies

    Spring Chinook starting March 18. Got five days...

    Spring Chinook starting March 18. Got five days out of season pass this year, the Christmas-New Years when Hood had snow. Zero snow in Feb and the Meadows base stayed at 30"...according to...
  6. Maybe Vail will provide lifetime ID theft...

    Maybe Vail will provide lifetime ID theft insurane as Anthem did when all the health records were stolen recently.
  7. Vail's views you more as a cash cow than soylent...

    Vail's views you more as a cash cow than soylent green fodder.
  8. Look at all the data hacks with banks getting...

    Look at all the data hacks with banks getting cracked for billions. Anthem Health Care records stolen with all the info needed for ID theft.

    Vail is asking for information it doesn't need and...
  9. Replies

    If you are athletic and want to continue, you...

    If you are athletic and want to continue, you should probably tell the surgeon that and he will mostly likely recommend the rotator cuff repair as the best way to get back to a high level of...
  10. Replies

    If you want SureFoot quality (and price), try the...

    If you want SureFoot quality (and price), try the local Strolz rep. If you have regular feet, most of the shops are good. They will depend on which sales guy you get, someone experienced or not,...
  11. Replies

    Ugh...the NOAA prediction for warmer, wetter...

    Ugh...the NOAA prediction for warmer, wetter weather for the NW is gruesome. Last year Feb was our savior with big dumps that got us back to 100%. This year it looks like it will be big rains which...
  12. Replies

    40K is about it on the Michelins. Plenty of...

    40K is about it on the Michelins. Plenty of tread left at that point for summer driving but not enough for good ice/snow driving though probably better at that point than any AllSeason.

    The new...
  13. Replies

    Go carbon. I crash and burn a lot and my Kerma...

    Go carbon. I crash and burn a lot and my Kerma carbons are scratched but have taken a lot of abuse. And good support. I broke one of the pins that hold the strap in and they sent me new ones and...
  14. Replies

    I get way better traction and safety hitting Hood...

    I get way better traction and safety hitting Hood and Bachelor 30-40 times a year and that is the key with a ski mobile. Huge traffic jam at Hood around New Years as all the AWD All Season folks...
  15. Replies

    Hmmm...was there Wednesday Feb 4 and we had about...

    Hmmm...was there Wednesday Feb 4 and we had about 6" of nice powder and did a few runs off Collins high traverse.
  16. Replies

    Spot on!! Just one correction. You can just...

    Spot on!!

    Just one correction. You can just swap the snows for as's on the same rims and Les Schwab or America's Tire will swap the TPS transmitters are part of the deal. I'll do that with the...
  17. Replies

    UT/SLC area seems to be about 70% of normal for...

    UT/SLC area seems to be about 70% of normal for precipitation. It's the warm weather that's really putting the hammer down. Every day on the weather report that temp numbers were in red which means...
  18. Replies

    I use Michelin Xices as year round tire. Get two...

    I use Michelin Xices as year round tire. Get two ski seasons and one summer out of them then sell them for $100 as lots of tread left but the snow traction and, most importantly, the ice traction...
  19. Replies

    Can we build an air dam?

    Can we build an air dam?
  20. Replies

    Not really. The slow release of the snowpack is...

    Not really. The slow release of the snowpack is what makes the ecology of NW (and much of the West) work.

    It's what makes the skiing work at all and we are not getting it. Skiing was supposed to...
  21. Replies

    It's the temps that are killing us. The...

    It's the temps that are killing us. The precipitation is 100% normal it's just too warm.

    Last year, the record big rain we just had was 3' of snow and saved the season, but this year it was rain...
  22. Replies

    Like my regular Strolz boots BUT after just two...

    Like my regular Strolz boots BUT after just two seasons the rivets are rusting and top buckle keeps popping open. I had Surefoot previous 10 years but went with the Strolz because nearest Surefoot...
  23. Replies

    Oregon Snowpack at record lows.

    Got five days of Hood skiing in this year around the 1st. Too much warm rain since then. Snowpack measurement confirms the problem is the temp not the precipitation.

    Snowpack levels near...
  24. Replies

    Hoodoo hasn't opened for the last two years due...

    Hoodoo hasn't opened for the last two years due to the warmer weather.

    Bachelor is about 2 hours and so is Hood but I'd always pick Bachelor over Hood unless there is a weather issue.

    Long day...
  25. Replies

    Nice college town. Good place to live. 2 hour...

    Nice college town. Good place to live.

    2 hour drive for good skiing at Bachelor.

    1 hour drive to Newport, the shore, ocean fishing, aquarium (if you have kids).

    Good fishing and camping in...
  26. Replies

    Maybe he said tear up the roads (studs do) and...

    Maybe he said tear up the roads (studs do) and junior went off half cocked.

    When in doubt RTFM.
  27. Thread: SLC or VT

    by EaglesPDX

    Picked SLC and that seems like a good choice. ...

    Picked SLC and that seems like a good choice. Storm totals this week were 4" at Deer Valley, 5" a Park City and 8" at Alta. We found some nice powder runs at Alta off of Collins, Sunspot and...
  28. Can't say as not many people and not much on...

    Can't say as not many people and not much on lines Monday. Just saying what the long term season ticket holders I know are saying....and doing. Weekends with crowds might be diffenet. I think it's...
  29. Here's a Dept. of Justice website on it that will...

    Here's a Dept. of Justice website on it that will probably answer your questions. As you read you see that businesses that ask for detailed information unnecessary to the purchase of a product...
  30. Vail/PC is $112 and Alta is $84. Skiing is an...

    Vail/PC is $112 and Alta is $84. Skiing is an expensive hobby no matter what. Don't think money is the decider on where people go.
  31. Take it up with Vail, they run the Epic Family. ...

    Take it up with Vail, they run the Epic Family. You too can be Epic, just fill out the credit ticket paperwork.
  32. It looks like how Vail skirts the law is that...

    It looks like how Vail skirts the law is that these are "introductory" emails telling me that the email barrage is coming. The email barrage from the various Vail evil doers will probably have the...
  33. Too funny...the spam attack begins. Three...

    Too funny...the spam attack begins.

    Three emails from Vail companies with offers and invites. welcoming me to the "EpicLife".

    And then the email from Vail Resorts letting me know...
  34. Most places simply have a you keep the reciept...

    Most places simply have a you keep the reciept vs. running an risky identity theft scam so they can spam you with advertising. Sleazy and dangerous.
  35. Cautious informed consumer perhaps. All the...

    Cautious informed consumer perhaps. All the consumer protection agencies warn against providing that kind of detailed information when there is no valid reason for the merchant asking for it and if...
  36. Friends live there, season ticket holders. I'll...

    Friends live there, season ticket holders. I'll probably haver to ski there again if I want to ski with them (I do) but I'll definitely have a phony info ready to go.

    I think they might have...
  37. Had nothing to do with the cash. I guess if I...

    Had nothing to do with the cash. I guess if I had been in a more creative frame of mind and not taken by surprise in the early AM, I'd have a phony ID ready to give them and have used cash.

  38. I was pretty cranky and a supervisor appears over...

    I was pretty cranky and a supervisor appears over her shoulder. They "needed" the information "in case there's a problem with the lift ticket". I had a group of locals waiting on me so I wasn't...
  39. Replies

    Interesing advantage to gas stoves is they work...

    Interesing advantage to gas stoves is they work even when the power goes off. Mine plugs in and the On/Off switch is wired but if the power goes out, I turn it "on" and it heats the whole house.
  40. Seemed to. A family of six next to me an they...

    Seemed to. A family of six next to me an they were there before I came and after I left still giving Vail all there ID theft info. Maybe the guy was negotiating to leave his first born vs. his...
  41. Because it's the report of a ski trip. Something...

    Because it's the report of a ski trip. Something people planning a ski trip might want to know.
  42. Warning: Vail/Park City identity theft risk. Won't ski there again.

    Vail/Parky City demands your birth date, full name, full address, phone number, email address before they will sell you a lift ticket.These are all the incredients for identify theft with risk even...
  43. Replies

    Get the Mac. Office on Mac works fine. For...

    Get the Mac.

    Office on Mac works fine.

    For any old files or programs that the Mac can't view or run and you need, you can always get a program called Parallels and have a complete virtual...
  44. Replies

    Or you could say it is that good out there. ...

    Or you could say it is that good out there.

    Flying into SLC next week. Friends there say it will just be skiing the groomers. Which beats Mt. Hood where there's really no skiing at all.
  45. Replies

    Looks like you're the little bitch now. ...

    Looks like you're the little bitch now. Kenworthy is 5'10", 23 years old and Olympic medal winner.
  46. Replies

    "No matter your skills, chance still plays a...

    "No matter your skills, chance still plays a part".

    The Powder biopic, now a memorial, with the videos and pics is excellent.
  47. Kids do great when learning with other kids,...

    Kids do great when learning with other kids, setting them up with class in the AM and then ski with them in the PM is nice. Really works well if you do on a regular basis with same instructor and...
  48. Replies

    Note...after 7 years you probably won't need a...

    Note...after 7 years you probably won't need a new battery (we heard same bogus claim on Prius) but Tesla guarantees resale and battery.
  49. Replies

    Tesla S with AWD is $94K...less $7,500 tax...

    Tesla S with AWD is $94K...less $7,500 tax credit...less $25,000 in fuel over 7 years...less $5000 for no oil change, tuneups etc....$56K net if you've got the upfront cash of $94K.

    While the...
  50. Replies

    Handles snow and ice great with Michelin X-ice's....

    Handles snow and ice great with Michelin X-ice's. This one has slightly oversized Michelin's which increases ground clearance to 5.7", mug guards, full 3M shield (lots of gravel on the road) and...
Results 1 to 50 of 272
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